Imperialist decline and Bourgeois decadence

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Imperialist decline and Bourgeois decadence

Post by Tankanator »

Post examples of the filth of bourgeois society
GERMANY: Gay Pedophile Activists Call For Lesbians To Be Removed From Berlin LGBT Museum Over Opposition To Pedophilia

A politically connected pro-pedophile activist group in Germany is demanding lesbians be removed from an exhibit at Berlin’s Gay Museum due to their historical opposition to pederasty. Krumme-13 is protesting the Museum, claiming that lesbians “submitted in every way to the anti-pedophile zeitgeist of the heterosexual mainstream.”

The Gay Museum was opened in 1985 and was the first of its kind to be solely dedicated to gay history. In October, the Museum launched an exhibit attempting to critically examine the widespread acceptance of pedophiles in the gay men’s rights movement in the 1980s and 1990 titled “Reappraisal: Sexual violence against children and young people in the spirit of emancipation.”

A pamphlet displayed in the museum announcing a parade featuring “gays, lesbians, and pederasts.”

The exhibition is comprised of two main rooms, with one being dedicated to testimonies from victims of child sexual abuse, and the second focusing on historical examples of gay rights publications vocalizing support for pedophilia. Among the displays is a document calling for “solidarity” with the pro-pedophile community advocating against their “exclusion” from the gay rights campaign.

According to one sign within the exhibit, the belief that children — specifically boys — were not harmed by sexual relations with adult men “was supported by the gay movement.” The exhibit reveals that pedophiles found ample support within the community by appealing to “shared experiences of discrimination and persecution.”

By contrast, lesbian women did not express the same level of solidarity towards pedophiles. Following the conversion of the Gay Association in Germany to the Lesbian and Gay Association in Germany in the mid-1990s, the joint [male] homosexual and pedophile movement ended.

In a blog post published at the beginning of November, leaders at pro-pedophile activist group Krumme-13 outlined their rationale for criticizing the exhibition, condemning the female leadership at the museum for “biasing” the exhibit. It also pointed to lesbian historical opposition to pedophilia, and placed the blame for their exile from modern gay rights movements on the inclusion of women.

“The reason for this was primarily that lesbians determined the realignment within the gay movement. The Gay Museum is now dominated by lesbians who have submitted in every way to the anti-pedophile zeitgeist of the heterosexual mainstream. The lesbian activists in the Gay Museum are completely and uncritically committed to protecting children and victims. We strongly condemn the ideology associated with this,” the post continues.
K-13 Post rallying followers to condemn the Gay Museum.

It adds that the Museum is obligated to add a section detailing child abuse victims’ positive experiences with pedophiles to counteract its display on victims.

“If there is a listening station at an exhibition where 10 affected people have the opportunity to report on their childhood sexual abuse, then for the sake of balance there MUST also be those affected who had positive experiences in their childhood,” K13 responded. “The people primarily affected by this exhibition – pedophiles/pedosexuals/pederasts – must be included. The organizer is the Gay Museum, but the sexual minority of pedophiles must not only be visitors, but must also be able to actively participate.”

The activists go on to instruct their supporters to protest the museum and leave letters of condemnation at the exhibit.

“There is a mailbox in the exhibition space in the Gay Museum. We call on visitors, especially in today’s pedophile scene, to protest during their visits. The misrepresentation that there is no consent contradicts the reality of life then, now, and in the future. Former contemporary witnesses and today’s pedophiles / pedosexuals should become politically active again and organize themselves.”

As recently revealed by Reduxx, the German Bundestag last month accepted a petition outlining children’s rights which was drafted by the founder of K13, Dieter Gieseking — who has previously spent time in prison for charges related to the possession and distribution of child pornography. Gieseking’s petition seeks to amend Article 6 of the Basic Law to add statements regarding children’s rights, and states that “children should be viewed as legal subjects with their own rights.”

Among the rights listed within the petition’s text is the assertion that children have “the right to have a say in all matters that affect their emotional, mental and physical well-being,” and “the right to the free development of their personality.”

“Sexual self-determination” is included in Article 2 of the Basic Law under the phrase “free development of personality,” a fact that Gieseking made certain to point out to his followers on his website.

Significantly, Gieseking has previously mocked feminists and lesbians in posts published to the K13 website, stating: “The ethos of feminism and lesbians becomes clear… they ignorantly claim there are no consensual sexual relationships between adults and children.” ... edophilia/
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Man claimed £18,500 disability benefits after willingly having leg amputated, court told

Marius Gustavson, 46, known as ‘eunuch maker’, allegedly oversaw ‘lucrative’ UK body modifications group

The ringleader of an extreme body modifications group who was known as the “eunuch maker” claimed £18,500 in disability benefits after willingly having his leg amputated, a court heard.

