(Eugenics propaganda) Kids worse than a car. The Germans convert them to CO2. Climateists do not want to have offspring,

Fascism comes in green as well as brown. Prior to 1974 the environmentalists were all eugenicists and Malthusians. After 1974 the main champions of the "environment" were Thatcherites, George HW Bush, Brian Mulroney and Helmut Kohl.
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(Eugenics propaganda) Kids worse than a car. The Germans convert them to CO2. Climateists do not want to have offspring,

Post by Tankanator »

Below is latest eugenics propaganda article from Climate Change INC
The whole purpose of the Rockefeller foundation was to reduce the human population under Malthusian auspices. It was the Rockefeller Foundation that started the Climate Movement with Limits to Growth.

Below is some of the most antihuman shit you'll ever read

In Germany, a new climatic sect is gaining strength. The fanatics of the Birth Strike Movement - Gebärstreik-Bewegung sterilize themselves so as not to have children. These, according to them, are a great threat to the planet.

The fact that there are more and more lunatics who, due to the alleged threat of global warming, do not want to have children, has been known for several years. Only now, however, are the Germans realizing how many climate fanatics there are, what is the scale of the climate madness. everything incl. thanks to the trial in Regensburg, where a group of lunatics stood before the court accused of sticking to the road and paralyzing traffic and bringing the danger of an accident or catastrophe.

The fanatics decided to use the orchard room as a rostrum to present their case, so in an almost hysterical speech, one of the stickies tearfully told her that she had been sterilized so as not to have children. These, according to her, pose the greatest threat to the planet. It turned out that the 35-year-old belongs to a new climate sect - the Birth Strike Movement. The ladies belonging to it are sterilized, and the men perform a vasectomy - ligation of the spermatic cords. The cost of such mutilation is about 500 euros for men and 1500 euros for women. While the procedure is somehow reversible in the case of sect members, in the case of fanatics it is much more complicated and risky.

The origins of the ligation and sterilization movement are said to date back to 2017, when Sweden's Lund University and Canada's British Columbia published a paper by Seth Wynes and Kimberly Nicholas that not having a child is the best way to prevent the destruction of the planet. The children were converted to tons of CO2 and the madmen came out that they were worse than cars. Such a child, due to handling, feeding, etc., causes an annual emission of 58.5 tons of CO2. And if you stop driving, you save only 2.4 tons a year on average. It turns out that it is not even very profitable to suffocate children - to make those that do not breathe. Breathing is an emission of at most 0.5 tons per year, which is even less than is associated with breeding and eating meat - 0.8 tons.

Numerous critics of the work of Wynes and Nicholas, such as Michael Bilharz, an expert from the German Federal Environment Agency, point out that children cause much less emissions than adults, so it is better to shut down fuel-fired power plants and ban driving than to reproduce. For my part, I would like to add that African children are more ecologically viable than German ones. They use little food, little electricity, almost no clothes, and in such a Congo, they still work in mines and extract cobalt for ecological electric cars.

In Germany, one of the leaders of the sterilization and ligation sect is the self-described "antinatalist" Verena Brunschweiger, author of the book Child Free Instead of Childless . This lady would like the German state to pay childless couples over 50 a €50,000 prize for protecting the planet. It would also be an incentive for the younger ones not to breed. Some members of the sect are in favor of introducing a special incentive program in the future. For example, those who have sterilized, ligated, or otherwise sterilized themselves so that they will not have children would be entitled to more steaks a year or more flights.
German climateists, Russian eugenics

We are dealing with fanatics, insane, brainwashed people, depleted minds. And that's how they should be treated, not as some activists, activists, or anyone who has something meaningful to offer, does something useful. There is no doubt that the Klim is becoming a religion for many. In a pathological, sick way, he fills the void left by her. This is a topic for a separate, very large consideration, but the actions of German lunatics are nothing new under the sun. In the 18th century, the Scots sect was born in Russia. Skopcy - eunuchs believed that the source of all evil are lusts, and the worst of them is sexual. Therefore, in order to get rid of it, they subjected themselves to so-called mutilations. small and great seals. The men were castrated and their penises cut off. Women's nipples were burnt off, their breasts cut off and part of their genitals cut out. All this is also associated with today's "sex change" procedures. Tsar Alexander I, fascinated by the religious zeal of the eunuchs, gave them great funds and fortunes. Over time, it turned out that the sect was a threat to the whole society, even if it weakened the military forces, so the Skops were brutally fought off, but they survived until the Bolshevik revolution.

We can laugh at the madmen, but it is an illusion that since we are in the 21st century, the madmen cannot have a huge impact on the state and society. Only the fanatic fathers and grandfathers of today's Germans served one of the most monstrous regimes in the history of mankind.

Were it not for the fact that the whole Birth Strike Movement is so grim and threatening, it would even be ridiculous and grotesque. Theoretically, one could even be glad that the madmen will not pass on their genetic material. However, if today we talk about the great mental problems of children, then we can think about what impact the propaganda that they contribute to the destruction of the planet can have on them. What does it mean to them when they hear that it's better that they don't exist. And on the other hand, the same children learn that in a dozen or so years they will die due to climate change. A childhood in guilt and the shadow of doom. 70% of British children experience eco-fear - fear of climate change. It is those from the media, the world of celebrities and politics, mindlessly repeating the nonsense of climate fanatics, contribute to a state where children need psychiatric care, young insane people stick to the road, mutilate and even commit suicide so as not to be a burden on the planet.
Flats with eco mold

But there are also optimistic news from Germany and let them be the point. One of the Berlin housing cooperatives bravely fights the mold plague that "eats" its premises. Well, the tenants very eagerly began to fulfill the orders of the Minister of Economy Robert Habeck to save energy. According to the order, they lowered the temperature in their apartments, and in order to protect themselves from the cold, they sealed all the windows and did not open them during the winter. So now they are bravely fighting mold, which appeared due to the lack of ventilation - water vapor from bathing, cooking, etc., having no outlet, burned into the walls and equipment, so beautiful mushrooms grew on them.

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