Antifascist Forum - Protect humanity from fascism! Manifesto for the unification of the peoples of the world

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Antifascist Forum - Protect humanity from fascism! Manifesto for the unification of the peoples of the world

Post by Charlotte » ... _x_tr_tl=e

The document was adopted at the International Anti-Fascist Forum in Minsk on April 22, 2023.

Minsk, Republic of Belarus,

Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War,

April 22, 2023

We, the participants of the International Anti-Fascist Forum from the countries of Asia, America and Europe, have gathered in Minsk to say our firm “No!” war and reaction, neo-fascism and oppression.

We met on Belarusian soil, every inch of which is abundantly watered with the blood of millions of victims of Hitlerism. It was here in June 1941 that the holy war of the entire Soviet people against the brown plague began. Among the killed and tortured victims of the Nazi aggression was every third inhabitant of the Byelorussian SSR.

Nazism was a direct product of the crisis of capitalism. It grew out of the thirst of big capital to maintain power over the working people at any cost. For their own selfish purposes, the imperialists took the path of supporting the darkest forces. They brought Hitler, Mussolini, Franco and their ideological accomplices to power. From political outcasts, the Nazis turned into the arbiters of the destinies of many millions of people.

The peoples of the world have no right to forget the experience of fighting fascism. In 1936, with the support of Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, a civil war broke out in Spain. People's power received the support of the USSR and many progressive forces. But then fascism was stronger. This paved the way for the most terrible war in human history. The last decisive steps were taken towards the furnaces and gas chambers of Buchenwald and Mauthausen, Dachau and Sobibor, Majdanek and Auschwitz.

The tragic lessons of the past should be well known and always remembered! The world paid a huge price for getting rid of Nazism. The heroes of this struggle covered themselves with unfading glory - soldiers and officers of the Red Army, soldiers of the countries of the Anti-Hitler coalition, fighters of the People's Liberation Army of China, representatives of the French and Italian Resistance, members of the German anti-fascist underground, Yugoslav and Korean partisans, Polish and Czechoslovak patriots.

The red flag over the Reichstag in May 1945 is not only a special fact of the past. The meaning and significance of the Great Victory over fascism is turned to the future. They sound alarm, appealing to the hearts of new generations.

As in the thirties of the last century, the black smoke of military conflagrations is spreading across our planet. It's getting darker and darker on the horizon. Unity and courage in their principled struggle are needed from people of good will.

The situation is extremely worrying. Neo-colonialism is reminiscent of itself in Africa and America. The imperialists are heating up the situation in Asia. Under the rumble of cannonade in Europe and other parts of the world, blood is shed. Sorrow and suffering of people are multiplying. The groans of the wounded and the groans of the dying are heard again. Weeping tears of mothers. Before our eyes, the world seems to be ready to fall into the gaping abyss, from which the ominous outlines of the spider swastika emerge more and more clearly.

The treacherous destruction of the USSR, the country that defeated fascism, aroused world predators. Global capital felt complete impunity. He imposes his dictatorship in the most vile ways. The deadly threat of fascist revenge is growing again every day. The beast of Nazism has licked its old wounds and is rapidly gaining strength. He grew bolder and crawled out of his wolf lair in search of new victims.

Global evil has returned in a neoliberal guise. It has created a global system of robbery of entire countries and peoples. It has stained itself with aggression against Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria. Attempts have been made to overthrow the legitimate governments in Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Belarus. Sanctions pressure is deployed against the peoples of Russia and China, Cuba and North Korea. Military threats and political blackmail are used.

On the eve of World War II, Hitler's stormtroopers were conducted by financial capital. In the 21st century, he also controls the newly-minted Nazis. Fascism, defeated 78 years ago, has not disappeared from the face of the earth, because its services are very much needed by the world oligarchy. That is why the Nazi rump is marching in Vilnius and Tallinn. Burning books in Kyiv. Demolished monuments to Soviet soldiers-liberators in Warsaw. European deputies in expensive suits initiate vile resolutions, trying to equalize Hitler's Nazism and Soviet socialism. Fascist evil spirits set out to take historical revenge.

