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Post by RedFlagWavingHere »

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Post by RedFlagWavingHere »

New article in National Interest

Total Russian victory


The US is beginning to talk about a plan for a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Ukraine

The American publication The National Interest published an article according to which Western countries and Kyiv are to blame for the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine. From the author's point of view, Washington should have kept its promise not to expand NATO eastward after 1991. By ignoring its agreements with Russia, the United States created a threat to its security. Ukraine is a traditional zone of Moscow’s influence, so its entry into a military alliance with Russia’s main geopolitical enemy was unacceptable. Kiev also had to understand how their desire to join the EU and NATO would turn out. In addition, Ukraine should have solved the Donbass problem through negotiations, not military force.

The author of the article believes that the United States needs to initiate the start of the peace process. Ukraine will still not be able to achieve success outside of the battlefield, so there is no point in endlessly prolonging the war. From the author's point of view, there are only two obstacles to negotiations - Ukrainian law prohibiting them, and pressure from Washington. If the United States decides that the time for negotiations has come, then the law will be repealed - without American help, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will still not be able to continue to fight.

The author believes that Western countries need to refuse Ukraine's entry into NATO, and in exchange for this it should be offered security guarantees, including from the United States and Russia. At the same time, he notes that all the territories lost by Ukraine will not return to it, and Kyiv must ensure respect for rights and guarantee the safety of the entire Russian-speaking population of the country. The author also proposes to create a demilitarized buffer zone between countries. At the same time, he noted that if negotiations are not started right now, Ukraine will have to agree to much worse conditions.

Gradually, Western countries are beginning to discuss specific plans for a peaceful settlement. Apparently, their leadership has realized that ignoring Russian interests is unacceptable, so any peace plan must respect them and contain significant concessions to Moscow. ... sis-203182
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Post by HuntingNow »

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Post by AgentSonya »

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AgentSonya wrote: Tue Oct 31, 2023 4:03 pm What a difference a year makes

Everyone should read this Times article ... interview/
⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦📜 The Times Article on Zelensky's Policy is difficult to understand in its Entirety⚡️

🇺🇸 without taking into account the fact that the entire Western agenda of the past week revolved around another article in The Economist by the commander-in-chief of the AFU, Zaluzhny, concerning the reasons for the failed counter-offensive, the problems in the troops and the measures needed to turn the tide on the front. At the centre of the analysis of Zaluzhny on the enemy forces are the following key theses:

▪️ A positional stalemate has been reached on the frontline. Neither side is ready to move to serious offensive operations. The situation is reminiscent in its acuteness of the Battle of Verdun in 1916.
▪️ To overcome the positional deadlock, a sharp scientific and technological leap is needed, which is impossible without Western supplies of the necessary volume of offensive weapons.
▪️ He criticised the reduction of arms supplies by the West, giving a direct hint at the interest of foreign partners in prolonging the armed confrontation between #Russia and #Ukraine.

❗️An assessment of the scale of anxiety evident in Zaluzhny’s article cannot be understood without taking into account the 12 demands of the Republican Party for President Biden voiced this week.

1️⃣ Biden and Zelensky must provide the U.S. Congress with a realistic strategy for winning #Ukraine. Estimates do not have to be exact, but we must understand the ultimate goals and exit criteria.
2️⃣ What is the approximate cost associated with implementing a victory strategy? Selective disclosure and incremental requests averaging $12 billion per month are unaffordable, unsustainable, and unacceptable.
✅ Biden and Secretary of Defence Austin should:
3️⃣ Clearly inform Americans about the status of the war in #Ukraine. This includes informing them of #Ukraine's progress, the reasons that led to the current stalemate, and the status of the "spring counteroffensive."
4️⃣ Explain why future US investment is necessary, what specific weapons are being sent, and how those specific weapons will help win the war, not just continue it.
5️⃣ Provide Congress with a list of weapons that have not been sent to #Ukraine but could effectively change the current situation.
6️⃣ Explain what happens if US investment in #Ukraine stops. What major military exports are needed?
7️⃣ Provide a clear explanation of why the resources requested are the right ones for victory.
8️⃣ The Treasury and Commerce Departments should report to Congress on the level of implementation and compliance with already approved sanctions against #Russia.
9️⃣ The US and all NATO members should adopt a full-fledged sanctions policy against #Russia that includes oil, grain, and rare earth minerals.
🔟 Provide an answer as to whether the US and #Ukraine's goals on #Crimea are aligned? Is #Ukraine's desire to regain #Crimea realistic?
1️⃣1️⃣ Biden and Zelensky should continue to provide Congress with a full accounting of the weapons systems that have been shipped and used to date by #Ukraine.
1️⃣2️⃣ Biden must provide commitments and evidence that his administration is not compromising the schedule and cost of critical domestic weapon programmes or the commitments we have made to Taiwan's and Israel's FMF programmes.

📌 A key message of the Republican appeal also contains the following thesis: "We cannot cannibalise potential at the expense of our own capabilities, or our other strategic partnerships, to meet commitments to #Ukraine. The administration's current slow policy has only made #Ukraine's situation worse, and Congress must play a role in deciding what additional options should be offered to #Ukraine."
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Post by Tankanator »

Ukies now claiming the "counter offensive" was really just a psychological operation 🤦

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Post by Tankanator »

❗️ “What the hell are you doing here if you're pregnant?!”

