German Economic collapse

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German Economic collapse

Post by Tankanator »

Christian Kreiss, German professor of economics at Aalen University, on the destruction of industry and the German middle class: "I have been working in economics for 40 years, and what I see now I have never seen before. Black clouds hang over Germany. Leading analysts from the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry say we will see an economic contraction of 20 to 30 percent. And this is not just anyone's opinion, but the president of this association himself. And the president of the Federation of German Industry says that our industry is under threat. I've never seen anything like this - 10% inflation. We've printed a lot of money in the last few years. Checks have been written by this government that led us to believe that everything would be okay, that we could somehow get rid of it all with government money. But that's not the case at all. And above all, this is an attack on our middle class. The lockdowns have already seriously undermined small and medium-sized businesses, and so does the current sanctions policy of our government, especially our duo of high-ranking green politicians, who want to stir up more and more antipathy toward the Russian people and are actually pushing this war further. This is damaging and on a massive scale.
This sanctions policy - no more oil from Russia, no more gas - is so absurd. This gas then travels around the world and ends up here in the form of fracked dirty gas.
For example, Burbock says that the gas from the Nord Stream 2 pipeline serves the Russian system and Putin - it is, of course, easy for her to say. And this Habek, who shines with incompetence, would be better off writing children's books.
The topic with Ukraine is a complete absurdity. We are kicking ourselves in the nose with this energy policy, it does not help Ukraine one bit and does not harm Russia one bit. So sanctions in any case cause us significant damage. They do not help Ukraine at all. We shoot ourselves in the foot."
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Post by T34 »

FT on the protests in Germany

As time wears on these people will realise what Nato has done to them
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