Why Russia's War Is A Just War Against Nato

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Why Russia's War Is A Just War Against Nato

Post by JoeySteel »

Many communists have been approached with their Zimmerwald moment on February 24 2022 with the start of Russia's Special Military Operation.
Unsurprisingly for the Western Left they have all more or less universally failed at understanding the gravity the worlds proletariat are now faced with and our possible descent into World War 3 as United States attempts to retain it's slipping unipolarity.
As US imperialism teeters on the edge.
The recession of 2019-2020 was covered by the Corona Virus pandemic (itself seemingly out of a laboratory at a time beneficial to US imperialism and originating in a country hostile to the United States - China - with the epicenter of the pandemic immediately going to Iran in the Holy City of Qom which has miniscule amounts of Chinese immigrants).
An unprecedented amount of money was printed to bail out the banks and monopolies of US society.
As the world begins to slide into recession due to the self-defeating sanctions placed on Russia and the deliberate shut down of the US energy supply the United States now urgently needs a World War. A war where Europe will be devastated putting American monopolists back in power there. A War where Russia is subjugated again to the servile state it was in the 1990s under Yeltsin.
And a war where South East Asian manufacturing (including Chinese) has been devastated.
1. Who started the war?
2. The decades long aggression by US imperialism in wanting to cut Ukraine off from Russia
3. Whether Russia's actions in Ukraine can be considered imperialist (as our favourite opportunists/revisionists and Trotskyites are now claiming)?

Who Started The Ukraine War
With the 2014 coup of the Ukrainian government by Ukrainian Nazis backed by Washington the West Ukrainian's (descdants of Galician Nazis and holocaust collaborators) began shelling the Donbass who rose up for their own independence, horrified at the events taking place in Kiev. The Kiev junta in West Ukraine then began a program of shelling and terrorising the East Ukrainians, most of whom are Russian people's (In Marxist term: part of the Russian Nation) .
Egged on by the United States and supplied with weapons the West Ukrainians were told that they could retake the Donbass and Crimea by force. In 2021 the Ukrainians then began stacking their armed forces along the Donbass line. The plan was to steamroll Donbsas quickly, genocide and execute the Russian peoples there and hand the land/industry and homes over to West Ukrainian's (Galician Nazis).
In response the Russian's stacked their army on the border of Ukraine as a warning that should they attempt to blitzkrieg Eastern Ukraine the Russian army would not sit idly by. The Ukrainians pulled backin late 2021 only to retrench in early 2022.
The shell's being fired from West Ukrainian's into East Ukraine upped from 80 shells per day 1200 shells per day (according to the OSCE quoted by MoA).
I find it likely that the sudden increase of artillery explosions from 80 per day to over 1,200 per day over the last week had an effect on the timing of Putin's decision.
https://www.moonofalabama.org/2022/02/s ... raine.html

The Nazi and Nato Origins Of The Ukraine War

During World War 2 the OUN(B), the B standing for Bandera, and OUN(M), both collaborated and welcomed in the German nazis with the most pathetic and slavish display. The hope of the Ukrainian fascist's was that they would finally be allowed to create their own Ukrainian state ruled under a fascist government modelled on Hitlerite Germany.
The Germans used the Ukrainian fascists to commit mass murder and ethnic genocide against Russians, Poles and Jews.
As the Anglo-Sacons practised their "bait and bleed" strategy during World War 2. Which amounted to not opening a second front in the West to allow the Germans and Soviets kill as many of each other as possible.
When the tide was finally turned against the Germans and Soviet victory was inevitable Churchill came up with the plan Operation Unthinkable. In this plan the idea was to re-arm the Werhmacht and invade the Soviet Union. Using nuclear bombs on Soviet cities.
The idea was dismissed but only because the Soviets still had more battallions than the West by the end of World War 2.

The Ukrainian Fascists watched their dreams of a Ukrainian fascist State go up in smoke. Realising that they were about to be hanged by the Red Army they fled and were welcomed with open arms in the Anglo-Saxon countries. Canada would turn out to be the biggest Ukrainian-Nazi protectorate.
One way of getting into postwar Canada "was by showing the SS tattoo," Canadian historian Irving Abella told "60 Minutes" interviewer Mike Wallace. "This proved that you were an anti-Communist."
https://jweekly.com/1997/02/07/canada-a ... -troopers/

After World War 2 Nazi's and collaborators from all over Soviet Union (including Ukraine) were scooped up by the CIA where they were incubated.
Baby killers like the Belarussian and Ukrainian fascists described below were protected by the CIA

But the OUN storm troopers, like any terrorist group, prized action over theory. Their wartime brutalities have been am­ply documented (Voice, February 11, 1986, “To Catch a Nazi”). They recruited for the Waffen SS, pulled the triggers at Babi Yar and Sobibor, ran the gas cham­ber at Treblinka. During their brief inter­ludes of Nazi-sponsored “independence” (in the Carpatho-Ukraine in 1939 and in Galicia in 1941), pogroms were the order of the day, in the spirit of their revered Simon Petlura. They strove to outdo the Nazis at every turn.

And when the Third Reich fell, the nationalists fled — to Munich, to Toronto, and (with the covert aid of the U.S. State Department, which viewed them as po­tential anti-Soviet guerrillas) to New York and Chicago and Cleveland.