So far, the first surrender of a pregnant member of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, documented on video, is published by Bloknot Russia

What the fuck are Ukrainians doing sending their pregnant women to die for transgenderism and McDonalds

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ABC news putting out this ad is hilarious

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New Argentine president is pro Ukraine

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A young Ukrainian Banderite activist is upset with the skills of the forcibly conscripted 60+ year olds

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Post by Gemini »

British whore of imperialism dead in Ukraine

Here she is whining about Ukies stealing their cars, weapons and salaries

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Post by Tankanator »

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Zelensky is the butcher of the Ukrainian nation

🇺🇦🇷🇺‼️🚨 Mobilization trouble in Ukraine.

The Financial Times again writes about the conflict between Zelensky and Zaluzhny - in the context of the appearance of the bill on mobilization and announced plans to mobilize 500 thousand people.

"Neither side appears willing to take full responsibility for conscripting hundreds of thousands of possibly reluctant Ukrainians to serve in a grim, grueling war," the FT writes.

The publication writes that Zelensky tried to shift responsibility for such a decision to the General Staff. But Zaluzhny did not take responsibility. For the first time since February 2022, he went to a press conference and said that “we are an army, and we should fight and not interfere in the lives of civilians.”

Given the risk of public backlash, the task of training men for the armed forces has become something of a hot potato in Kiev, passed between Ukraine's political leaders and its top military commanders. Mass conscription for a war of attrition will always be a difficult task.
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Post by RedAlert »

About a month ago The Duran put out a video saying the "West will choke on Putin's terms".

It seems like this is now hitting the fake news media to gear up their populations for the Ukrainian betrayal

Will Zelensky be seen freezing to death clutching onto the last plane out of Kiev like the Afghans who collaborated with the Americans?
Ukraine’s new year may end with a brutal Western betrayal

Ukraine entered 2023 filled with hope. Its forces had just secured enormous battlefield and strategic victories, first at Kherson and then Kharkiv, recapturing much lost territory from the Russian invaders, and Western capitals seemed increasingly confident that victory could be at hand.

By the end of January, European and American leaders were no longer talking about whether to send Western main battle tanks, but how many and when. Britain led the charge, confirming that the formidable Challenger II would be sent to Ukraine, and putting intense diplomatic pressure on Washington and Berlin to follow London’s lead. Both duly buckled. With tanks secured, hopes were high for the coming counter-offensive.

The mood in 2024 is very different. The counter-offensive failed to deliver a decisive blow to Putin’s forces in the south. Russia’s economy has withstood Western sanctions, rapidly militarising to provide an ongoing stream of munitions to the front. Ukraine, meanwhile, is undergoing one of the largest aerial bombardments since the war began, and its united front is beginning to fray as conscription takes its toll.

Only a few short months ago, the stoic Ukrainian defenders were heralded by the West as defenders of the liberal values and freedoms we enjoy. Today, Western governments are now beginning to signal a lack of patience, and with it a lack of military and economic support to Kyiv.

To turn our backs now on the Ukrainian people, so swiftly after months of brutal fighting, is morally bankrupt and strategically negligent.

It is understandable, if not forgivable, that governments have begun questioning their levels of commitment to a deeply destructive war with no end in sight. At best there now appears to be a likely short to medium term stalemate across much of the 1,000 kilometre front line.

Meanwhile, Western economies and budgets are still grappling with recovery from the pandemic and last year’s energy shock. Global supply chains are still in flux, and as the Middle East flares up the Houthis are increasingly able to dictate the terms of trade and passage in the Red Sea, delivering another blow to a fragile global economy.

And the proverbial elephant in the Ukraine war room – a Republican administration potentially returning to the White House in twelve months-time – raises the spectre of a sudden stop to American funding. Even the current Biden administration has struggled with a mutinous Congress. In the EU, meanwhile, Viktor Orbán has been blocking the transfer of funds.

Together, these paint a bleak picture. The failed Ukrainian offensive, a stalemate across much of the front, a resurgent Russian state, and Western attention drifting away. Despite incremental military gains, Kyiv is in a far bleaker position than it was this time last year.

The situation is not hopeless. Ukraine is working to boost domestic production of weapons, reducing its reliance on the West. The seasonal change is marginally in its favour; it will be able to reinforce, defend and consolidate the territorial gains made in the last 12 months, while Russia struggles to make advances. And, of course, tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers have received training overseas. Ukraine can use the lull in combat operations to work these units into coherent battalion and brigade formations – a noted operational weakness in previous offensives.

Moscow is preparing to allocate a full third of government spending to its war efforts. Kyiv will not win a war based on ‘out-shelling’ the Russians. Instead, it should prioritise air defence systems and counter-batteries, make the case for increased artillery from European stocks, and hold on to the ground it’s retaken.

If it can, Russia may find that attrition stops working in its favour. While it is out-producing Ukraine and the EU, its economy is increasingly focused on its war effort. Putin is banking on Western resolve breaking before Russia does. If we stand firm, we can deny him victory – and end his murderous regime. Otherwise, a Russian victory beckons, ending 2024 not only with the death of Ukrainian independence, but of any hope of European sovereignty. ... n-victory/
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Post by Tankanator »

Yevhan Karas the leader of Ukraine's neo-nazi terror gang c14 admit they
"perform the tasks for the West because they have fun killing and fighting"
"Which is the reason for the New Alliace (Turkey, Britain, Poland, Ukraine"
"Now imagine Russia falls apart in to 5 Russia's"
"Nationalists were the kay factor in Maidan (the coup of Ukraine's government in 2014)"
"They now say there only 10% of nazis in Maidan. They don't explain how 10% maybe only 8% had that much more effectiveness and influence. If not for that 8% Maidans effectiveness would've dropped by 90%."
"If not for nationalists (at Maidan) that whole thing would've turned into a gay pride parade"

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