Declassified Archives documents show Solzhenitzsyn was a Trot

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Declassified Archives documents show Solzhenitzsyn was a Trot

Post by Charlotte »

I cannot believe how much trots have done damage to our movement.
From Trotsky to the 'reformed' trot Kruschev to George "Rapey" Orwell to Solzhenitsyn

In the below video someone goes over archive documents of Solzhenitsyn released in summer of 2022 where he was part of a Trotskyite group and considered a propagandists of Trotskyism.

Youtube transcript washed through google translate with little punctuation

if Solzhenitsyn was the creator of an anti-Soviet organization, then why wasn’t he shot and what’s criminal in general, what’s so dangerous in correspondence, what kind of powerful state of workers and peasants that is afraid of several young people talking about the politics of history and economics, and even reading the works of Marx Engels and Lenin So in the previous two issues, we told you about the reasons for Solzhenitsyn's hatred towards the Soviet system and answered the question whether Solzhenitsyn's arrest happened as a result of the slander itself and why he was not afraid of front-line censorship

it's finally time to talk about the main thing Solzhenitsyn If you watched the first two issues created his anti-Soviet organization to deal a powerful blow to the Soviet ideology
But if you don’t like where the country is going you don’t like the ideology you probably have some ideas about it you dream of crushing the ideology
It’s not just like that Surely there is something to offer in return so this It was suggested in the comments that viewers often write that Soviet justice was too humane and Solzhenitsyn had to be shot in order to answer the question

Did the members of the organization really deserve such a punishment, let's first analyze resolution number one of the main document that best speaks about the plans of the group that Solzhenitsyn was cobbled together during almost two years of his stay at the front.

So resolution number one, only nine handwritten pages, a copy of which were first opened by the Rostov archive this summer, to Moscow journalist Yuri Pankov, author of the book Solzhenitsyn's genealogy of lies In 1941, we assessed the outbreak of war as a war that was inevitable will develop into a series of European revolutions.

However, subsequent events showed that the end of the modern war in Europe is possible and very likely, but the outlined outcome of the war will not mean the defeat of the world European Proletarian Revolution, but only the postponement point her instead of a threatened defeat, just like Trotsky, who wrote that a European war inevitably means a European revolution.

