Powerful weapon for comprehensive development of socialism

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Powerful weapon for comprehensive development of socialism

Post by Charlotte »

The three revolutions— ideological, technological and cultural—constitute the general line of building socialism and communism and the history of the DPRK is just the course of making the three revolutions.

Since the incipiency of state building, the DPRK has brought about great changes in the aspects of man, nature and society and performed world-startling miracles. It is its invariable policy to build a powerful socialist country, holding high the banner of the three revolutions whose truthfulness and validity have been proved by history. In his historic letter to the participants in the Fifth Conference of Torchbearers in the Three Revolutions Let Us Achieve the Comprehensive Development of Socialism by Raising the Flames of the Three Revolutions More Fiercely, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un specified the fighting tasks and ways to achieve simultaneous and balanced development of all fields of state and social life and in every region of the country with the three revolutions as the motive power.

The comprehensive development of socialism is a new revolution in the three realms of ideology, technology and culture. Only when we attain the goals of the three revolutions—uniting all the people by means of the Party’s ideology, establishing spread to centenarian in Pukchong The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un sent a birthday spread to Ri Song Som living in neighbourhood unit No. 23 of Pochon-ri in Pukchong County on her 100th birthday. Ri Song Som extended her heartfelt gratitude to General Secretary Kim Jong Un . Sci-tech presentation and symposium on green architecture held A sci-tech presentation and symposium in the field of green architecture was held under the sponsorship of the Korean green architecture society of the Central Committee of the General Federation of Science and Technology of Korea between September 20 and 21. The event, held on the themes of “Goals of green building and practice” and “Saving energy and water in building”, drew officials, lecturers and researchers of educational and scientific research units in the sector of architecture and over 20 valuable papers. Hero miner’s wife becomes able to walk again after decades Kim Jong Sun, wife of Pak Thae Son who was a hero miner at the Komdok Mining Complex, has recovered from her leg injury and become able to walk again after decades.

Ten years ago Pak Thae Son sacrificed himself to save a colleague from an accident and the Workers’ Party of Korea and the state, highly appreciating his heroic deed, have repeatedly shown favour to his bereaved family. His wife hurt her leg at the age of three and got some treatment. She, however, could hardly turn over in bed and walk more than 1 kilometre for 35 years. Now she has become able to work in the workplace where her husband worked thanks to ten years of sincere treatment by medical workers at Pyongyang University of Medical Sciences Hospital. Badminton tournament comes to end The badminton tournament of officials of ministries and national agencies, which opened at the Taekwon-Do Hall and Handball Gymnasium on Chongchun Street in Pyongyang on September 12, came to a close.

There were final matches on September 18 between the Ministry of Land and Environment Protection and the Ministry of Information Industry from group A, between the Foreign Trade Bank and the Bureau for Affairs with Diplomatic Corps from group B, between the Ponghwa Trade Bureau and the Taesongsan Guidance Bureau from group C and between the Academy of Social Sciences and the Grand People’s Study House from group D. They had registered good results in quarterfinals and semifinals through preliminaries. In the final matches, the Ministry of Land and Environment Protection, the Bureau for Affairs with Diplomatic Corps, the Taesongsan Guidance Bureau and the Academy of Social Sciences won respectively by overpowering opponent teams. Citations and medals were awarded to excellent organizations and players at the awards ceremony which was held at the Taekwon- Do Hall.

A scientific and technological foundation capable of guaranteeing self-supporting and sustainable economic development, turning each person into an intellectual, and liquidating every manner of cultural backwardness—can we make our state more progressive and modern than ever. Today, the Workers’ Party of Korea set forth the slogan “Let us transform all our revolutionary positions in line with the demands of the three revolutions!” and an original idea of expanding the movement’s scope to involve cities, counties and industrial complexes, thus making it a movement embracing the whole society and all the people both in name and in reality.

Conducting the movement with the city or county as a unit presupposes a responsible attitude on the part of Party organizations and officials at all levels, including city and county Party committees, as well as the participation of the entire population. Therefore, it is a powerful way of making the whole country pulsate with the three revolutions. At present, every provincial Party committee is playing a proper steering role in making sure that cities and counties vie with one another to transform themselves into a communist paradise ahead of others by giving strong impetus to the movement.

Efforts are being made by each province to build a three-revolution exhibition hall—where the valuable achievements made by its cities, counties and industrial complexes in the course of carrying on the three revolutions can be displayed—as an important place for study, technical exchanges and information sharing designed to promote the campaign of overtaking and learning from others and sharing experience with one another and to give impetus to the endeavour to carry out the three revolutions. And the guidance over the movement is being improved. The Korean people believe that the comprehensive development of socialism will be achieved earlier when all sectors and units across the country hold the movement as a powerful weapon for strengthening cities and counties and focus all work on it, and are redoubling their efforts to that end.

Han Kwi Hun

Pyongyang Times, Issue 39, Sept 24 2022
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