Ukraine Megathread - Bakhmutt Boogaloo

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Ukraine Megathread - Bakhmutt Boogaloo

Post by Charlotte »

Russians are dying. Best money we ever spent

Moon of Alabama: Drones Strikes In Moscow - Missile Strikes In Ukraine

Today the Russian government revealed some numbers and information about its 'Special Military Operation'.

Today's 'clobber report' by the Ministry of Defense leads with this (machine translation):

During the day, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation carried out group strikes using long-range high-precision air-launched weapons at central decision-making points where, under the guidance of specialists from Western intelligence agencies, terrorist acts were planned on Russian territory.

All assigned objects are hit.

'Central decision-making points' are ministries and main headquarters. These had so far not been targets. More to that below.

Defense Minister Shoigu had a conference call with the military command and noted:

"Russian forces continue to inflict an effective fire impact on the enemy. Its losses this month alone totaled over 16,000 troops, 16 aircraft, 5 helicopters, 466 drones, over 400 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, and 238 field artillery pieces and mortars," Shoigu said during a conference call.

He added that 196 HIMARS rockets, 16 HARM rockets and 29 Storm Shadow long-range cruise missiles were intercepted and destroyed during the reviewed period.

The numbers are, with the exception of the downed Storm Shadows, largely consistent with the numbers from the daily 'clobber report' in my spreadsheet. But I have only counted 17 reported Storm Shadow kills over the last month. I do not know where Shoigu's 29 is coming from.

Shoigu also spoke of targets of the recent drone attacks in Ukraine (machine translation):

“The deliveries of equipment and weapons to Ukraine are increasing. We monitor the volumes and routes of supply and, if identified, strike.

In recent days, large warehouses of Western weapons in Khmelnytsky, Ternopil and Nikolaev have been destroyed, the American Patriot anti-aircraft missile system in Kyiv has been hit,” the Minister of Defense said.

"The military support of Ukraine only delays the hostilities, but cannot affect the outcome of the special military operation," the head of the military department is sure.

On today's drone strikes in Moscow he said (machine translation):

“This morning, the Kiev regime carried out a terrorist act in the Moscow region. I will note, on civilian objects.

It involved eight aircraft-type unmanned aerial vehicles.

They are all amazed.

In Moscow, three drones were suppressed by electronic warfare, lost control and deviated from their intended targets.

Five more were shot down in the Moscow region by the Pantsir anti-aircraft missile and gun system, the Minister of Defense said.

Other people had claimed up to 20 drones. But there was little damage and no reports of any casualties.

Also today was the third large drone and missile strike on Kiev within 24 hours. I do not believe that Ukraine's claim of shooting down all of them is in any way reasonable. The air defense in Kiev and elsewhere is likely to soon run out of missiles. That will certainly increase the effectiveness of Russian strikes.

President Putin seemed to confirm that today's attack on a 'central decision-making points' hit the headquarter of military intelligence in Kiev:

Mark Sleboda @MarkSleboda1 - 13:28 UTC · May 30, 2023

Putin confirms recent Russian missile strike on Kiev regime military intelligence, under Budanov, which had claimed credit for several recent assassinations & terrorist bombings of civilians in Russia.

Budanov is a pretty nasty piece of s***. In a recent interview with Yahoo his threats were certainly not within the frame of any law:

The implication is that Budanov’s intelligence service, more commonly known by its Ukrainian acronym HUR, was behind a string of audacious and lethal attacks inside Russian territory — or what the Kremlin considers to be Russian territory. These include the August car-bomb assassination of Daria Dugina, daughter of Russia’s notorious far-right theorist Aleksandr Dugin, in central Moscow, and the suspected truck bombing in October that partially dismantled the Kerch Bridge, Russia’s only direct link from the Black Sea to occupied Crimea.

U.S. intelligence has attributed Dugina’s killing to the Ukrainian government, although not specifically to the HUR. Asked about this allegation, Budanov said, “Don’t continue with that topic. All I will comment on is that we’ve been killing Russians and we will keep killing Russians anywhere on the face of this world until the complete victory of Ukraine.”