This is not ancient history. The Ukrai­nian émigré groups still contain more than a few former OUN members, and many of their sons and daughters. The nationalists still heroize their wartime past. On occasion their old passions sur­face as well — as in Why Is One Holocaust Worth More Than Others?, recently pub­lished by Veterans of the Ukrainian In­surgent Army: “In 1933, the majority of the European and American press controlled by the Jews were silent about the famine.”
https://www.villagevoice.com/2020/11/21 ... holocaust/

The Ukrainian Nationalists lent hard into Western Imperialism, the sycophantic rats hiding behind the CIA, afraid to receive Soviet justice.
The Voice has learned that the collaborator discussed in the GAO report as “Subject D” is a prominent Ukrainian nationalist. In 1934, he was imprisoned for attempting to assassinate the interior minister of Poland; he ran the security force of a Ukrainian fascist organization and has been accused of ordering the murders of many of his countrymen; he attended a Gestapo training school where Jews were murdered for practice. He was considered an extremely valuable intelli­gence asset by the CIA, which protected him from war-crimes prosecution by the Soviets, brought him to this country under an assumed name and concealed his true past from the Immigration and Nat­uralization Service. So important was his case that in 1952 Attorney General James P. McGranery, the director of Central Intelligence, General Walter Bedell Smith, and the commissioner of the INS, Argyle R. Mackey, secretly agreed to permit his residence here. In 1957, he became a U.S. citizen.

His name is Mykola Lebed, and he lives in Yonkers.

The Ukrainian Nationalists were also funded and financed by mi6 and CIA.

The American and British intelligence services were already taking an interest in Nazis and Nazi collaborators, before the end of the war. They were also interested in people and organizations, such as the German Military Intelligence on the Eastern Front (Fremde Heere Ost, FHO), and the various Eastern European far-right movements, including the OUN, who could provide them with information about the Soviet Union or who possessed other valuable knowledge. With the help of the CIA, Reinhard Gehlen, former head of the FHO, established the Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst, BND), the intelligence service of West Germany. American intelligence protected Gehlen and his advisers.[1578]
Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe, Stepan Bandera The Life and Afterlife of a Ukrainian Nationalist, p280
People such as Bandera, who could either provide information about the Soviet Union or mobilize the émigré communities with anticommunist propaganda or had contact with underground organizations behind the Iron Curtain, were of special interest to the American, British, and German intelligence services. Besides Ukrainians, there were also Croatians, Slovaks, Russians, Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Romanians, and Hungarians who worked for Western intelligence services. That some of them had collaborated with the Nazis and were involved in war crimes did not matter, as long as they were useful for the Cold War. American and British intelligence possessed knowledge, although not always very accurate, about the people with whom they worked.[1579] Harry Rositzke, former head of the CIA, commented in 1985: “It was a visceral business of using any bastard as long as he was anticommunist … [and] the eagerness or desire to enlist collaborators meant that sure, you didn’t look at their credentials too closely.”[1580]
Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe, Stepan Bandera The Life and Afterlife of a Ukrainian Nationalist, p280
Almost simultaneously, the Soviet Ukrainian writer and poet Mykola Bazhan demanded, at the assembly of the United Nations in London on 6 February 1946, that Ukrainian collaborators be handed over to the Soviet authorities.[1582]
Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe, Stepan Bandera The Life and Afterlife of a Ukrainian Nationalist, p281
Bandera had met with officials of the British Secret Intelligence Service (known as MI6), in the British zone at the end of the war. MI6 regarded Bandera as potentially useful for Cold War purposes, and therefore decided to help him.[1583] The American Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) in Munich also protected Bandera from Soviet intelligence, although it was more interested in cooperation with the UHVR, which began to compete with the ZCh OUN after the war. The CIC concluded that Bandera’s extradition would “imply to the Ukrainians that we as an organization are unable to protect them, i.e., we have no authority.
Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe, Stepan Bandera The Life and Afterlife of a Ukrainian Nationalist, p281

Is Russia Imperialist?
Many opportunists have accused Russia of imperialism and insisting on the "inter-imperialist" nature of this conflict instead of a just war waged by Russia in defence of it's nation that threatens break up and humiliation under NATO aggression.
In 2014 the United States overthrow the Ukrainian government with the assistance of Ukrainian OUN/UPA inspired Nazis. The objective was to remove Ukraine from the Russian sphere of influence. Given how unnatural that would be the only people willing to collaborate with US imperialism were nazi's - as the OUN/UPA had previously collaborated with the German Nazis.
To be considered imperialist (monopoly capitalist), a country must fit the following five criteria:

-the concentration of production and capital has developed to such a high stage that it has created monopolies which play a decisive role in economic life [where are the Russian monopolies dominating our lives today?];
-the merging of bank capital with industrial capital, and the creation, on the basis of this ‘finance capital’, of a financial oligarchy [Russia’s richest capitalists are involved predominantly in industry not finance; only one of the world’s top 100 banks is Russian, the state-owned Sberbank];
-the export of capital as distinguished from the export of commodities acquires exceptional importance [Russia’s biggest exports are raw materials, not capital; where are the Russian finance capital trusts and monopolies exploiting the labour of the world and repatriating their wealth to Russia?];
-the formation of international monopolist capitalist associations which share the world among themselves [such cartels do of course exist, but they do not include Russian monopolies];
-the territorial division of the whole world among the biggest capitalist powers is completed [such division has indeed taken place, but Russia was not a party to the division and does not reap the spoils of imperialist domination and war; indeed, its main crime is to come to the defence of those fighting off imperialist attack (Syria, eastern Ukraine) and to try to keep its own territory free of imperialist domination and superexploitation].
https://thecommunists.org/2022/04/11/ne ... raine-war/
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Haparl Brar - Russia Ukraine war nato war just war.png (1.59 MiB) Viewed 1447 times
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