Transmania Containment thread

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Transmania Containment thread

Post by RedAlert »

Creating a containment thread for anything related to the lunatic ideology of Transgenderism

Transgender and "gender identity" began to take off with the paedophile John Money of Hopkins University.
The experiment on the Reimer twins began when Bruce Reimer's penis was destroyed in a circumcision. Burned off using electricty.
One might wonder why the circumcision was not done with a knife like they have been done for thousands of years?
Why opt to burn it off with an electrical tool, that ended up destroying the whole penis?

Could it be because the hospital had two twins in their hospital overnight and decided they wanted to embark on a human experiment dreamt up by perverts and pederasts in bourgeois universities?
That is for reader to conclude.

The mother of the reimer twins - distrought that her son's penis has been removed is quickly referred to John Money of Hopkins university who happened to recommend raising David as a girl.

Bruce Reimer becomes Brenda Reimer.
By the age of 9-11 he began asserting he was a boy and hated being a girl. He eventually confronts his parents in his teenage years who admit the truth and Brenda Reimer becomes David Reimer.
However John Money was presenting his story as a success story.
"The medical community were convinced by case was a success story. I was shocked when I found out they thought I was a success story. "
David Reimer, BBC - Horizon - 2000 - The Boy Who Was Turned Into a Girl
I was never happy as Brenda. Never. I'd slit my throat before I go back to that. I'd never go back to that.
The tragic end of David Reimer occurs at the age of 38 when he blows the back of his head out with a shotgun.

The medical community used the Reimer twin case (presented to them as a success) to sterilise and surgically alter hundreds of thousands of people.

John Money is exposed in John Calapinto's book As Nature Made Him in which it was revealed John Money abused the twins.
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