Why are you guys so hostile to the left?

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Why are you guys so hostile to the left?

Post by AnarchoTemper »

You guys seem to hate leftists more than rightists.
Only under unified action can Leftism actually triumph in a successful revolution that doesn't devolve into totalitarianism!
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Post by JoeySteel »

I am not a leftist (and no one on here would call themselves that). Totalitarianism is also a completely made up buzzword. At the height of American enlightenment when yanquis were talking about "freedom and liberalism" they did so with the twin birth of slavery.
I mean you are welcome to stick around but maybe Hexbear.net is more your thing :Lshrug

If you talk with a Yanqui today they say that "America is the most free'est country on earth". If you mention that their "freedom" comes with the twin birth of their Prison Industrial Complex where prisoners are sentenced so they can work for the Prison Industrial Complex at 20 cents an hour making things for Walmart which has created the most imprisoned society that has ever existed (yes more imprisoned than Soviets at height of Gulag era before ww2, more than modern day Russia, China and Iran).
The Yanqui will tell you "they're criminals".
So the freest system is the society that has imprisoned more people per capita on earth than any society to ever exist.
And the society where Liberals weren't tolerated and had to an honest days work for once in their worthless lives is the "totalitarian" one

'Leftism'. A History
  • A Leftist (socialist-reformer) Louis Blanc works with the Theirs government to suppress the Paris Commune
  • Leftists of the Second International write a concise an eloquent Marxist document on why in the coming of a world war workers should turn their guns inward on their own governments and take power. In 1914 they cover up what they had previously declared and instead demand workers get into trenches to "fight for their fatherlands"
  • A Leftist (SR) shoots Lenin
  • Leftists (SRs) literally side with the White Army in the civil war alongside 14 of the most powerful capitalist nations (basically NATO of 1918)
  • Leftists (anarchists) start Krondstat rebellion
  • Leftists hand over Rosa and Liebknecht to be murdered
  • Retard Leftists (trots) insist socialism can't be built in one country and instead of building a socialist economic base Russia should be turned into an armed camp to invade Europe. At a time when Russia was so weak it had accepted the Brest-Litvosk treaty and Poland had annexed huge chunks of Belarus, Lithuania and Ukraine
  • German Leftists (SPD) massacre Communists in 1929 Blutmai massacre
  • Leftists (trots) insist the first 5 year plan should be abandoned
  • Leftists (trots) insist collectivisation should be stopped
  • Leftist (Paul Lobe SPD) in the name of the "Iron Front" (supposedly against monarchism, communism and fascism) votes for Hitler
  • Leftists (social-democrats) took part in the governments in preparation for fascist dictatorship
  • In Austria, Hungary, Poland and Finland the Social-Democratic parties exist legally under fascist dictatorships and the obedient opposition (of fascism)
  • Leftists (social-democrats) came out in favour and propagandised for the upcoming war in Japan and Hungary
  • Leftists Otto Wels and Rudolf Breitschied (SPD) declare that the "task of social-democracy" is prevent the fascist dictatorship being supplanted by a proletarian dictatorship
  • Leftist Trotsky injects pessismism into workers movement stating the KPD "betrayed the proletariat" and the "Party is dead" at a time when the KPD was fighting for it's life and trying to work underground to prevent itself being wiped out
  • Leftist Kautsky says reproaches against the Leaders of the SPD for not setting up a Proletarian Dictatorship in 1918 are unjustified because "such a terror would have to be directed against the Communists"
  • Leftists (Trotsky 1936) admit socialism has been built in Soviet Union
  • Leftists (Trotsky 1936) insist that the Soviet Union will be swept away by fascism in a war with Nazi Germany
  • Leftists (trots) on trial in Moscow Trials for taking defeatist view of the coming war and deciding to become literaly traitors to the Soviet Union and world communism by coming to terms with Germany by offering them Ukraine
  • Leftist (trot Jacques Doriot) literally goes into the Vichy government of France
  • Leftist ('socialist' Julian Besteiro on Nov 15 1938) tells the Executive Council that without the Communists the war will be lost; with their participation it might be won, but in that case the Communists would gain greater support and prestige. Faced with this alternative, he, for one, preferred surrender to Fascism.
  • Leftist (trots) SWP refuse to support the political program of the National Liberation Front in South Vietnam and stood with Washington in their refusal to support the demand, “Sign the Treaty Now!”
  • Leftists (anarchists, trots and succdems) celebrate collapse of Soviet Union promising "socialism with a human face"
  • Leftists 2011 (British Socialist Party, SWP, Socialist Alternative) Denounce Ghadaffi as a dictator while NATO destroys Libya. SA and SWP calls for "Down with Ghadaffi
  • Leftist (Doug Ireland in 2013) denounces Karl Marx for his calling pederasts "faggotypricks", almost exclusively shills for US imperialism for baseless claims against Iran under 'gay rights' that no human rights organisation could find
  • Leftist 2014 Kurds balkanise Syria for Washington so US can steal their oil

This is just off the top of my head. If anyone thinks of anymore I'll add them in
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Post by Charlotte »

The left is very broad my friend.
I know I for one don't want to be lumped in with the clown show of the nihilistic, hedonistic ultra individualists.
The environmentalist clowns demanding net zero, the trots that never saw a war they wouldn't cheer for, the sexual identists who think the world needs to know about their vice.

Also it is our rule here that people participating read our study guide from start to finish.
I know you are an anarchist so you are welcome to stay but we do demand you read this if you participate regularly. Our task of this site is to raise the Proletariat to the ruling class so please confirm when you've read it.
Read our Marxist study guide
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Post by AnarchoTemper »

OK well I think this is overall detrimental attitude to Leftist cooperation but I'll hang around as I have a bunch of questions
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