China: The CIA Colour Revolution At Tiananmen

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China: The CIA Colour Revolution At Tiananmen

Post by TemperedSteel »

The imperialists built from whole cloth a "massacre" at Tiananmen Square. Yet no masacre took place. This is a CBS journalist who was in Tiananmen until the morning.
The bourgeois do this regularly - build up a 'massacre' for decades and populate it through their media until it becomes truth. The 'massacre' then becomes an overwhelming concept and force in foreign policy. This black propaganda planted early and then forced against the attacked nation for decades.
When the attacked country (inevitably) denies a massacre took place this is even upheld as to how "Orweillian" they are.

What took place was a US/UK directed colour revolution of armed liberals killing unarmed soldiers and burning them alive in an attempt to bring down the Communist Party. The familiar pattern that should be known to every communist now is a small band of liberal provocateurs using violence against both sides to escalate violence and tension between protestors and police.
Incidentally the summing up by Washington Post of the Chinese position is actually what happened
The regime's official version of what led up to the June 4 massacre was clearly spelled out in an address June 30 by Beijing's mayor, Chen Xitong, to the Standing Committee of the National Party Congress. "There was a tiny handful of people both inside and outside the party who stubbornly clung to their position of bourgeois liberalization and went in for political conspiracy," Chen said. "Echoing the strategy of western countries, they colluded with foreign forces . . . to stir up turmoil in China, overthrow leadership by the Communist Party and subvert the socialist people's republic." ... 181239cb6/

It should be noted
The CIA already had their man inside the party, Zhao Ziyang, who, if the student protests had spread and succeeded, would have taken power, opened the doors to imperialist domination, and ended Chinese socialist sovereignty.

For years now (certainly by the time of the 10th anniversary of Tiananmen) scholars — and many journalists — have been describing it as a weekend massacre, a massacre in Beijing, the "Beijing massacre" or the "crackdown" in Tiananmen, but not a "Tiananmen Square massacre."

"Tiananmen massacre" is a phrase that still has currency, but it does tend to be used a lot less now in careful accounts of what happened there.

Behind this is the weight of eyewitness accounts, de-classified Western government reports, and historians' work that supports the story of a brief period of negotiation between the army and some student hold-outs (there weren't all that many left in the square by then) when troops began entering the square in force just before dawn -- silencing the public address system loudspeakers with a volley of gunfire. The last group of protestors filed out of the square to the south soon after.

I was being held captive by Chinese army troops on the south portico of the Great Hall of the People (which forms one of the borders of the Square) when that round of gunfire occurred.

I could hear it but I could not see into the Square. Around forty minutes later, Derek Williams and I were driven in a pair of army jeeps right through the square, almost along its full length, and into the Forbidden City.

Dawn was just breaking. There were hundreds of troops in the square, many sitting cross-legged on the pavement in long curving ranks, some cleaning up debris. There were some tanks and armored personnel carriers. But we saw no bodies, injured people, ambulances or medical personnel — in short, nothing to even suggest, let alone prove, that a "massacre" had recently occurred in that place.

Later, being debriefed on-air by Dan Rather, I recall making an effort to avoid using the word "massacre." I referred to an "assault" and an "attack."

I reported what I saw; I said I hadn't seen any bodies. Admittedly, I've never made a point of trying to contradict a colleague on the air; I've simply stuck to my own story, because I've believed it's true.

Some have found it uncomfortable that all this conforms with what the Chinese government has always claimed, perhaps with a bit of sophistry: that there was no "massacre in Tiananmen Square."

But there's no question many people were killed by the army that night around Tiananmen Square, and on the way to it — mostly in the western part of Beijing. Maybe, for some, comfort can be taken in the fact that the government denies that, too. ... -massacre/

“I was one of the foreign journalists who witnessed the events that night. There was no massacre on Tiananmen Square” ... 057762.stm

“They were able to enter and leave the [Tiananmen] square several times and were not harassed by troops. Remaining with students … until the final withdrawal, the diplomat said there were no mass shootings in the square or the monument.”
Latin American Diplomat, Cable leaked to wikileaks

Liberals were armed and ready for bloodshed. As shown by and were trying to lure the government into massacring the students. Take Chai Ling for example.

Instead, the cables show that Chinese soldiers opened fire on protesters outside the centre of Beijing, as they fought their way towards the square from the west of the city.
"He watched the military enter the square and did not observe any mass firing of weapons into the crowds, although sporadic gunfire was heard. He said that most of the troops which entered the square were actually armed only with anti-riot gear – truncheons and wooden clubs; they were backed up by armed soldiers," a cable from July 1989 said.
It's important to note that out of the colour revolution of 1989 aimed at overthrowing the Communist Party and installing liberal degenerates there is no pictures of soldiers killing students. The lurid tales that came out of Tiananmen insisted that Soldiers fired into crowds at Tiananmen (when we know this is not true from BBC/CBS journalists above and Latin American diplomats in wikileaks cables.

