RFK Junior - The Real Anthony Fauci notes

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RFK Junior - The Real Anthony Fauci notes

Post by T34 »

These are my notes on The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK Junior (page numbers in front of the paragraphs)

I have not felt so sick to my stomach reading a book before. RFK junior goes through the history of vaccines and Anthony Fauci's career. During the AIDS crisis the Pharma Industrial Complex prescribed AZT to aids patients which rapidly killed them. AZT was a medicine created but considered too toxic to humans to actually use.

Fauci advertised this as a AIDS treatment, killing hundreds of thousands of people. During the clinical trials Fauci stacked the control group with the sickest patients and the AZT group with the healthiest. Even then they could only run the trials for 4 months rather than the usual 6 months because the AZT group were dying too much (despite the fact Fauci stacked the control group with the sickest patients at the beginning).

Other history is history of poisonous vaccines with 54% of Americans suffering chronic health conditions rising with vaccines. Vaccinologists love toxic compounds in vaccines because they produce a severe immune response, coupled with a virus this is a good way to ensure the immune system actually becomes immune to the virus.
In this endevor pharma companies have paired vaccines with mercury, the most toxic substance known to humans, as well as other heavy metals like aluminium.

Big pharma always insisted that the mercury disappeared from childrens blood after 3 weeks. A scientist in 2005 decided to test this hypothesis and injected monkeys with vaccines in 2005. He then killed the monkeys and open up their skulls and discovered the mercury was passing through the blood brain barrier of the brain and was accumulating in the brain.
Study RFK references

This is the tip of the iceberg. Also here is the vaccine which killed tens of indian and phillopino girls for a cancer that doesn't typically develop in women until they're over 58.
What emerges is a kind of imperialist Big Pharma that is just randomly testing shit on 3rd world countries. As I said, this book deeply disturbed me. Where I could I clicked on references and was always able to find the study RFK was referencing.

RFK also makes the astonishing claim that HIV doesn't cause aids and that what we have termed the "AIDS crisis" of the 1980s was Fauci and Big Pharma making big bucks selling the poison of AZT to HIV patients that died rapidly and quickly from the AZT rather than aids.

The fact RFK now is threatening Democrat Party hegemony with a slight populist JFK style revolution makes me wonder why the MSM has not trotted this out as an example of how "unhinged and crazy" RFK is. My suspicion is that he is so bullet proof with his references the MSM doesn't go near it for fear of bringing attention to the insane and criminal acts of Big Pharma


Gates Vaccines Killed Millions in Africa

570 The Times investigation found that Gates’s programs, including those of the Global Fund and the GAVI Alliance, have had net negative consequences on public health. In fact, the Times found an inverse correlation between dollars spent by Gates’s charities and declines in children’s health. The nations that get the most Gates money see the worst health outcomes.169 By narrowing the focus of international relief aid to fund
577 Bill Gates’s continent-wide experiment on the African population is a long tragic joke. The Times reporters deliver its devastating punchline: “2006 data, the most recent available, show a paradoxical relationship between GAVI funding in Africa and child mortality. Overall, child mortality improved more often in nations that received smaller than average GAVI grants per capita. In seven nations that received greater-than-average funding, child mortality rates worsened.”199
597 Six years later, a 1983 NIH-funded UCLA study found that Wyeth’s DTP vaccine was killing or causing severe brain injury, including seizures and death, in 1 in every 300 vaccinated children.11 The resultant lawsuits caused the collapse of insurance markets for vaccines and threatened to bankrupt the industry. Wyeth—now Pfizer—claimed to be losing $20 in downstream liability for every dollar it earned on vaccine sales, and induced Congress to pass the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986 shielding vaccine makers from liability.12
599 That 2017 study (Mogensen et al., 2017)20 shows that, following their DTP immunization at three months, vaccinated girls had tenfold higher mortality than unvaccinated children. The girls were dying of a wide range of diseases—pneumonia, anemia, malaria, dysentery—and for two decades no one noticed that the dying children were predominantly those who received the vaccine. The DTP vaccine—while protecting children against
599 The DTP vaccine—while protecting children against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis—had ruined their immune systems, making them vulnerable to a wide range of deadly nontarget infections. Mogensen’s team arrived at that conclusion, as had the 1977 Lancet study researchers exactly forty years earlier: “DTP vaccine may kill more children from other causes than it saves from diphtheria, tetanus or pertussis.”21
599 In other words, Gates’s DTP vaccine—instead of saving 10 million lives, as he claims22—may have unnecessarily killed millions of African girls. At least seven other studies have confirmed DTP’s association with high mortality in vaccinated girls compared to unvaccinated.23 The idealistic Americans who donated to Gates’s African vaccine project— believing they were saving African babies—were actually funding a continent-wide female genocide.24
606 John D. Rockefeller, Jr.’s keen interest in eugenics colored his passion for population control. The oil baron scion joined the American Eugenics Society and served as trustee of the Bureau of Social Hygiene. The Rockefeller Foundation dispatched hefty donations in the 1920s and early 1930s to hundreds of German researchers, including those conducting Hitler’s notorious “twins studies” at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics in Berlin.51 The Rockefeller Foundation curtailed donations to Nazi Germany’s medical institutions before Pearl Harbor, but Rockefeller’s success promoting the eugenics movement had already captivated Adolf Hitler. “Now that we know the laws of heredity,” Hitler told a fellow Nazi, “it is possible to a large extent to prevent unhealthy and severely handicapped beings from coming into the world. I have studied with interest the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would, in all probability, be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock.”52

