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Zionist Homosexual Douglas Murrays Attempt To Start A Civil War Against Muslims

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 10:24 am
by RepublicOfEngland
Douglas Murray is a far right-wing commentator, infamous for having written the "Strange Death of Europe".
The Strange Death of Europe essentially says that Europe is doomed due to mass immigration, low birth rates of nationals and loss of faith in beliefs, traditions and legitimacy.

A very strange thing for a practising homosexual to lament!

This article leans heavily on Nick Griffin of the British National Party - a fascists (but anti-zionist) party to show the split in the far right and how the modern, younger pro LGBT far right have married themselves to Zionism.

Murrays deep objection to Islam is a self interest in his 'right' to practice homosexuality, explained here.
MURRAY: Let me give you one very quick example. In Britain, we, some decades ago, came to a fairly straightforward accommodation and belief towards tolerance towards people who were of sexual minorities. If you - if you look now at all opinion surveys of the people who've come in most recently, they have very, very different views. A poll carried out a couple of years ago found that among U.K. Muslims there was zero - zero - belief that homosexuality was a permissible lifestyle choice. And a poll taken just last year in Britain found that 52 percent of British Muslims wanted being gay in the U.K. to be made illegal now.

Now, there are people who won't bake your wedding cake if you're gay. There are some ultra-Protestants who won't marry you in their churches. But these are people who actually want to make it a crime punishable in law in the 21st century in Britain. So I'm afraid that everyone has to concede - liberal or conservative or whatever - that some of the people who the liberals and their attitude towards immigration have brought here have more illiberal attitudes than anyone else in the country. And this is a big problem.

SIEGEL: Yeah. And you represent the other side of that coin, which is someone taking what would be described as a very - your critics would say a very intolerant attitude of immigrants. But you're openly gay and...

MURRAY: Well, I am intolerant - I have to say, I am intolerant of people who want to put me, as a gay man, in prison. Yeah. Yeah, I'm intolerant of that.
Douglas Murray Bays For A Civil War

Leading up to the 11/11/2023 protests the ruling class and it's Zionist lackies began attempting to convert Armistice Day into an armed confrontation of right-wing Zionists and those protesting for Palestine. Armistice Day in Britain has always been a day where a two minutes silence is observed on the 11th month of the 11th day of the 11th hour.

The day has always been a day where you go by your day, at 11am observe the two minutes silence by stopping whatever you're doing (if you're out shopping or whatnot), then continuing your day. The Right wing press immeditately began turning Armistice day into an almost religious reverence day whereby the Palestine protests should be banned and a deliberate effort to conflate Armistice day with Remembrance Sunday (which fell on the 12/11/2023).
Murray: They've lost control of the streets. Is it time to send in the army, probably yes. But if the army will not be sent in then the public will have to go in themselves and it'll be very, very brutal.

The homosexual Zionist Douglas Murray began using this to call out the far right in "defence of the cenotaph".
"We have sacred places too! You think you can trample on them? Prod us and insult us by marching on those days with hate, antisemitism, anti-British sentiment? No! If the MET police will not protect the Cenotapth then it will be up to the British public. But this is what happens when law and order breaks down!
Why don't we learn to protect the British people?
The Israelis government knows how to look after the Israelis people.
The British government should know how to look after the British people!"
Nick Griffins response to this was
Old, but interesting. Towards the end, Douglas Murray admits to fears for his own safety.

Here's a message for this odious warmongering coward:

Plenty of us know that you're trying to spark a bloodbath in Britain. We also understand that you don't expect or want us to fight and win a civil war. You just want some gangs of wound up drunks to steam into a few Musim ghettos and get annihilated by the younger, fitter, better organised and better equipped inhabitants.

Then you (or, rather, your backers) expect the furious Brits to support British involvement in Israel's planned war on Iran. That's what it's all about.

But let me assure you. If you, Tommy, Farage, Braverman & Co DO manage to help spark a civil war, then after a period of one-sided slaughter, the natives will get it together and settle down to wage a Long War.

At which stage, I promise you this: There will be armed men on both sides who will remember your role in plunging us all into hell.

"Be careful what you wish for!"
Nick Griffin also expressed fears that this could spark a "bloody era" comparable to Northern Ireland. Accusing Tommy Robinson (a football hooligan Zionist) of being a poundshop Paisley.
Burntollet Bridge

In 1969, (Communist-led) Catholic Civil Rights marchers with real grievances were ambushed at Burntollet Bridge by Protestants with real fears.

