Samuel Igra - Germany's National Vice

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Samuel Igra - Germany's National Vice

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Samuel Igra - Germany's National Vice
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In examining the rise of the Nazis and the cruelty of the SA and SS Samuel Igra examines the rise of homosexuality amongst the Nazi ranks and particularly the SA who Edmund Heine "turned into a homosexual brothel".

Homosexualism and German Militarism was not a new phenomena with the nazis but dates back to the Teutonic Knights, who after the crusades and the falling off from their religion whilst also living a monk/soldier style lifestyle fell into homosexualism.

This became prominent amongst the German militarists prior to the outbreak of World War 1.

The Euhlenberg trials of 1907-1909, a deeply scathing scandal of the Prince Eulenberg's homosexual practices outed the Kaiser as having surrounded himself with homosexuals. The person who exposed the affair, embarrassing the 2nd reich was Harden, a socialist jew.

The Euhlenberg Affair (as the court martials and 5 civil trials came to be known) was the "biggest homosexual scandal ever".
Lenin effete depraved and degenerate.png
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The issue centred on Socialist journalist Maximilian Harden's accusations of homosexual conduct between the Kaiser's close friend Philipp, Prince of Eulenburg, and General Kuno, Graf von Moltke. Accusations and counter-accusations quickly multiplied, and the phrase "Liebenberg Round Table" came to be used for the homosexual circle around the Kaiser.

Historians have linked the aftermath of the affair to the changes in German foreign policy that heightened its military aggressiveness and ultimately contributed to World War I.

The Hitlerties therefore came to power with the same attitudes to homosexuality as the imperial Germans and the Teutonic Knights - themselves having modelled their sexual behaviours on the militarised society of Aristotle. The Nazis fashioned this into an old misogyny - not seeing women as human or on their level and only good for child rearing. Women weakened the male therefore the Nazis theorised in order to ensure the Germans could "fight for their race" they would:
strengthened in segregated male communities who practise a certain well-regulated ritual of homosexualism among them selves and mingle with womenfolk only when they wish to beget their offspring. Thus Blueher and his disciples would revive the Teutonic Knights in a modern form. The Nazis have actually attempted to do this by establishing the Ordensburgen where the German male elites are housed and trained for leader ship. These Ordensburgen have been set up in monasteries and convents confiscated from the Roman Catholic religious orders.

Page numbers below marry to the page number of the pdf not the book
4 "The explanation of this outbreak of sadistic cruelty may be that sexual perversion, and, in particular, homosexuality, are very prevalent in Germany. It seems to me that mass sexual perversion may offer an explanation of this otherwise inexplicable outbreak." 1 The author of that statement is Mr. R. T. Smallbones, who was British Consul-General at Frankfort-on-Main from 1932 until the outbreak of war in 1939. Previous to 1932 he had been stationed in other German cities. His opinion therefore rests on first-hand experience of the German people for a long period of years. I am convinced that his explanation is the correct one.
5 This was true of Germany in the Middle Ages, when the Prussian State was first founded by the military pseudo-religious order of the Teutonic Knights, among whom the vice of homosexualism was rampant.
5 I have shown also how the Hitler movement has been contaminated by these vices from its very start, and how its violent anti-semitic bias is to be explained by reference to the uncompromising stand which Israel has maintained throughout her long history against practices that poison the sources of life itself.
5 And that is one of the main reasons why national-socialist Germany has overthrown the Bible, in self-justification.
6In proof of this, one has only to read regularly Das Schwarze Korps, the official organ of the S.S.-the Black Guards.
6 I recognised a parallel with the Gibeah happenings, when the militarist tribe of the Benjamites aroused the whole of Israel against them. That long and bitter war arose from homosexual aggression and sexual murder perpetrated by the Benjamites. For this act the other eleven tribes of Israel made war on the Benjamites and carried on the war until the vice was stamped out of the nation.
7. the decadent Roman Empire and the persecution of the Jews by the Hohenzollern Empire and Hitler's Reich.
12 These were granted lands and trading rights in return for feudal service to the Knights; but the Knights themselves continued for a long time to live as members of a military monastic order, whose rules enjoined the strictest external observance, though in their personal lives they practised vices which were prevalent also in the other military monastic orders of the time. These vices found a natural soil in the non-religious and yet celibate lives led by these male communities and were stimulated by the anti-feminine bias of the members.
