British Nationalism and Churchill's War - David Irving

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British Nationalism and Churchill's War - David Irving

Post by Tankanator »

This presentation of Churchill's War is done by David Irving and is routinely banned. (I posted this from Bitchute only to discover it had been region banned in the UK when I can only access via VPN) so I will attach torrent of the video (which is better quality than the below rumble video anyway)
David Irving was considered a brilliant historian in Britain up until the late 1980s. His books were taught in British military academies and his war histories were with a pro-German slant. Nothing quite outside of the range of a typical historian because his work was considered stellar.

Irving later slipped into holocaust denial, started a fascist party and ran a website selling nazi memorabillia

You might ask why I am posting this 'crackpot' then? In this talk he describes how bungling of a fool Churchill was and why the myth of Churchill has become so big in the British identity and British culture.

This talk is also illustrative of those consumed with the 'National Question' and confusing the general movement of nationialism inside imperialist countries for communist momentum.
We can all agree that Communist momentum in Britain began to rot after the CPGB's British Road To Socialism and only got weaker every year since 1951 with the exceptional low point of the CPGB leadership disbanding the Communist Party and calling the entire project of communism "a mistake of historic proportions" in 1991.

Such is the sorry spectacle of Communism in Britain (and not much improved elsewhere except for DPRK).

By this talk you will see from an actual British nationalist ) that for the British Nation (as nationalism was expressed in empire rather than Britain itself, prior to the conclusion of Ww2) that it was in Britains national interest to have sided with Germany from 1940 onward. That Churchill, was essentially, a stooge for American-cosmopolitan interest and by Churchill taking us into Ww2 the British nation, in effect, was massively diminished. He also shows quite distinctly, from the British Nationalist perspective that Britain is a distinct nation from Americans in USA and Canada

The guy that started that thread about a "new anglo" party is interesting from this perspective. If you take nation as the prime contradiction then you will have to conclude that Britains continued war after 1940 (just like Irving illucidates) that the British nation itself was deeply diminished by entering World war 2 on the side of USA and Soviet Union.

But from the flowering of the anti-colonial movement, rise of communism (Korea/Vietnam/Cuba) and the sovereignty of nations, Churchill was right to wage this war against the men of Munich in London and Royal Palaces
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Post by AgentSonya »

I cut this out at 1.13 as it's most succinct view of the British nationalist and why nationalists have contempt for Churchill
We could've settled with Hitler in 1940 who wanted to preserve the empire. We would now be the predominant force on the globe. Not the Soviets nor the Americans.
We could've been dictating terms of peace and civilisation instead of those newcomers the Americans or the Russian barbarians.
But Mr Churchill frittered that all away because if he knew if he did so, accepted the peace terms in June/July of 1940, he Winston Churchill would be out.
He would be into oblivion, down the tubes of history.
Irving on Britain, Churchill and ww2 and the peace mission.mp4
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