Nazi Germany MegaThread

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Nazi Germany MegaThread

Post by AgentSonya »

Edwin Black - Eugenics and the Nazis -- the California connection
But the concept of a white, blond-haired, blue-eyed master Nordic race didn't originate with Hitler. The idea was created in the United States, and cultivated in California, decades before Hitler came to power. California eugenicists played an important, although little-known, role in the American eugenics movement's campaign for ethnic cleansing.
Samuel Igra - Germany's National Vice
This was true of Germany in the Middle Ages, when the Prussian State was first founded by the military pseudo-religious order of the Teutonic Knights, among whom the vice of homosexualism was rampant.
I have shown also how the Hitler movement has been contaminated by these vices from its very start, and how its violent anti-semitic bias is to be explained by reference to the uncompromising stand which Israel has maintained throughout her long history against practices that poison the sources of life itself.
And that is one of the main reasons why national-socialist Germany has overthrown the Bible, in self-justification.
6In proof of this, one has only to read regularly Das Schwarze Korps, the official organ of the S.S.-the Black Guards.
I recognised a parallel with the Gibeah happenings, when the militarist tribe of the Benjamites aroused the whole of Israel against them. That long and bitter war arose from homosexual aggression and sexual murder perpetrated by the Benjamites. For this act the other eleven tribes of Israel made war on the Benjamites and carried on the war until the vice was stamped out of the nation.
the decadent Roman Empire and the persecution of the Jews by the Hohenzollern Empire and Hitler's Reich.
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