13 In the Prussian House of Lords he refused assent to the policy of expropriation which Prince Bülow sought to introduce against the Polish Landlords. Yet in 1893 he spoke as follows in an address to his troops. Our civilization must build its temple on mountains of corpses, an ocean of tears and the groans of in numerable dying men. It cannot be otherwise.' This utterance made by such a man casts a glaring light on the entire Prussian mentality.
13 "All men educated in this school display the same inner cleavage however cultivated they may be. As soon as the conversation turns on politics their speech and thought suddenly breathe an arctic chill. It is not even political paganism. For the pagan believes in an ineluctable Divine government concerned even with political crime. But these men seem to be victims of a peculiar disease. Through generations and centuries of wars of annihila tion, a virus has slowly poisoned the blood and in the associates and heirs of this barbarism has killed beyond hope of recovery the aboriginal instinct of the living human soul for the truth of the invisible world, even, or rather particularly, in the political field.
14 Their personal lives were as infamous as the more widely published infamies of their brother knights, the Templars. These latter became so corrupt that they raised the practice of their cardinal vice into a religious cult. Homosexualism being a practical denial of life at its very source, a perversion of nature, its addicts look with cynicism on the whole human race and the normal instincts of mankind. The Templars went so far as to worship animals, even cat

s, as a gesture of con tempt for man's Creator.
15 And worshipped and served creatures more than the Creator describes one of the outstanding personal characteristics of Frederick the Great, whom Hitler and the Nazis have taken as their exemplar.
16 In his army he revived the vices of the Teutonic Knights and the Templars. Frederick is rightly looked upon as the founder of modern German militarism, not merely as state policy but as a worship of destruction for its own sake. He despised humanity in general and looked on human life, even his own life, as a bagatelle. He constantly carried a phial of poison on his person, so that he might put an end to his life at any moment he con sidered opportune. Frederick had his successors in the group of moral perverts that surrounded the last Kaiser: Moltke, Haessler, Eulenburg, Lynar, Wedel, Schulenburg, Hohenau, etc., etc., to say nothing of the Kaiser's cousin, King Ludwig II of Bavaria and his associates. The lives of these men seem like
18 which German militarism has emerged. Those elements are: (1) the militarist order of the Teutonic Knights; (2) the forces of commercialism represented by the German Hanseatic League; (3) the religious sanction emanating from Rome. These three elements acted conjointly in subjugating the Borussian inhabitants of the Vistula basin, partly exterminating them and imposing on them that form of totalitarianism which afterwards became known as the Prussian State.
18 The main driving force in the whole movement, however, was the Teutonic Order, actuated by the lust for military conquest as an end in itself and further stimulated by a blind urge to destroy and inflict torture on innocent peoples.
24 That has always been a characteristic outlet for the compelling moral evil that held the Teutonic Knights in its grip. And there was a particular reason why the evil should vent its wrath against the Slavs; for the Slavs, as a people, just as the Jews, have always been opposed to those unnatural vices of which the Apostle Paul speaks in his letter to the Romans. Here we have the real psychological factors causing the eternal conflict between Germans and Slavs.
24 imperative. In Germany these unnatural vices became a verit able cult among the ruling classes. In 1891 the well-known German psychiatrist, Krafft-Ebbing, one of the great pioneers in that branch of psycho-pathology, published a book entitled Psychologia Sexualis in which he declared that sex perversion in Germany was alarmingly on the increase.
25 Flouting and spurning the most primary and fundamental of all Nature's laws, in the inevitable logic of its effects it flouts and spurns all those essential virtues of loyalty and truth, love of children and respect for women, kindliness and justice to one's neighbour as a fellow-being of equal right and equal natural status (homosexualists form a group apart and often consider themselves superior to normal people, a significant fact which partly explains the Nazi contempt for their fellow Germans and the doctrine that they are the master class within the master race; breakers of nature's fundamental covenant with man, they have nothing save contempt for the solemn international covenants which they sign and interpret these only in terms of expediency),
25 It is because of this tendency to disrupt the foundations of the social structure that holds men together-and, by extension, undermining the basis of political good faith between nations-that homosexualism is listed as a grave criminal offence in the legal codes of most nations. Homosexualism, then, is not a vice that affects the private morals of the individual exclusively. Of course it corrupts personal integrity in the first place, but personal integrity is corrupted in such a way as to make the parties concerned peculiarly liable to be the carriers of other anti-social vices. For one thing, blackmail thrives on this sort of thing; and every accomplice is a possible blackmailer.