Budanov should note that the old warrior tale has been updated to: "Live by the sword, die by the dagger missile."
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Oh look
It's Mr "their children will hide in basements and ours will not" hiding in a basement

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Post by Tankanator »

Douglas MacGregor

Until the fighting begins, national military strategy developed in peacetime shapes thinking about warfare and its objectives. Then the fighting creates a new logic of its own. Strategy is adjusted. Objectives change. The battle for Bakhmut illustrates this point very well.

When General Sergey Vladimirovich Surovikin, commander of Russian aerospace forces, assumed command of the Russian military in the Ukrainian theater last year, President Vladimir Putin and his senior military advisors concluded that their original assumptions about the war were wrong. Washington had proved incurably hostile to Moscow’s offers to negotiate, and the ground force Moscow had committed to compel Kiev to negotiate had proved too small.

Surovikin was given wide latitude to streamline command relationships and reorganize the theater. Most importantly, Surovikin was also given the freedom of action to implement a defensive strategy that maximized the use of stand-off attack or strike systems while Russian ground forces expanded in size and striking power. The Bakhmut “Meatgrinder” was the result.

When it became clear that Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky and his government regarded Bakhmut as a symbol of Ukrainian resistance to Russian military power, Surovikin turned Bakhmut into the graveyard of Ukrainian military power. From the fall of 2022 onward, Surovikin exploited Zalenskiy’s obsession with Bakhmut to engage in a bloody tug-of-war for control of the city. As a result, thousands of Ukrainian soldiers died in Bakhmut and many more were wounded.

Surovkin’s performance is reminiscent of another Russian military officer: General Aleksei Antonov. As the first deputy chief of the Soviet general staff, Surovikin was, in Western parlance, the director of strategic planning. When Stalin demanded a new summer offensive in a May 1943 meeting, Antonov, the son and grandson of imperial Russian army officers, argued for a defensive strategy. Antonov insisted that Hitler, if allowed, would inevitably attack the Soviet defenses in the Kursk salient and waste German resources doing so.

Stalin, like Hitler, believed that wars were won with offensive action, not defensive operations.

Stalin was unmoved by Soviet losses. Antonov presented his arguments for the defensive strategy in a climate of fear, knowing that contradicting Stalin could cost him his life. To the surprise of Marshals Aleksandr Vasilevsky and Georgy Zhukov, who were present at the meeting, Stalin relented and approved Antonov’s operational concept. The rest, as historians say, is history.

If President Putin and his senior military leaders wanted outside evidence for Surovikin’s strategic success in Bakhmut, a Western admission appears to provide it: Washington and her European allies seem to think that a frozen conflict—in which fighting pauses but neither side is victorious, nor does either side agree that the war is officially over—could be the most politically palatable long-term outcome for NATO. In other words, Zelensky’s supporters no longer believe in the myth of Ukrainian victory.

The question on everyone’s mind is, what’s next?

In Washington, conventional wisdom dictates that Ukrainian forces launch a counteroffensive to retake Southern Ukraine. Of course, conventional wisdom is frequently high on convention and low on wisdom. On the assumption that Ukraine’s black earth will dry sufficiently to support ground maneuver forces before mid-June, Ukrainian forces will strike Russian defenses on multiple axes and win back control of Southern Ukraine in late May or June. Roughly 30,000 Ukrainian soldiers training in Great Britain, Germany, and other NATO member states are expected to return to Ukraine and provide the foundation for the Ukrainian counterattack force.

General Valery Gerasimov, who now commands the Russian forces in the Ukrainian theater, knows what to expect, and he is undoubtedly preparing for the Ukrainian offensive. The partial mobilization of Russian forces means that Russian ground forces are now much larger than they have been since the mid-1980s.

Given the paucity of ammunition available to adequately supply one operational axis, it seems unlikely that a Ukrainian offensive involving two or more axes could succeed in penetrating Russian defenses. Persistent overhead surveillance makes it nearly impossible for Ukrainian forces to move through the twenty- to twenty-five-kilometer security zone and close with Russian forces before Ukrainian formations take significant losses.

Once Ukraine’s offensive resources are exhausted Russia will likely take the offense. There is no incentive to delay Russian offensive operations. As Ukrainian forces repeatedly demonstrate, paralysis is always temporary. Infrastructure and equipment are repaired. Manpower is conscripted to rebuild destroyed formations. If Russia is to achieve its aim of demilitarizing Ukraine, Gerasimov surely knows he must still close with and complete the destruction of the Ukrainian ground forces that remain.