Perhaps you will say from Trotsky, what has it got to do with Who could repeat Trotsky’s thought in the forties of the last Century as some kind of truth and then try to replicate and propagate it, probably anyone, for example,
a Trotskyist question during the search, a portrait of the enemy of the people of Trotsky was confiscated from you where did you take it from what purpose did you keep the answer portrait of Trotsky I tore it out of the book because the Scream world war of the German edition of the book I took this in one of the settlements of East Prussia near the city of Liebstadt I must admit that I had the intention of writing an anti-Soviet work in which I was going to praise the enemy of the people of Trotsky for this purpose, I kept his portrait in my possession. and the building of the party according to my anti-Soviet convictions Trotsky stood on the Leninist positions, I wanted to prove this in my literary works, opposing the Leninist torment of the leader of the party with the question With whom did you share these criminal plans of your answer ? similar confessions from the protocol of interrogation of March 3, 1945, I was charged; I really plead guilty since 1940, surrounded both verbally and in writing, I conducted anti-Soviet agitation from the protocol of interrogation on February 26, 1944, starting from 1940 at meetings in the city of Rostov-on -don and during joint trips to Moscow for examination sessions, while being at the front in correspondence, I expounded to Vitkevich and Simonyan my anti-Soviet views, erected the most vile slanderous fabrications and obscene abuse against the leader of the party, tried in every possible way to deny his merits and before the Soviet state opposed his point of view to the point of view of the laziness of the interrogation protocol of April 5 at the end of 1940 in a conversation with Vitkevich in the reading room of the Academic Library of the Rostov State University, opposing Lenin's theses to the question of dialectics, the fourth chapter from a short course in the history of the VKPB I tried to prove that the latter is allegedly at a low theoretical level and covers issues of dialectical and historical materialism surface from the protocol of interrogation on April 24, the first anti-Soviet conversations between Simonyan and me took place in October 1940, I don’t remember the place of the conversation, but it seems on the protocol of interrogation on May 28 starting from in correspondence with a childhood friend Vitkevich, we glue Vitaly on the leader of the party, denying his merits in the field of history, arguing that in certain issues he supposedly does not have the Leninist depth Trotskyism means yes Well, okay there is a portrait Although in those days to keep a portrait of Trotsky Oh, it was just dangerous. It was necessary to have some intentions, some kind of conviction. Well, anyway, maybe he was stupid and inherited. described dipping in an acid bath, torture by ants and a red-hot ramrod in a banal hole. But before all this, the solzhenitsy later admitted during interrogations in the investigator’s office, he in practice became a professional propagandist of Trotskyism, for future like-minded people , calculations were intended With a claim to the economic program in resolution number one predicting the near collapse of the capitalist system due to insoluble contradictions, how does the future Nobel laureate see the path of development of the Socialist system? all the means of production are in the hands of the state; almost all surplus value falls into the hands of the state; the attempt made by others to appropriate the surplus value produced by themselves, handicraftsmen, single-leaved farmers and collective farmers on household plots, this surplus value of the state is suppressed; the state takes away all the land in the form of taxes; therefore, it pays no rent to anyone; therefore, it receives the entire interest and puts it into circulation all members of society receive a salary in excess of the subsistence minimum, or are selected by the state taxes loans voluntary fees for aircraft tanks to the defense fund, or remaining the property of citizens is in circulation of the savings bank or is spent on luxury goods this is one of the few channels through which surplus value eludes the state all this leads to the maximum planned exploitation of natural resources and the country's population surplus value land rent interest per turnover exploitation of the population What kind of Socialism could be wrong But he was a Stalinist scholar, he also studied Marx’s capital at Rostov University And in the myth of lipolyte, economy was almost the main subject But what about self-development that they Svetkevich did even on vacation, studying the so-called Old Men in his before the military correspondence, the family trees of Solzhenitsyn's lies published in the book, we find on February 1, 1939, I read the section on political economy in antidiguring, we firmly decided to study the Starikov This is how we call Hegel Marx and Engels Antonina Vasilievna talked where necessary and the trade union committee gives sir the same ticket as me at the same time, we will continue cramming the old man there, so cramming or knowledge Socialism or the Socialist economic system social distribution according to the principle from each according to his ability to each according to work or profit and exploitation socialist economy without socialism Or maybe state capitalism and protocol interrogation of Vitkevich on May 3, 1945, at the next two meetings, I continued to conduct anti-Soviet conversations with Solzhenitsyn, and after a dispute about the ways of the post-war development of the literature of history and political economy, we came to the conclusion to state our anti-Soviet views in writing with an assessment of foreign policy events For the further course of the war, we called this writing of ours resolution number one in it, we set ourselves the task of introducing anti-Soviet agitation to fight against the party's policy in the field of literature and related ideological forms from the minutes of the court session on June 21, 1945 to the military tribunal of the group of Soviet occupation forces in Germany in a closed court session in the premises of the field prison defendants witkiewicz yes We believed that the post-war ideological superstructure would remain reactionary. But we thought that this was not such a big contradiction with the main policy of the state, since ideology can be changed painlessly. writing good works of art I meant to study the socialist economy and write a good book on political economy We thought that we did not have good books on political economy Lenin's materialism and imperial criticism it was actually an icon for which we prayed but there it was not the economics of socialism I wanted to study because socialism and write a book about it. The thing is that we didn’t know practical life, so we sat down Not in our sleigh to painlessly change the ideology, but didn’t believe in it or tried to fool the investigation If it didn’t work out, we suffered for the desire to write good books an inevitable and natural step, a stage in our painful long-term path of liberation from communism, these events could have passed earlier much softer, but