26 This was notoriously the case in Germany. Bismarck was sacrificed to the intrigues of the homosexualists around the young Kaiser in 1890. The point would not be of importance now and would have no more than a purely historical interest were it not for the fact that the scandalously immoral conditions which prevailed among the ruling caste in Germany during the regime of Kaiser Wilhelm II made the internal political situation so critical that war was chosen as a means of diverting public attention away from the unwholesome spectacle of corruption in high places at home. The Press had turned the limelight on this spectacle and kept it in focus persistently for the seven years preceding the war; that is to say from 1907 to 1914.
26 It was under those circumstances that the anti-semitic move ment began in modern Germany; it sprang up as a reaction against the Jews, who were the leaders of the crusade denouncing
34 We know from other sources that the same pest infected the other garrison towns; Magdeburg, Koenigsberg, Dresden, Munich, for example. From all these centres came the criminally debauched officers and men who were responsible for the atrocities committed in Belgium and Northern France. These atrocities cannot be explained by attributing them to savage instincts let loose by the atavism of war; else why were they not perpetrated even by the Germans during the Franco-Prussian war or by the Allied soldiers in the two world wars? They can be accounted for only as a product of that specific type of debauchery, with its immediate sadistic effects-shown particularly in the brutalization of women
35 The Emperor discussed political matters only with the responsible ministers; he did not listen to irre sponsible advisers. It was natural and understandable that his grandson, on ascending the throne, should cut loose from his predecessor's old court officials. If the new Kaiser collected around him men of character and reliability one could only welcome the change; but his impulsive nature led him into choosing men for And thus it came about that he was soon surrounded by a group of homosexualists; because these people, as I have already ex plained, had cultivated a flair for sociability and subserviency. The Kaiser himself did not suspect that those in his immediate entourage were addicted to unnatural habits which utterly unfitted them to enter those circles immediately surrounding a monarch. They pleased him and he fully trusted them, without knowing that this trust was often shamefully abused.
36 In his periodical, The Community of Unusual People, Adolf Brandt expresses this sense of solidarity with the pathetic words : May these pages assure everyone that love for our friends is for us the highest and holiest thing on this earth; their protection our religion, their freedom our strength, their honour our fatherland!'"
38 Imagine the members of such a clique as the daily companions of a monarch and one can readily understand the danger such a thing involves not only for the monarch himself but also for the welfare of the country he governs. Die Welt am Montag (a popular Berlin daily) wrote an article entitled 'The Camarilla of Perverts,' in the course of which the following statements were made ; There is proof that in Liebenberg (the country estate of Prince Eulenburg, the leader of the homosexualist group surrounding the Kaiser) an intrigue was set afoot against responsible statesmen and it can justly be said that this was done by a camarilla in the entourage of the Monarch. This terminology has no further implication than to say that around a Ruler a Court clique has been formed which conducts a campaign against responsible statesmen and endeavours to induce the Sovereign to do its bidding.'
38 "The trials which took place during the first decade of our century ", he says, "proved with shocking clarity that large sections. of our nation were no longer in a morally healthy condition. In the very highest social circles there was a veritable orgy of scandal mongering, tale-bearing and denunciations that must have made every honest patriot anxious about the future of his country. "In the midst of the moral filth I had to encounter daily in Berlin it was often difficult for me to be an optimist and retain my faith in humanity.
39 It is to this visit that we are to date the original inspiration of Harden's crusade against the Potsdam clique. The crusade culminated in the sensational trials of 1907-8, which aroused a public clamour that continued for five years and was quelled for the time being by the declaration of war in 1914.
40 My contention, that Harden's campaign against the Potsdam perverts gave rise to an anti-semite reaction that subsequently developed into the colossal per secution of the Jews with which we are now familiar, is corroborated by George Sylvester Viereck in his book, The Kaiser on Trial
40 "Phili's loss was not the only shock to the Kaiser. It was followed by a flare-up of hatred and abuse in every part of the empire. An army of Philistines, petty bourgeois preachers, fools and vindictive foes triumphed over William II. They thundered denunciations of the guileless monarch who had ventured to seek a society of asthetes instead of confining himself to uninspiring Ministers of State and pedantic privy councillors. "Harden was now determined to overthrow with his pen William II and the Camarilla. But mightier forces than Harden's pen were needed to accomplish his purpose. Emperor and empire withstood his attack. He only succeeded in bespat tering his country's flag and preparing the vendetta against the Jews after the fall of the empire. 66 But he also succeeded in undermining the confidence of the Germans in their leaders. The full effect of his campaign appeared in November 1918 (when the Germans capitulated to the Entente) and in April 1933 (that is to say, when Hitler gave orders for the boycott of the Jews and officially declared a war of extermination against the whole Jewish race)."