Gates Obsessed with Population Reduction

607 Gates’s fetish for reducing population is a family pedigree. His father, Bill Gates Sr., was a prominent corporate lawyer and civic leader in Seattle with a lifelong obsession for “population control.” Gates Sr. sat on the national board of Planned Parenthood, a neo-progressive organization founded in 1916 by the racist eugenicist Margaret Sanger to promote birth control and sterilization and to purge “human waste”58 and “create a race of thoroughbreds.”59 Sanger said she hoped to purify the gene pool by “eliminating the unfit” persons with disabilities—preventing such persons from reproducing60 by surgical sterilization or other means.

607 Overpopulation, Gates’s father told Salon in a 2015 interview, was “an interest he’s had since he was a kid.”63 In 1994, the elder Gates formed the William H. Gates Foundation (the family’s first), focused on reproductive and child health in the developing world. Population control was an enduring preoccupation of his son’s philanthropy from its inception.
608 Gates has made a long parade of public statements and investments that reflect his deep dread of overpopulation. He describes himself as an admirer and proponent of the population doomsayer Paul Ehrlich, author of The Population Bomb, whom Gates describes as “the world’s most prominent environmental Cassandra,” meaning a prophet who accurately predicts misfortune or disaster.

Sever Cases of Death Among the Covid Vaccinated

177 Dr. Fauci and President Biden, presumably with Dr. Fauci’s prompting, told Americans that 98 percent of serious cases, hospitalizations, and deaths were among the unvaccinated. This was a lie. Real-world data from nations with high COVID jab rates show the complete converse of this narrative; the resumption of infections in all those countries accompanied an explosion of hospitalizations, severe cases and deaths among the vaccinated! Mortalities across the globe, in fact, have tracked Pfizer’s deadly clinical trial results, with the vaccinated dying in higher numbers than the non-vaccinated. These data cemented suspicions that the feared phenomenon of pathogenic priming has arrived, and is now wreaking havoc.

184 A recent peer-reviewed study in the high-gravitas Elsevier journal Toxicology Reports found that COVID-19 vaccines kill more people in each age group than they save. According to that study the “best-case scenario” is five times the number of deaths attributable to each vaccination vs. those attributable to COVID-19 in the most vulnerable 65+ demographic.68

Fauci Misrepresenting Aids as a Pandemic To Get funding

301 In 1987, the Wall Street Journal won a Pulitzer Prize for its investigation of an HHS scheme its writers characterized as a deliberate campaign by officials to misre-present AIDS as a general pandemic to secure greater public funding and financial support.22

301 Theresa Crenshaw of the President’s AIDS Commission made the astonishing forecast that within fourteen years, double the number of people then on the planet would be dying from lethal infections: “If the spread of AIDS continues at this rate, in 1996 there could be one billion people infected; five years later, hypothetically ten billion.” Crenshaw asked, “Could we be facing the threat of extinction during our lifetime?”23