Marius Gustavson, 46, was the mastermind of a “lucrative” and “widespread” extreme body modifications enterprise in which procedures – including the removal of genitals – were filmed and streamed on his pay-per-view website, the Old Bailey was told.

Ten men have been charged over their alleged involvement in the plot, including Nathaniel Arnold, 48, Jacob Crimi-Appleby, 23, and Damien Byrnes, 36, who appeared at the Old Bailey in London for sentencing on Friday after pleading guilty to causing grievous bodily harm with intent to Gustavson.

The court heard that Byrnes, from Tottenham, north London, was filmed cutting off Gustavson’s penis with a kitchen knife and saying: “Well that’s one off the bucket list.”

The court heard that Gustavson advertised for someone to assist him in becoming a eunuch on a gay dating app before offering Byrnes, an escort, £500 for carrying out the procedure.

The prosecutor Caroline Carberry KC said Byrnes “readily agreed” and was aware the procedure would be filmed and that “revenue would be generated from pay-per-view subscriptions” on Gustavson’s website. In messages read to court, Byrnes told Gustavson: “I have no issue with it but won’t you loose [sic] a lot of blood, like nearly die.”

Two days before the procedure, Gustavson told Byrnes that he was cutting another person and that he could be a “sexy, kinky helper”. Gustavson had previously boasted that he had “done over 26 guys in total, 18 totally done”, which was a reference to the removal of both penis and testicles, the prosecutor said.

Gustavson phoned 999 after the procedure at his flat in Haringey, north London, on 18 February 2017, saying: “I tried to do some surgery [and it is] a little bit more than a circumcision.” Gustavson, who was described in court as the principal defendant and a willing victim, was treated in hospital for a couple of days before being referred to a psychiatric unit for assessment.

Byrnes told police he performed the procedure for money and that he had thrown up on his way home. Financial records showed Gustavson paid Byrnes more than £1,500 over two years, the court was told.

Co-defendant Crimi-Appleby, from Epsom in Surrey, helped freeze Gustavson’s leg causing it to require amputation on 21 February 2019.

The court heard the pair began messaging in September 2018 when Crimi-Appleby was 17 and were later in a sexual relationship. In messages read to court, Gustavson boasted about procedures he had carried out on other people and said he kept testicles he had removed in jars, to which Crimi-Appleby replied: “Awesome!”

The pair began discussing amputation in January 2019 and Crimi-Appleby said he could not wait to see Gustavson “without a leg” and that he would look “amazing”.

The court was shown a five-minute clip of the eight-hour freezing process that was uploaded on to the website, in which the pair were heard laughing out loud as Crimi-Appleby ladled ice into a bucket.

Gustavson was treated at the Royal Free hospital in London after the freezing. He had to have his leg amputated and remained in hospital for two months. The court was told that he made a successful claim for personal independence payment in May 2019, receiving £18,500 in benefits between July 2019 and October 2021.
Arnold, a nurse from South Kensington, west London, admitted the partial removal of Gustavson’s nipple in summer 2019. He also admitted to stealing anaesthetic between 2016 and 2022 from the Chelsea and Westminster hospital where he worked and also possessing extreme pornography.
The court heard that Arnold gave Gustavson medical advice for procedures and shared a manual with him called “Penile Disassembly Manual: anatomical surgical steps”, which he said was “porn to me”.

The prosecutor said that although Gustavson had “consented and encouraged” the defendants to participate, text messages between them demonstrated that they were “willing participants”.

She said the harm caused by the removal of Gustavson’s penis and leg was “so serious and so severe and life-threatening” that hospital treatment was required to “put things right”.

Gustavson has previously admitted charges including a conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm and will be sentenced with others on 4 and 5 March.

The hearing before Judge Mark Lucraft KC continues. ... nuch-maker
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Post by JoeySteel »

On the one hand this is obviously revolting and disgusting and with the offensive against capitalism these people will be thrown into a fucking dungeon

On the other hand it's probably a good book for Germans who have allowed their industry to be destroyed by Americans blowing up Nordstream 2 so the only viable employment in the future will be offering blowjobs to rich Americans treating their country like Cuba pre-Castro (sarcasm in case anyone cannot tell)
GERMANY: Pro-Prostitution Picture Book Offered To Children By Government Officials
The city of Berlin has prompted outrage from locals after offering a graphic picture book on prostitution to children via its official website. The book, titled Rosie Needs Money (Rosi sucht Geld), is advertised as a resource for youth aged 6 to 12 years old. ... officials/
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