45 Eulenburg swore solemnly that he had had no untoward relations with them; but evidence was produced which corro borated the testimony of the fishermen and plunged the Prince into further disgrace through revelations of immoral practices also with other accomplices. The Crown Prosecutor broke off the case against Harden and had Eulenburg arrested on charges of perjury and repeated offences against paragraph 175 of the German Penal Code, which makes the practice of homosexualism a criminal offence.
47 Besides, the German newspapers unnerved by Reval exhibit a continually increasing excitement. It is possible that this martial language is to ring the changes on the Eulenburg affair which is to be settled next week and which is upsetting the Emperor very much.”
52 In his speech before the Reichstag, von Buelow protested against the suggestion that the German Army and people were rotten at heart", and declared : " The state of the Imperial German Army has nothing in it to warrant comparison with Imperial Rome in its decadence." 66
52 The police records and military records of the time show that the Chancellor's defence of the German Army did not correspond to the actual truth. There was much in the Imperial German Army to warrant comparison with Imperial Rome in its decadence.
52 "The Commanders of the Berlin and Potsdam Guards Regi ments come to me almost every day to ask my advice as to what they can do to combat the pederasty which has become prevalent among the soldiers of their regiments.
55 In these places the soldiers behaved like prostitutes. They directly offered themselves to the homosexuals, who mostly belonged to the cultured classes. A short while previously it happened that
55 We need not discuss the question whether he was homosexual, impotent or a sadistic pervert, or all three together. The fact remains (see Mein Kampf, pp. 58-61) that he felt a personal hurt when he read that in the libel action, Moltke versus Harden, Moltke was examined by a doctor whom the Court of Justice had appointed and that this medical expert had officially testified in Court that Moltke was sexually abnormal.
55 During his time as German Ambassador in Vienna, instead of attending to his strictly diplomatic duties, Eulenburg cultivated the society of German-Austrians, encourag ing among them ideas of pan-Germanism, racial expansionism, nordic mysticism, Antinous-cult, Wagnerism, acclaiming the pseudo-theosophy of Rudolf Liechtenstein and other semi-oriental, semi-barbaric exoticisms.
57 Harden was a Jew. Many of the most prominent journalists in Germany were Jews. The owners and directors of the big Vienna papers were Jews. Hence the conclusion that the attack owed its origin, mainly if not exclusively, to Jewish inspiration.
60 Just as the Kaiser had done in pre-war Germany, Hitler gathered homosexuals around him. The moral pervert, Captain Ernst Roehm, who gave Hitler his first start and helped more than any other person to bring him to power, was his intimate friend for more than fourteen years. When the private doings of the National Socialist leaders in his immediate entourage became known throughout Germany and even abroad, Hitler saw that his own career was in peril. He tried to prove an alibi by getting rid of a number of his friends in the horrible "blood purge of June 30, 1934. But a large number of sex perverts still remained in Hitler's entourage and continued to rule Germany, as they did in the Kaiser's time. 99
61 Not one of the belligerents in the first world war entered the war out of fear of hunger or want. Germany was one of the most prosperous countries in the world. She had raw material for her industries in sufficient quantities to enable her to produce a large surplus which she was able to sell in the foreign markets and thus exchange it for the foodstuffs she lacked at home.
62 As a matter of fact, Germany was able to invest the surplus earnings of her industry in foreign securities and her yearly investments abroad were steadily creeping up until the outbreak of war in 1914. Her people were well fed, well clad, well housed and were contented. Moreover, Germany's military power was so immense that she did not have the slightest reason to fear an attack from outside on the part of a nation or nations in search of food and wealth.
63 A FEW days after the murder of Dr Dolfuss in Vienna (July 25, 1934) the semi-official Italian newspaper, Il Popolo di Roma, published the comment : Pederasts and assassins rule in Berlin.
64 Captain Roehm, for instance, was a notorious sex pervert. He held an official position at the Bavarian War Office in Munich and gave Hitler his first job there as a political spy for the army. Hitler's introduction to Roehm could be accounted for by the facts related in the Dollfuss document; for, as Princess Catherine Radziwill pointed out in a review article published in the United States some time ago, Roehm had been associated with Eulenburg.
64 Captain Roehm, for instance, was a notorious sex pervert. He held an official position at the Bavarian War Office in Munich and gave Hitler his first job there as a political spy for the army. Hitler's introduction to Roehm could be accounted for by the facts related in the Dollfuss document; for, as Princess Catherine Radziwill pointed out in a review article published in the United States some time ago, Roehm had been associated with Eulenburg.