Fauci Rigs Committees To Get Poison AZT as an "Aids treatment"

317 Dr. Fauci’s whole charade ended the moment the FDA approved AZT. By then, Dr. Fauci had rigged the key committees that controlled drug approvals at NIH and FDA by stacking them with academic and industry scientists and doctors from his PI system: “Scientists who . . . made their entire careers in AZT . . . sat on committees voting on potential commercial competitors. Scientists who have had financial dealings with Burroughs Wellcome or other pharmaceutical companies have come to dominate the government’s entire clinical trials network.”81

Fauci Falsifies AZT Trials To Get FDA Approval

324 As it turned out, the Boston Principal Investigators (PIs) cheated on almost every patient. The Burroughs Wellcome PIs had quickly realized that AZT was so reliably deadly that they were hard-pressed to keep the trial recruits alive for the full six-month study. The Boston team solved this dilemma by lying about the length of time patients were in the trials. The company incentivized this sort of fraud by paying its PIs according to how many months they kept the AZT trial subjects alive. “Simply put,” says Lauritsen, “the doctors received a great deal more money,” from longer-term enrollments.

324 After months of lies, evasions, and obstructions from the FDA, a courageous female FDA whistleblower breached all the stonewalling and saw to it that Lauritsen got the Spitzig Report.97 It was a bombshell: As it turned out, the Boston Principal Investigators (PIs) cheated on almost every patient. The Burroughs Wellcome PIs had quickly realized that AZT was so reliably deadly that they were hard-pressed to keep the trial recruits alive for the full six-month study. The Boston team solved this dilemma by lying about the length of time patients were in the trials. The company incentivized this sort of fraud by paying its PIs according to how many months they kept the AZT trial subjects alive. “Simply put,” says Lauritsen, “the doctors received a great deal more money,” from longer-term enrollments. Pharma PIs know that their careers and paychecks depend on their ability to consistently produce study outcomes that will win FDA approval for the subject drug. Such perverse incentives naturally drive research bias, confirmation bias, data tampering, strategic laziness, and deliberate falsification and cheating. PIs routinely covered up adverse events, violated protocols, falsely reported AZT patients as being placebo patients, and lost control of the test product. FDA based its AZT approval on Case Report Forms (CRFs) filed by Burroughs Wellcome PIs, who each had compelling financial and career inducements to downplay injuries to achieve a successful trial. However, there were also reams of shocking information in the medical records of private physicians, hospitals, and the diaries of patients that contradicted the crisis. In virtually every patient, the FDA’s Spitzig found serious discrepancies between the medical records and what the PIs had entered on their CRFs.

Fauci Literally Murdered Hundreds of Thousands with AZT

332 Dr. Fauci’s fraud persuaded hundreds of thousands of people to take AZT. For many of them, it was a lethal choice. In 1987, AZT became the AIDS “therapy” even though in the recommended dosage of 1,500 mg/day, it was absolutely fatal.122 Throughout the 1980s, the average lifespan of a patient on AZT was four years. The life expectancy only began to increase in 1990, when the FDA lowered the recommended dosages from 1,200 mg/day to 600.123 The quality of life on AZT was universally pretty miserable. Many credible scientists argued that AZT was killing more people than AIDS. Lauritsen estimated that AZT killed 330,000 gay men between 1987 and 2019.124 Many of the dead were perfectly healthy before beginning the AIDS regimen. Absent AZT, Lauritsen says, the vast majority of those men would not have died.

