Welcome to Redarmy.online - pull up a seat

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Welcome to Redarmy.online - pull up a seat

Post by JoeySteel »

If you've come across redarmy.online right now it's far from a finished product.

We are currently in the process of setting things up and getting things into a good situation.

The birth of the Redarmy.online has occurred via this false dichotomy now facing the west where even Marxist-Leninists insist on the "left or leftism". As if the political compass were a real thing and the more left you go the closer to communism you can get.

The Labour party were ostensibly 'more left' than the tories yet it was under a combination of reactionary socialists, social democrats and liberals that a labour government in power created Nato. Nato would wage war against communism for the next 70 years. Financing fascists all over Europe and waging a secret war against their own nations under Operation Gladio.

It was a leftist that shot Lenin.

At RedArmy.online we believe in the golden Stalinist centre. That through the dialectic you can arrive at an ultra left deviation (which is ultimatlely "right" as Stalin famously pointed out), right opportunism or a new synthesis of Marxism.

In this spirit we reject the cultural decadence and degeneracy on display in bourgeois society as something 'progressive' and the so-called "left" is not something we particularly want to be associated with. The "left", we argue, are the "left" pillar of imperialism that strengthens and supports the right pillar. And via an ultra left or right opportunist deviation they end up as the most vehement anti-communists no matter their naked proclamations of "leftism"

You are welcome to stay, create an account and contribute however you please though. A note on signing up - there is no need to use an actual email address so just put a fake one in along the lines of "bobbybob@fake.com"
We are contemplating setting up a mail server for reset password functionality, subscribing to topics etc. but our feeling right now, due to state repression, most people visiting this site won't want to use a real email.
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