64 Now, Eulenburg had a number of homosexual friends in Vienna whom Hitler undoubtedly knew; for Hitler was received by Eulenburg at his Schloss near Berlin in 1921, and through Eulenburg made contact with some members of the Prussian House of Lords in Berlin. Indeed, he was received by them in the National Club there. Rudolf Olden in Hitler the Pawn mentions
66 “One day a sensational article appeared in the Vorwaerts, entitled Krupp at Capri. In quite explicit terms the writer stated that Germany's greatest industrialist was a man given to unnatural practices with the male sex.
68 The hint here is that Hitler was introducing shady and criminal elements into the party and was determined to base his support on his connections with various well-known perverts. This gave rise to resentment on the part of other members. In his book, Hitler the Pawn, Olden says: "Otto Strasser went so far as to allege that Hitler had a distaste for self-confident, self-assured men, and a preference for unstable, unbalanced and even criminal characters. So it is not remarkable that a deserter, Captain von Muecke, angrily declared the Voelkische Party is no longer a party of decent people; it is de generate and corrupt. In short, it is a pigsty.' > >>
69 The first Police President to be appointed under the Nazi regime was Count Helldorf, well known for his unnatural sexual practices. Before he became police president he was persistently forced to pay blackmail and was always in need of money. He borrowed heavily from Hitler's astrologer, Hanussen, whom he had murdered soon after his appointment in control of the police. Helldorf polished off the job by confiscating the I.O.U.'s which he had given the astrologer for the various loans.
69 The vices of Captain Roehm, commander of the storm troops, with three million men under his control, were a matter of world-wide knowledge and comment. Baldur von Schirach, Reich Leader of the Youth from the time of Hitler's accession to power until 1939, was arrested by the police for perverse sexual practices and liberated on the intervention of Hitler, who soon afterwards made him leader of the Hitler Youth. Among the S.S. and S.A. group leaders and gauleiters the more outstanding criminals in this matter were Edmond Heines, S.A. group-leader at Breslau, Julius Streicher, gauleiter of the Nuremberg district, and Kube of the Frankfort-on-Oder district. Heydrich, Deputy Chief of the Gestapo, was dismissed from the Navy for immoral sexual conduct.
69 Julius Streicher, the notorious Jew-baiter, was originally a school teacher, but was dismissed by the Nuremberg School Authorities, following numerous charges of pederasty brought against him.
69 It was not merely that these men practised their vices in private and among their own clique; but they made a system, almost a cult, of their moral corruption, and used their positions of power to molest with impunity innocent boys and girls whose features and physique they fancied. When Kube and his staff visited the villages of his district, Kube ist da was the warning passed from mouth to mouth among the people, whereupon parents hid their boys and girls in the cellars or in the back kitchens. This scoundrel needed so much money for his filthy orgies that he had his accomplices appointed to positions in the local savings banks and borough treasurers' offices, where they systematically robbed the tills. In Frankfort-on-Oder, for
70 His paper, Der Stuermer, was frequently confiscated by the police, even at the height of the Nazi regime, because of the sexual obscenities displayed in the drawings and described in the text.
70 Edmond Heines, the group-leader of the storm troops at Breslau, was a repulsive brute who turned the Nazi headquarters of the city into a homosexual brothel. Having 300,000 storm troopers under his command, he was in a position to terrorize the neighbourhood. He extracted money right and left, from all and sundry, under physical threats and the moral threat of blackmail. One of his favourite ruses was to have members of the youth organization indulge in unnatural practices with one another and then threaten their parents that he would denounce these youths to the police and thus expose the whole family to shame unless he received a certain consideration in the form of hush money.
70 Thus Heines not only indulged in homosexual orgies himself-he was often Roehm's consort in this-but he promoted the vice as a lucrative business.
70 On the night of June 30, 1934, Heines was found sharing a bed with his chauffeur in the Inn at Wiessee. The two were murdered there and then by Hitler's adjutant, Brueckner, and his secretary, Maurice, both homosexuals themselves.