Why not spare the people of Ukraine further bloodletting and negotiate with Moscow for peace while Ukraine still possesses an army? Unfortunately, to be effective, diplomacy requires mutual respect, and Washington’s effusive hatred for Russia makes diplomacy impossible. That hatred is rivaled only by the arrogance of much of the ruling class, who denigrate Russian military power largely because U.S. forces have been lucky enough to avoid conflict with a major power since the Korean War. More sober-minded leaders in Washington, Paris, Berlin, and other NATO capitols should urge a different course of action.
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Post by Tankanator »

🎯🇬🇧 Chadvedev says that any UK official is a legitimate military target of Russia.

🗣The UK has been an ally of Ukraine, providing it with military assistance in the form of equipment and specialists, i.e. de facto waging an undeclared war against Russia. In such a case, any of its officials (whether military or civilian contributing to the war) may be considered a legitimate military target - Chadvedev.

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Post by Gemini »

Miguel Diaz-Canel:
"I consider Vladimir Putin my friend, a true friend of Cuba, and he has demonstrated this in practice."

— The republic condemns NATO's expansion to Russia's borders and the sanctions that have been applied to Moscow;

— the Russian Federation and Cuba have excellent relations, which are based on historically friendly and fraternal ties, and an important part of the Cuban qualified personnel were trained in Russia;

— Havana is grateful to Moscow for its help, especially during the pandemic: when there was not enough medical oxygen in the republic, Russia gratuitously helped to import it;

— today, the aggressive and hegemonic policy of the United States, which constantly erects walls, uses blackmail, aggression and slander, is at the heart of world international relations;

— Cuba condemns US interference in the internal affairs of the People's Republic of China and supports Beijing in defending the concept of a single China.

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Post by Tankanator »

"I don't want to hear the slogan of the Ukrainian Nazis on Croatian soil." Milanovic equated the Banderovites with the Ustashas

The Bandera salute "Glory to Ukraine!" is no different from the slogans of the German Nazis, said Croatian President Zoran Milanovic.

"Between "For Home Ready!" (the greeting of the Croatian Ustasha Nazis, officially banned) and "Glory to Ukraine" there is no difference. It is the cry of the most radical chauvinists of Western Ukraine, who collaborated with the Nazis and killed hundreds of thousands of Poles and Jews... This is a fact... So I don't want to hear it in Croatia," Croatian Radio and Television quotes Milanovic as saying.

Some Western leaders are used to the Ukrainian Nazi slogan and use it on any occasion at official events because they are simply illiterate. This is especially true of politicians from Canada, the Croatian president added.
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Post by LinusBorvalds »

Douglas MacGregor
-US probably supplied details for drones that struck near Putin's office
-Ground has firmed up and we will likely see Ukraine offensive
-thinks Ukraine will fail and Russia will strike back
-Things are about to get very bad economically in Europe
-Dollar is going down the shitter
-Russia hasn't been hurt economically
-Russia may mobilise up to 2 million
-They will likely complete landbridge to Odessa
-Zelenski is a traitor as he sits down with Larry Fink from BlackRock to sell the country wholesale
-Zelenski will probably be killed by his own people

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Post by Gemini »

Olaf Scholz getting booked the fuck out and called a warmonger

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Post by Tankanator »

John Mearsheimer: Russians are gonna win this war

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Ukraine ‘ready’ to launch counteroffensive – Zelensky
The upcoming military operation will come at a tremendous cost, and many soldiers will die, the Ukrainian president has warned

Ukraine is ready to launch its long-awaited offensive, President Vladimir Zelensky told the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) in an interview published on Saturday. He did not reveal the exact date, but said Kiev can no longer “wait for months.”

The operation is likely to inflict heavy losses on Ukrainian troops, and might not go exactly as planned, Zelensky admitted, adding that Russia's air superiority would inevitably mean Kiev's forces will be exposed to enemy fire.

“I don’t know how long it will take,” Zelensky said, commenting on the operation’s potential timeframe. He added that “it can go a variety of ways, completely different.”

The president admitted that the military equipment and weapons supplied to Ukraine by its Western backers are still not enough. “We would like to have certain things, but we can’t wait for months,” he said.

