Latvia has banned Katyusha - so here it is in 40 different languages

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Latvia has banned Katyusha - so here it is in 40 different languages

Post by JoeySteel »

Authorities in the Latvian capital have banned the performance of “songs that glorify totalitarianism” in public places. This definition, in particular, includes the anthem of the USSR, as well as the song “Katyusha”, famous and loved by several generations.

– The law provides for the prohibition of the use of symbols of totalitarian regimes in public places. In particular, the ban includes, for example, the anthem of the USSR or other songs that glorify the totalitarian regime, such as Katyusha, etc., said Tom Sadovskis, head of the public relations department of the Riga Municipal Police.

Violators expect large fines – from 350 to 2900 euros (21.2 to 175.7 thousand rubles). ... ga/181442/

Katyusha 40 different languages.mp4
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