70 Baldur von Schirach, known as the baby" among the inner pederast clique around Hitler, was charged by the police under paragraph 175 (the section of the penal code declaring the practice of homosexualism a felony);
71. 66 appointed Reich Leader of the Hitler Youth, the organization to which all German youths between the ages of ten and eighteen must belong. When voices circulating against the conduct of the baby" became too loud and persistent Hitler resorted to the old subterfuge of drawing a false scent across the trail. He had Schirach married to Fraulein Hoffmann, the daughter of the official Nazi photographer. But this only helped to turn noses directly on the track of Hitler himself. Before the Nazis
71 Schirach has also tried to popularize the writings of Dr Hans Blueher, whose book, Die Rolle der Erotik in der Maennlichen Gesellschaft (The Part of Eroticism in Male Companionship), is a panegyric on reciprocal masculine love as the basis of the social order and the State.
72 Germany. I shall have more to say about Blueher and his school in a later chapter. He calls woman the deadly enemy (Todfeindin) of man. "Woe to the civilization," he exclaims, that is sub jected to the influence of women.
72 He and his school champion a radical revolution in the social and political relations between the sexes. Women, they hold, should be merely child-bearers, but not allowed to influence the development of their children's character beyond infancy. The sole dominant element in the social and political order should be the Bund, or male community. All association with women on the part of the master class, other than for procreative purposes, tends to weaken the male character and undermine the foundations of the State.
73 To answer these questions, let us trace the links in the chain of events immediately leading up to the so-called Night of the Long Knives. We shall find that, far from eliminating the sex perverts from his party, Hitler retained most of them, and that he moved against those whom he did eliminate only with the greatest reluctance and after he had been relentlessly pushed by outside forces and circumstances.
74 Roehm and Heines and Karl Ernst were mentioned.
75 all reference to certain phases of sexual abnormality. Yet these are of direct public interest because of their grave sociological and political implications. Every educated person knows that certain forms of criminal brutality-such as physical torture of helpless people against whom the torturer has no personal grudge except merely the desire to vent his sadistic lust, murder with mutilation of the body, prolongation of the agony inflicted and gloating over the long-drawn-out sufferings of the victim-are in most cases manifestations of sexual mania.
77 Esser, Maurice, Weber and Schaub were all known to be sex perverts or sexual maniacs of one type or another.
80 66 >> 9 discussing the question in general terms here. In the first place, Hindenburg disliked and despised the Bohemian Corporal as he habitually called Hitler.
81 that he came to be known as the King of the Pederasts. They formed an international clique centring around Brandt's Com munity of Unusual People, popularly known as the Homosexual International.
81 Through his association with this coterie, who looked upon themselves as a secret brotherhood above and beyond all national distinctions and loyalties-their own official organ under Brandt's editorship having declared so again and again-Lecomte came to learn that the Germans were bluffing in the Morocco affair, and passed on the information to his Government.
82 exploited by Germany's adversaries, in conjunction with the first world war. One of the members of the Austrian General Staff, Colonel von Redel, was a pederast. This was known to the Russian secret service. The latter employed certain boys, who made the acquaintance of Colonel von Redel, and through their association with him learned the details of the strategic plans which the Austrian General Staff had drawn up for the opening phases of the campaign against Russia and Serbia. These plans were in due course brought to the knowledge of the Russian General Staff, who were able to take advantage of them in preparing counter-measures.
84 PROFESSOR HANS Blueher, who has been accepted by the Nazis as the apostle of a new social order, declares that woman is man's deadly enemy. This anti-feminist attitude is widespread in Germany, and has been an unbroken tradition among the German militarist caste ever since those segregated male com munities, the Teutonic Knights, founded the Prussian State. It was the attitude of Frederick William, the creator of the Prussian Army and father of Frederick the Great, "If he (Frederick William) met a lady on the street," says Macauley, in his essay on Frederick the Great, "he gave her a kick and ordered her to go home and mind her brats ". Frederick the Great persistently refused to cohabit with his bride even from the day of their marriage. Hitler has taken Frederick as his model, though he has not gone through the farce of marriage, as Frederick did.
84 All association with women, other than merely for the physical purpose of procreation, involves deterioration of many soldier like virtues and therefore must be avoided by at least the master class within the master race. That is the teaching of Blueher and his school.
84 66 The Nazi élite are being brought up in segregated male communities called Ordensburgen. These are to replace the family as the groundwork on which the State is to rest. "If there were only the family as the basis of the human social system", says Blueher (Rolle der Erotik, vol. ii. p. 91) nothing more would be achieved beyond the maintenance of the species.