all the same, liberation from communism will take a long time, many efforts still lie ahead of us, because communism has infiltrated our consciousness in people after the events of October 3, 4, one can only express and the uncertain hope that even now it might be possible for the people to live at least a little better from Solzhenitsyn’s letter to Vitkevich dated February 18, 1944 , I am for the deep partisanship of literature as applied to the press, parliament and the entire set of agitation means, as well as party tribunes, public explanations and not discussions at all as you write for some reason, we need it precisely for the fastest education of the masses, they are possible because the state has nothing to hide from us there is no exploiting class all politics is built for the masses and in the interests of the masses, that is, there is no exploiting class, but the exploitation of the population is planned It is interesting that Vitkevich always played in his memoirs the role of the victim, he was allegedly slandered and betrayed by Solzhenitsyn. But if we turn to the materials of the criminal case of Vitkevich from Vitkevich's letter 1944 without a date, it was incommensurably harder for the old people then they only dragged on themselves a huge burden of developing Marxism, now it is possible and necessary that this burden be pulled hundreds of people, practice makes many people engage in the theory of Marxism, so our task is not to finally get down to business, but to join those who are already continuing the work of the old people, this is not a godfather, it’s coming, but this is being done somewhere not far from the godfather, we need to penetrate into this temple where the news is not drawn from the newspaper of official reports where all the events that take place become known from benign combat reports Yes, you don’t know anything about the reforms of 38-39 or 40, you know even less about what really happened at the party congresses, they won’t help here not working at a factory or collective farm not organized supplementing each other in areas of work here you need admission to the state archives you need to be in a circle of knowledgeable people who constantly use information For a start, it’s better to become a janitor in the People’s Commissariat of Finance than graduate students in e-mail or Moscow State University True, we still owe you pass for Moscow State University, but it makes no sense to spend 5 years on this C therefore, I need to pass it externally, I need to work for some economist like Zverev And you are in the Writers' Union who will win and show how and what you need to write some economist Zverev is the People's Commissar of Finance of the USSR In general, a good program really needs to be at the top to conquer the Writers' Union and to teach them how and what to write, it was not illiteracy, not delusion and not tragic accidents that led Solzhenitsyn and Vitkevich to the Criminal Way, they were ideological Trotskyists who understood well what they were doing and had a clear program of action, their political economic theses about the exploitation of surplus value under socialism are not just illiterate They are deceitful in fact, they are subordinate to the task of propagating the revisionist anti-socialist idea of ​​​​transitioning to capitalism under the outer Socialist shell, Trotskyism consisted in calling for a world revolution, denying the birth and victory of socialism in one single country, to hide the transfer of power into the hands for the bourgeoisie, our situation is very difficult, because it was necessary to get out of communism, man, I listened to adult smart people who then already said communism, of course, it will collapse in 46, but they said the most important thing is how to get out of it, the most important thing is to get out smart, because otherwise it will crush us, we have to get out so do not break this all idiotic system, no, but slowly slowly give life below small family plots small repair shops hairdressing shops Shops so that people dress a little, eat a little, wake up a little And then gradually revive from the bottom up with the clumsy Solzhenitsyn language, it is by no means described here Socialism in which there is not a surplus value or value in general, since this is not a commodity economy, but directly a public economy in the resolution, a miserable portrait of hospitalism, that is, a single monopoly not for the benefit of the whole people, but only a handful of bureaucrats, the task was set and solved many years later in the era of those same Kosygin reforms and the so -called developed socialism, this ideological compost As a result, it gave Gorbachevism with going into the market, this happened largely thanks to Solzhenitsyn, his anti-socialist supporter in all areas And it all began with innocent discussions of various forms that turned into such resolutions these Nine seemingly miserable leaves were in fact the very bomb that friends wanted to plant under the Soviet state, but they were caught red-handed monuments in Russia, they put up they have enemies, as we see But these enemies are generally enemies of Solzhenitsyn, who insult His memory, who lie mercilessly some deliberately And others unintentionally simply because they read nothing or read somehow an old woman who threw a twig into the fire on which Quite right, I would not approach them personally because as a rule, young Deceived people, well, there are all sorts of people there, but I'm pretty cynical I take it as a free PR listen well and they talk about it to this day continues to cause controversy Although, of course, it can be called controversy Unfortunately, it’s impossible because there is no dialogue Unfortunately, those people live on their websites on their portals, it’s impossible to convince the organization was discovered and liquidated at the start, then thanks to counterintelligence, no damage to Soviet society was the members didn’t have time to inflict and this is the answer to the question why at the age of 8 they were shot Well, once again, to close this topic once and for all, the reason for Solzhenitsyn’s arrest and imprisonment the creation of a counter-revolutionary anti-Soviet organization Solzhenitsyn was a convinced conscious Trotskyist And this is not a stereotyped phrase from the protocol, this is essentially before goodbye






chaos is a terrible thing it is a terrible thing

we must avoid it at all costs and

maybe we avoid it maybe

really In the sense of chaos we

have passed the most terrible moment colossus terrible

terrible chaos But that system is not from me, you

will find neither you nor you find a defender

or a word of thanks do not hear

from me

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Post by HuntingNow »

Trots are absolutely disgusting trash

The essence of Trotskyism is idealism. They don't like the socialism that is built in this world but their benchmark is an ideal in their head.

A socialist state in reality can never live up this castle in the sky so they do all sorts of horrendous shit: assassinations, murder, sabotage even willing to sell the Ukraine to the Nazis to retain a Russian rump state.

They are truly the worst pieces of shit in the communist movement

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