350 In his subsequent book, Inventing the AIDS Virus, Duesberg, in 724

HIV May not Cause Aids

373 By 1992, media science writers also knew about these HIV-free AIDS cases, but they dutifully self-censored while awaiting signals from Dr. Fauci and the medical cartel. Lawrence Altman, the chief medical writer for the New York Times, confessed to Science magazine that he did not break the story because he didn’t think it was his paper’s place to announce something without the CDC’s go-ahead.80

381 In Djamel Tahi’s 1996 documentary AIDS—The Doubt,

390 Culshaw was an AIDS researcher who slowly became disillusioned by the gaping chasms in the HIV/AIDS hypothesis, and by government corruption in maintaining the orthodoxy. Her book offers a sociological explanation as to how the theory was anointed by the media and scientific community. Other important books are Dues-berg’s Inventing the AIDS Virus, Lauritsen’s book The AIDS War, Osler’s Web by Hillary Johnson, and Harvey Bialy’s Oncogenes, Aneuploidy, and AIDS. I also recommend “The Deconstruction of the AIDS” article by Yale mathematician Serge Lang, and an insightful chapter titled “Fear and Lawyers in Los Angeles” in Kary Mullis’s Dancing Naked in the Mind Field.

416 In 2006, Britain’s preeminent epidemiologist, Gordon Stewart, voiced a similar frustration: “I have asked the health authorities, editors-in-chief and other experts concerned with HIV/AIDS, repeatedly for proof of their theses—and I’ve been waiting for an answer since 1984.”49

417 Such scathing rebuffs infuriated Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis. In 2004, he said, “All we have is Bob Gallo saying, ‘Gentlemen, this is the cause of AIDS.’ That’s all we have. That’s all we had. That’s not enough. That is not sufficient to publish even a meager little scientific paper somewhere [much less a basis to spend] millions [or] billions of dollars a year and the cost of a lot of lives and anguish . . . lives have been totally ruined on the basis of some flimsy little statement made by a guy who’s known to be a crook in lots of other ways. He lied about a whole lot of other stuff. Why are we trusting him? If he was a witness in a courtroom, we wouldn’t trust his testimony. We’ve caught him in too many lies. [We] don’t trust him anymore.”52

417 persuaded Dr. Fauci to submit to a sit-down interview for Leung’s featurelength film on the history of AIDS, House of Numbers: Anatomy of an Epidemic.

418 Mullis, one of the most significant Nobel laureates of the twentieth century, died in 2019. “People keep asking me,” he explained in 1994, “‘You mean you don’t believe that HIV causes AIDS?’ And I say, ‘Whether I believe it or not is irrelevant! I have no scientific evidence for it!’55 If there is proof that HIV is the cause of AIDS, there should be scientific documents which either singly or collectively demonstrate that fact, at least with a high probability. There is no such document.”56

420 The 2004 documentary The Other Side of AIDS

Dr Duesberg Says Vast Majority of Aids Deaths Caused by AZT

428 After 1987, Dr. Duesberg and his followers argue, the vast majority of “AIDS deaths” were actually caused by AZT—Dr. Fauci’s radical “antiretroviral” chemotherapy purposefully concocted to kill human cells. Duesberg describes the syndrome as “AIDS by AZT.” Ironically, he argued AZT, the highly toxic medication that Dr. Fauci was prescribing to treat AIDS patients, actually does what the virus cannot—that is, it causes AIDS itself.

434 Ignoring “HIV,” and instead treating each symptom, he got almost all of his patients out alive. “I lost maybe a handful,” he said in an email, when contacted for this book. His views on AZT were unequivocal. “We virtually killed a whole generation of AIDS patients without even noticing it because the symptoms of the AZT intoxication were almost indistinguishable from AIDS,”116 he said in one interview.

435 In an email, Köhnlein pegged the evidence against both HIV theory and AZT to three studies: “Harm is usually underreported,” he wrote. “To prove it you need three studies: The AZT licensing Fischl study,120 the Hemophiliac study in Nature where [editor] John Maddox showed that the HIV positive hemophiliacs started dying only the very year AZT was introduced.121 And lastly, the Concorde Lancet study122 which showed: the more AZT, the more Death.”

Public Confidence Could Be Rocked By Revelation HIV Does Not Cause Aids

448 Dr. Harvey Bialy argues that the medical establishment’s top concern is not public health, but their own reputations and perquisites. “The scientific and medical communities have a great deal of face to lose. It is not much of an exaggeration to state that when the HIV/AIDS hypothesis is finally recognized as wrong, the entire institution of science will lose the public’s trust, and science itself will experience fundamental, profound, and longlasting changes. The ‘scientific community’ has risked its credibility by standing by the HIV theory for so long. This is why doubting the HIV hypothesis is now tantamount to doubting science itself, and this is why dissidents face excommunication.”