84 The founding of the State begins with the intro duction of a second pole and that pole is the male community." The Jews, he remarks, are not state-builders because they suffer from male-companionship impotency (Maennerbundschwaeche) and at the same time from a morbid enlargement of the family idea, Familienhypertrophie (p. 170, ibid.). 87
85 It is that all attempts at re-educating the Germans and rendering them peaceful members in a European comity of nations will be futile until their attitude towards their own womanhood is radically altered. I shall deal with these three points in the order mentioned : (1) The anti-feminist character of German sex-perversion. (2) The sadistic factor in the German method of waging war. (3) The only possible change of heart' "which can be effective in wiping out German militarism. 66
86 The deliberate relegation of German womanhood to an inferior position in the scheme of creation lies at the root of those moral by-products that are the offshoots of German militarism. That root has been cankered by the vice I have been writing about in the foregoing pages. Until the coming of Hitler, however, only militarism as such, with its implied anti-feminist bias, was officially held up to public admiration. Those unnatural vices, so prevalent and so talked about, were still looked upon as evil things and in point of fact were dealt with as criminal offences against the statutory laws. But under the National Socialist movement they have been elevated to a philosophy of life which is taught even by university professors as the basis of the new political and social structure in Germany.
86 Wissenschaft (Male Companionship and Knowledge). Blueher's teaching became popular in Nazi circles during the period between the two world wars. His followers have turned out scores of books and pamphlets, as commentaries on the master's writings, for the edification of the German youth. Running through Blueher's work there is an oft-repeated refrain which says: "Woman is Man's Deadly Enemy
87 When Blueher says that woman is man's deadly enemy he means, and expounds his theory at great length, that humanity has hitherto failed to achieve and maintain itself on an heroic level, because men have allowed themselves to succumb to the virtues of human kindliness, sympathy and charity, which are characteristic of the feminine sex.
87 The reason for this is that men have identified the romantic love element the eros, as Blueher calls it-with the intermingling of the sexes in pro creative and family life. Love between men and women, mutual affection between parents and children, especially the mother's love for her child-all these are the expression of the same procreative instinct which man has in common with the animals. There is no eros except man-to-man love. It is a de gradation of true love to direct it towards woman as the object. As all such emotional or spiritual association with women brings a deterioration of the manly and soldierlike virtues it must be ruthlessly avoided, at least by the master class within the master
88 strengthened in segregated male communities who practise a certain well-regulated ritual of homosexualism among them selves and mingle with womenfolk only when they wish to beget their offspring. Thus Blueher and his disciples would revive the Teutonic Knights in a modern form. The Nazis have actually attempted to do this by establishing the Ordensburgen where the German male elites are housed and trained for leader ship. These Ordensburgen have been set up in monasteries and convents confiscated from the Roman Catholic religious orders.
88 The point of outstanding importance is the fact that Germany's accredited leaders in our day have erected a moral philosophy and a social system on the basis of vicious habits and custons that had been prevalent among German leaders for many generations. The negative element in this system is the more destructive and therefore, paradoxically, the more positive factor. It consists in the relegation of women to a purely animal function in the social order; it eliminates the family as a con stituent cell in the community. The Nazi elites are being brought up in the segregated Ordensburgen I have spoken of. These communities are to replace the family as the groundwork on which the State is to rest.
88 "If there were only the family as the basis of the human social system ", says Blueher (Rolle der Erotik in der maennlichen Gesellschaft, vol. ii. p. 91), "nothing more would be achieved beyond the maintenance of the species. The founding of the State begins with the introduction of a second pole and that pole is the male community." "The Jews," he remarks, "have never been able to establish a State because they suffer from male-companionship impotency (Maennerbundschwaeche) and at the same time from a morbid enlargement of the family instinct (Familienhypertrophie (op. cit. p. 170).
90 "The Maennerbund", he says, was revived in strength every where. The Fuehrer and his faithful ones fought the old Germanic fight in a thousand places. The army as the paragon of the com munity is naturally linked to the worship of youth for its own sake. An essential feature of the heroic mode of life is that it lavishes highest praise on youth, the heroic age of man. In the modern western world, Bauemler sneers, man is to other men nothing but a business friend, a colleague, or a rival for a woman's love." (6
92 the family regime tradition dominates, where the male community rules, the revolutionary spirit prevails" (Rolle der Erotik, vol. ii, p. 178).