The direct support of the United States and its NATO allies elevated the ideology of Nazism to the rank of state ideology in Ukraine. For many years, Bandera's ghouls have been running a bloody ball in Kyiv, mocking the masses. They turned Ukraine into a concentration camp for dissidents, shut down objectionable media outlets, banned opposition activities, and unleashed reprisals against communists. All those who preserved the ideals of the brotherhood of peoples and loyalty to the Great Victory over fascism were subjected to repression. The Nazis burned people alive in Odessa, blew them up and killed them from around the corner. From year to year, Azov militants with a wolf hook on chevrons terrorized Donbass. Its courageous inhabitants rose up in a liberation struggle against militarism and neo-Nazism.

Western governments are pumping weapons to Bandera's Ukraine. Zelensky is already declaring a desire to possess a nuclear arsenal. But NATO did not hit him on the hands. On the contrary, it expresses its readiness to transform the Ukrainian army according to its own standards. And the madmen from London are themselves ready to transfer shells with depleted uranium into the hands of the neo-Nazi regime.

NATO countries not only replicate lethal types of weapons. They stuffed the whole world with their military bases. Four hundred US biolaboratories in different countries are experimenting with the most dangerous viruses and bacteria. The consequences of these actions can disrupt the peaceful development of entire states. Moreover, they threaten all of humanity as a biological species.

Communists have always pointed out: "Fascism is war." The course of events again confirms this. There can be only one answer from the peoples: the fascist monster must be destroyed. Brown plague bacilli are too dangerous. They must be neutralized confidently and quickly. The price of carelessness will be extremely high. The horrors condemned at Nuremberg must not be repeated. We have no right to let world reaction commit new bloody atrocities.

The deeds and thoughts of the imperialist West are saturated with the poison of malicious hatred for everything progressive, sovereign and free. Biden and Scholz, von der Leyen and Borrell, Duda and Morawiecki, all of them are just support staff in the system of global dictatorship. Their career success is directly determined by their willingness to serve the interests of the global financial oligarchy.

Globalists cover up their actions with pseudo-intellectual research. They extract the most reactionary ideas from the theories of Nietzsche, Chamberlain and Gobineau about the "superman" and "racial superiority". They are brewing an explosive mixture of neo-Malthusianism and post-humanism. Put forward misanthropic nonsense about "the priority of technological progress over social development." They pass off the praise of vices and perversions as humanism. The old ideas that inspired Hitler and his accomplices are wrapped up in pseudoscientific "bioengineering" packaging by Klaus Schwab and his ilk.

All this false "innovation" is hostile to the peoples. It is promoted by those who are struck by ethnic and racial prejudice, who are eager to take revenge on the peoples for the victory over fascism and colonialism. These circles are obsessed with the idea of ​​total control over humanity. By announcing the abolition of the great Russian culture, they are aiming to destroy the humanistic culture of the whole world, to overturn us all in times of unprecedented savagery and an electronic concentration camp.

Neoliberalism is the vicious enemy of any independent development and democratic norms. The political systems of the West have degenerated into absolute autocracies. The bourgeois elites have lost touch with the values ​​of freedom and humanism. Their behavior is increasingly opening the door to neo-fascism.

Writhing in agony, capitalism clings to life at any cost. And the reincarnation of fascism does not frighten him at all. World reaction only encourages the heirs of Hitler and Mussolini, Franco and Salazar, Antonescu and Mannerheim, Pilsudski and Quisling. She frenziedly destroys the memory of the Second World War and falsifies the facts of history.

The plans of the "new world order" turn into aggression and conflicts, neo-fascism and neo-colonialism, the threat of a new world war. The whole world is becoming a battlefield today. And we must win this battle - in the name of all the best that has been created by world culture, in the name of a worthy future for mankind!

The key to success is the unity and cohesion of the peace-loving forces of the planet. The victorious resistance of world reaction can only be universal. We are deeply convinced that our international solidarity is capable of protecting humanity from the fascist threat and sliding into the abyss of world war. We firmly declare this here in Belarus. On its sacred land, the inextricable link between the past, present and future is especially acutely realized.

Dear friends! During the fiery years of the Second World War, a great military alliance of opponents of fascist barbarism was formed - an alliance of communists and patriots, tyrant-fighters and democrats. It was created despite social and ideological differences, the difference in political and religious views. That was the call of the times. The new era of trials insistently demands the unity of action of all people of good will.

Let us unite in the fight against neo-Nazism, reaction and militarism!

Long live the united front of progressive forces!

Long live the solidarity of the working people and peoples in the struggle against fascism!

Let's not blow up the world!

¡No pasarán! They won't get through!
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