It was the spark that ignited the fires of ethnic cleansing all over Northern Ireland, with whole streets burnt out and a huge two way ethnic cleansing campaign.

The confrontation being planned in London on Saturday has Tommy as a Zionist-backed Pound Shop Paisley on one side, and angry Muslims mobilised by Trotskyites & Islamists on the other. It has real potential to become multicult Britain's Burntollet.

Especially as the Home Secretary is pouring fuel on the fire as part of her campaign to become PM and her husband's Zionist agenda.

Stay away. And be ready to lurch into a new and bloody era. I'm not saying it WILL start on Saturday, but that it COULD.
Tommy Robinson Brings Out His Zionist Footsoldiers

If the Zionist, effete Douglas Murray with his well spoken English accent was to provide the gentrified Islamaphobia and pro Israel talking points then Tommy Robinson of the English Defence League (EDL) was the Zionist shill tasked with 'representing' the working class and rilling them up over alleged attacks on the Cenotaph.

On Armistice day Tommy spent his time in a pub stitching the British flag to an Israelis flag. A flag waved by terrorists that killed hundreds of British soldiers on a peacekeeping mission and sold Exocets to Argentina. This is the nationalism of the "British Nationalists"

"Tommy" (his real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) lives of Zionist money.
A Philadelphia-based thinktank, the Middle East Forum (MEF), acknowledges it has spent about $60,000 (£47,000) on Robinson’s legal fees and demonstrations staged in London earlier this year. ... exit-march
The Middle East Forum is a pro-Israel think tank founded by Zionist Daniel Pipes. It is headed by a former employee of the Israeli ministry of military affairs, Greg Roman.
Gregg Roman has been the director of the Philadelphia-based Middle East Forum since 2015.
A US tech billionaire, Robert Shillman, financed a fellowship that helped pay for Robinson to be employed in 2017 by a rightwing Canadian media website, the Rebel Media, on a salary of about £5,000 a month. ... exit-march
Robert Shillman is another Zionist anti-muslim pig

Shillman sits on boards of The Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, The Jewish Foundation for the Righteous, and the David Horowitz Freedom Center.[3][6][7]
He also funds Brigitte Gabriel´s ACT!, James O'Keefe's Project Veritas, Frontpage magazines and Rebel News and argues against the US accepting Syrian Muslim refugees.[8][9][10] He has been described as a counter-jihad "elite".[11] President George W. Bush appointed Shillman to serve on the Honorary Delegation to accompany him to Jerusalem for the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel in May 2008.[12]

In August 2018, it was revealed by The Times that Shillman had been providing finances to British far-right activist Tommy Robinson by helping to pay his "five figure salary",[13][14] although at the time of writing this arrangement had ended.
The David Horowitz Freedom Center (DHFC), a California-based thinktank that describes itself as a “school for political warfare”, has published a series of pieces defending Robinson, and has lobbied for him to address US politicians. ... exit-march
David Horrowitz is another Zionist Neocon who wrote "Why Israel is the Victim". ... iddle-east

Although my party did experience some minor violence by right-wing Zionist shills the much hoped for civil war by the sodomite and Zionist right was a wash out. The sheer number of Zionist 'nationalists' was tiny and their build up of the "Cenotaph being attacked" ended up....Being attacked by boozed up rightoid Zionists. And the tabloids switched to calling them thugs.
Screenshot from 2023-11-17 11-55-36.png
Screenshot from 2023-11-17 11-55-36.png (641.64 KiB) Viewed 1660 times
The lesson to be learned here is that the far-right cannot call themselves nationalist in any sense when they're in fact cosmopolitans (quite literally sewing the British and Israelis flag together). Their nationalism is a fake nationalism to hide their support for a cosmopolitan foreign policy and subservience to cosmopolitanism(ie. empire building).
A country that spits on Christians in the birth place of Jesus and was killing British soldiers only a generation ago.

The authentic nation of Britain can only be represented in Communism (revolutionary Marxism-Leninism) because "British Nationalism" long ago became complete globe trotting cosmopolitanism. British capitalism is so pathetic at preserving the British nation that the so-called "nationalists" shill for Israel. But if Israel were supported to the full we would likely be pulled into a World War due to the Talmudic prophecy of building the new Temple where the Al Aqsa Mosque is.