CDC Killed Dozes of children In Cameroon, Haiti and Los Angeles With Experimental Vaccines

460 As late as 1989, the CDC conducted lethal experiments with a hazardous measles vaccine on Black children in Cameroon, Haiti, and South-Central Los Angeles, killing dozens of little girls before halting the program.4

Fauci Experiments on New York Kids

463 In 2004, investigative journalist Liam Scheff chronicled Dr. Fauci’s secretive experiments on hundreds of HIV-positive foster children at Incarnation Children’s Center (ICC) in New York City and numerous sister facilities in New York and six other states between 1988 and 2002.11 Those experiments were the core of Dr. Fauci’s career-defining effort to develop a second generation of profitable AIDS drugs as an encore to AZT.12

465 BBC’s heartbreaking 2004 documentary, Guinea Pig Kids,21 chronicles

470 Liam Scheff’s January 2004 article, “The House that AIDS Built,” ignited an outraged Internet controversy, prompting the New York Press to publish a follow-up article by Scheff, “Inside Incarnation.”42

FDA Learn Fauci Killed Scores of Africans in Drug Trials for Nevirapine

484 In 2005, FDA officials learned that Dr. Fauci’s DAIDS team had concealed scores of deaths and hundreds of injuries during HIV drug trials in Africa with another of his toxic chemotherapy vanity products, Nevirapine.3,

494 “Dr. Fauci had sold his Nevirapine enterprise as a heroic moment for American greatness,” recalls Celia Farber. “Dr. Fauci said he was going to save African pregnant women and their babies. It turns out that this is an extremely dangerous drug with no demonstrated ability to save a single life. This isn’t rocket science. Dr. Fauci knew all about the ‘safety problems,’ but for Fauci and his cult of HIV drug worship, no drug is ever ‘unsafe.’” Farber researched the episode extensively for her 2006 article in Harper’s Magazine, “Out of Control: AIDS and the Corruption of Medical Science.”

Drug Trials Eliminate the Placebo Group To Hide Deaths and Injuries

487 But the study’s sunny conclusions concealed glaring methodological deficiencies. When they can get away with it, Pharma researchers commonly employ the highly unethical gimmick of eliminating the placebo control group in order to mask injuries in the study group. The absence of an inert placebo comparator group allows PhD grifters to dismiss all injuries and deaths in the study group as sad coincidences not associated with the drug they are testing. DAIDS’s official Nevirapine clinical trial protocols required an inert placebo group, but once in Uganda, DAIDS’s cowboy research team simply made the placebo group vanish. Instead of using a placebo, Jackson and his team ended up comparing the health outcomes in 626 pregnant women, half of whom took Dr. Fauci’s horrendously dangerous chemotherapy concoction AZT, while the other half took Nevirapine. Based on this study, Dr. Fauci was able to persuade the WHO in 2000 to grant Emergency Use Authorization Approval (EUA) to single-dose Nevirapine for preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV as its official recommendation. WHO was already a sock puppet for Big Pharma. Dr. Fauci used the stopgap WHO approval to persuade President Bush to purchase millions of dollars of Nevirapine. Boehringer began shipping cartons of its deadly and ineffective drug to clinics and maternity wards in fifty-three developing nations.11

Rockefeller's Pioneered Germ Theory As a Foreign Policy Tool

536 This is the kind of accounting that neither of these men has been willing to provide. The facts suggest that it is the absence of such reliable metrics and science-based analysis that allows Gates and Fauci to get away with their dubious claims about the efficacy and safety of their prescriptions. Any even-handed examination of the role of immunizations in Africa must acknowledge that mass-vaccination programs may serve a larger agenda in which the priorities of power, wealth, and control can eclipse quaint preoccupations with public health. And, once again, it was the Rockefeller Foundation that pioneered germ theory as a foreign policy tool.

Rockefeller's Shaped How Americans Came To View Healthcare

537 In 1911, the Supreme Court ruled that Standard Oil constituted an “unreasonable monopoly” and splintered the behemoth into thirty-four companies that became Exxon, Mobil, Chevron, Amoco, Marathon, and others. