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The Plot To Overthrow Harold Wilson

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 7:32 am
by Tankanator
Dramatised documentary which explores the reasons behind the sudden resignation on 16 March 1976 of British prime minister Harold Wilson. It is based on secret discussions that he had at the time with two journalists in which he alleges that the British intelligence services had made his position as prime minister untenable and that Britain was on the brink of a military coup, with Lord Mountbatten(notorious Paedarast), the Queen's cousin, lined up to head an interim government after Wilson had been deposed.

At the time the countries under the bootheel of NATO were ran by what we would now call "Deep States". Operation Gladio was in full force and despite its professed aims of being a "stay behind network in case the Soviets invaded" it was more about attacking what little democratic content capitalist states offered.
Edit: YouTube deletes so much fucking shit. Here's Archive version