Zelensky also highlighted the need for stronger air defences, and claimed that the US-made Patriot systems are virtually the only ones in the world capable of countering certain Russian missile types.

He claimed Ukraine would need as many as 50 Patriot batteries to ensure sufficient air defenses. The lack of such protection means “a large number of soldiers will die,” during the offensive, he added.

In May, Kiev claimed that its forces had managed to intercept a Russian hypersonic Kinzhal missile, using a Patriot air defense system. Moscow denied the claim, and accused Ukraine of routinely exaggerating the effectiveness of its air defenses.

Ukraine has long been discussing a counteroffensive against Russia to reclaim territories that Kiev considers as its own. It has postponed the operation several times, citing a lack of ammunition, weapons, and even adverse weather conditions. Back in mid-May Zelensky claimed Kiev was ready to launch the offensive, while maintaining it needed more Western weapons.

Ukrainian troops have suffered massive casualties since the start of the conflict, according to various estimates. A Pentagon document leaked earlier this year and cited by The Washington Post said that between 124,000 and 131,000 Ukrainian soldiers had been killed or wounded since the start of the hostilities.

Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov has rejected this assessment, saying the number of his troops killed in the conflict was less than the death toll from the earthquakes that hit Türkiye and Syria in February. The combined estimated fatalities in the two countries amounted to more than 55,000. Reznikov later apologized for the comparison, deemed insensitive by some people in the affected areas.

In May, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said the Ukrainian armed forces had sustained over 15,000 battlefield casualties in April alone. Ukrainian Brigadier General Sergey Melnik, deputy commander of the Ukrainian force grouping stationed in the northeastern Kharkov Region, admitted to Spanish newspaper El Pais in April that Ukraine had already lost most of its experienced troops to deaths and injuries. “The problem is that we have a lack of people and equipment,” he said at the time, adding that Kiev had to rely on “people without military experience.”
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Post by LinusBorvalds »

Ukrainians destroyed the dam which was supplying water to the ZPP nuclear power plant and water to Crimea

Russians said this back in October last year ... 19824.html

"Russians and Ukrainians are one people, and Moscow seeks only one thing in Ukraine - that the nation break free from the grip of the West and NATO and become a friendly government, Sergei Surovikin, the Russian Army General appointed commander of all Russian forces in Ukraine earlier this month, has said.

"The enemy is the criminal regime pushing the citizens of Ukraine to their death. We and Ukrainians are one people and want the same thing - that Ukraine be independent from the West and NATO and a friendly state for Russia," Surovikin said, speaking with reporters in the conflict zone on Tuesday.

Commenting on Kiev's recent offensive operations in the direction of the city of Kherson, the commander accused Kiev's NATO puppetmasters of ignoring the heavy losses both in manpower among the Ukrainian military, and among civilians, and characterized the situation in this area of the front as "very difficult."
"The NATO leadership in charge of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has long been demanding offensive operations in the Kherson direction from the Kiev regime, without any regard for casualties, both among the Armed Forces of Ukraine and among the civilian population," Surovikin said.

...Russia also has information that Kiev may be preparing to use prohibited methods of warfare in Kherson, including plans "for a massive missile attack on Kakhovskaya Dam, and a massive, indiscriminate missile and artillery strike on the city. These actions could lead to the destruction of the infrastructure of a large industrial center, and cause major casualties among the civilian population," Surovikin said.

"Our further plans and actions regarding the city of Kherson will depend on the emerging military-tactical situation" and will proceed from the need to preserve as much as possible the lives of local civilians and Russian military personnel," the commander said.
Russia will not exclude making "difficult decisions" should the situation call for it, Surovikin said. These include ensuring a safe exit for any civilians from Kherson region who wish to leave the conflict zone.

...Surovikin estimates that Ukraine is losing between 600 and 1,000 soldiers killed and injured per day. "We have a different strategy. The commander in chief has spoken about this. We are not striving for a high rate of advance, are taking care of each soldier and methodically 'grinding' the advancing enemy down,"

The Russian group of forces in Ukraine is currently building up its strength, creating reserves and building defensive positions along the entire front, Surovikin said.

"Strikes using high-precision weapons are continuing against military facilities and infrastructure that affects the combat capabilities of Ukrainian troops,"..."
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Post by Gemini »

Cuckraine is at it again

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