92 The new Bund (Male Community) ", he continues in another place (page 221), "is a sacrament consecrating a vocation for the mightiest things. In it man has pledged his best nature to man. He who belongs to the Bund cannot fail. This guarantee carries him through everything. What has hitherto been the most frequent cause of man's failure? Where lies his most acute danger? In his beloved mortal enemy, Woman. Woe to the man who has placed his fate in the hands of a woman. Woe to the civilization that is subjected to women's influence. "Woman has always striven to possess man wholly. That trap door into nothingness, which is kept secretly hidden in the silence of her nature, demands its victim. Thus it is that most men who are ruined, are ruined through their women. From sympathy and a desire to succour the weaker, they cannot withstand that noble hunger which the women make so appetizing and which their men wish to satisfy.
92 Blueher declares that the life of the Bund is sustained by a psychological fluid which pervades it. This fluid is of an erotic or, more exactly, a homoerotic nature. The spirit of the Bund counterbalances the family circle and the social circle too, including the forms of love-making connected with these. The perfectly developed Bund requires a certain amount of homo erotic practice in the mutual relationship of its members; but this must not be carried to undue excess.
93 Blueher tells of the celebrations organized on the yacht Hohenzollern in honour of the Kaiser, where naval officers dressed themselves up as sailors selling cigarettes and submitted to the amorous embraces of elderly distinguished gentlemen (Hohere, aeltere Herren). He states bluntly that if these practices ceased in the cadet schools and elsewhere throughout the army and navy, the military and naval profession would fall to the level of the police and the fire brigades. Blueher
94 According to Blueher, Germany was defeated because the homo sexualist way of life (die maennerbündische Weltanschauung) had been considerably neglected and warlike virtues had degenerated under the advance of democratic ideas, the increasing prestige of family life among the bourgeois elements of the population, the growing influence of women and, above all, the Jews.
94 Blueher delivered a lecture to a group of Wander vögel, which he himself had founded. The lecture was entitled The German Reich, Jewry and Socialism". He said: "There is no people whose destiny, but not the character, so closely resembles ours as that of the Jews". The Jews were con quered by the Romans, lost their State and became only a race whose existence is maintained through the family. The primary cause of this collapse, he says, was that the Jews had failed to base their State on the homoerotic male com munity and had staked all on the family life, with its necessary concomitant of women's encouragement of the civic and social and spiritual virtues in their menfolk rather than the warlike qualities.
95 Professor Bauemler drives home this argument with practically the same kind of hammer. In Maennerbund und Wissenschaft he lays down the theory that human society is divided into two categories, distinguished from each other by two different systems of life. One is the urban system, the other is the heroic. The urban system rests on mixed communities of men and women as its pivotal points, the heroic system rests on segregated male communities in which homoeroticism is the inner bond. Paris, with its flair for feminine fashions, is symbolic of the urban system; the German Army, with its segregated male grouping in garrisons, is symbolic of the heroic system. "For the urban form of life," he says, "the town walls that enclose the houses are something sacred.
95 Bauemler says, "the man plays a secondary part. In this system the woman dominates as the ruler and misleader of the man." That is what led to Germany's collapse. Bauemler accuses the German Social Democratic Party, the largest single party in the Reichstag, of having encouraged among young men and women the habit of associating together, of having promoted family life and taught the youth to respect their parents and look to family training as the source of their guiding ideals in life. "We
96 (6 By contrast he harks back to the German Army in its palmy days and suggests that the revival of those days, with the customs that prevailed in them, points to the only road that Germany can take for the restoration of her power. Throughout the German Army," he says, true heroism is a living thing. For that reason this army is an object of repugnance to urban Europe. The German Army is the consummate form of a heroic Maennerbund. This was the fulcrum of the State in Frederick's time." (C In Mein Kampf Hitler blames the German women for having undermined the morale of the soldiers at the front. The letters
97 That theory became widespread among the young redoubtables who formed the first nuclei of the Hitler movement. Cherchez la femme was their answer to the question: Who lost the war? The professors took up the cry and orchestrated it into a political philosophy. Woman must be debarred from all chances of exercising an influence on the national spirit and outlook. In order to effect this reformation, the segregated male community, with homoeroticism as its inner bond, must form the ground work on which the State rests and the family must be regulated to the merely biological function of carrying on the race.
93. In passing, it may be remarked that Weininger learned Norwegian so that he could read Knut Hamsun's books in the original. He made a special journey to Bergen to meet Hamsun, whose book Pan he considered an insurpassable master piece. Hamsun is despised and hated in Norway to-day. He shamelessly went over to the Nazis and for some years past has used his pen in Hitler's service-a further example of the homo sexualist international. Finally it may be noted that Dietrich Eckhart, to whom Hitler dedicated Main Kampf and who in spired much of Hitler's philosophy of life, was one of Weininger's most enthusiastic followers.
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