The liberal and cosmopolitan character of the protests can be seen by the signs the protestors just to wave.
libshits at tiananmen.png
libshits at tiananmen.png (468.71 KiB) Viewed 2111 times
goddess of democracy tiananmen square.jpeg
goddess of democracy tiananmen square.jpeg (715.51 KiB) Viewed 2110 times
The above statue was called the "Goddess of Democracy" styled after the Statue of Liberty. Here we see the kind of shitlibs the Chinese had to deal with.
Note: It should be noted communists are not opposed to democracy. But bourgeois democracy is not democracy. It is to abrogate actual democracy (the control over the economy) to a load of prostitutes that promise the world but can never deliver on any promises.

Chai Ling was one of the student leader protests. Here she is saying
“I wanted to tell them [students] that we were expecting bloodshed, that it would take a massacre, which would spill blood like a river through Tiananmen Square, to awaken the people. But how could I tell them this? How could I tell them that their lives would have to be sacrificed in order to win?”
"Being Chinese I shouldn't bad mouth Chinese. But I can't help thinking sometimes, and I might as well say it: You, the Chinese, are not worth my struggle. You are not worth my sacrifice."
And when she's asked if the will stay in the square responds
"No I wont"

On the other hand there is plenty of liberal counter-revolutionaries murdering PLA soldiers. The PLA were sent in to restore order. They were mostly unarmed soldiers. Like all similar colour revolutions going back to Hungary 1956 the familiar caches of weapons were deployed to CIA funded filth. The protestors were armed with guns and molotov cocktails and when they caught PLA soldiers burned them alive.
Screenshot from 2022-12-30 11-40-47.png
Screenshot from 2022-12-30 11-40-47.png (713.94 KiB) Viewed 2119 times
Pictures of the unarmed soldiers without even helmets or batons with the protestors.
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Screenshot from 2022-12-30 11-41-53.png (749.02 KiB) Viewed 2119 times
armed libs at tiananmen.png
armed libs at tiananmen.png (484.21 KiB) Viewed 2118 times
The Central Intelligence Agency had sources among protesters, as well as within China's intelligence services with which it enjoyed a close relationship since the 1970s, said the officials, who spoke this week on condition of anonymity.
Vancouver sun, 17 Sep 1992
Colonel Robert Helvey (CIA affiliated with Gene Sharp, the originator of colour revolutions) trained the student protestors
Helvey trained in Hong Kong the student leaders from Beijing in mass demonstration techniques which they were to use in the Tiananmen Square incident of June 1989. He is now believed acting as an adviser to the Falun Gong in similar civil disobedience techniques. Helvey nominally retired from the army in 1991, but had been working with Albert Einstein and George Soros long before then. In its annual report for 2004 Helvey's Albert Einstein Institution admitted to advising people in Tibet. ... 2346_5.htm

Soros (who runs his own privatised CIA essentially) had also given a million dollars to protestors (a fortune at that time in China). After the protests the Chinese wise up and ban Soro's organisation
New York financier and philanthropist George Soros, who founded the Fund for the Reform and Opening of China (China Fund) in Beijing, said the Public Security Ministry has detained and interrogated his personal representative, Liang Congjie. Others connected to the fund have been charged with counter-revolutionary activities, he said. Zhao supporters in exile have expressed concern that the government is attempting to link the China Fund to the Central Intelligence Agency in an effort to stage a "secret show trial" showing that Zhao and his deputy, Bao Tong, colluded with foreign elements to mount a counter-revolutionary movement. If found guilty, Zhao and Bao could be executed. In a telephone interview, Soros denied CIA involvement in the China Fund. He said the organization's activities were sanctioned by the Chinese government and that he has sent a letter to China's senior leader, Deng Xiaoping, that was dated Aug. 2 and defended the integrity of the China Fund. In an effort to dispel suspicions, Soros said he offered Deng the opportunity to examine in detail the fund's operation. Soros, an Eastern European emigre who funds similar programs in Hungary, Poland and the Soviet Union, founded the China Fund in 1986 with Zhao's blessing.
Soros gave the fund a $1 million endowment, which it used to promote cultural exchanges and sponsor research projects in conjunction with China's Institute for Economic Structural Reform, an influential liberal think tank supported by Zhao. The institute was headed by Chen Yizi, an adviser to Zhao who is believed to have escaped to the West. ... 181239cb6/

After the hammer was finally brought down on these liberal counter-revolutionaries Mi6 and CIA worked to extract the liberals.
The extraction missions, aided by MI6, the UK’s Secret Intelligence Service, and the CIA, according to many accounts, had scrambler devices, infrared signallers, night-vision goggles and weapons. ... 144feabdc0
Hong Kong business execs also assisted in this extraction.
Operation Yellowbird was born the night of the Beijing massacre, when a notorious underworld boss called a Hong Kong executive and cried: "What can we do?" The unlikely pair decided to give China's dissidents what they needed most: a lifeline. Within hours, 40 pro-democracy activists united to form Operation Yellowbird. Taking their name from a Chinese proverb--"The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the yellow bird behind"--they collected $260,000 in donations from the business community. They contacted Western consulates to work out asylum procedures. And they conspired with mob bosses and smugglers.
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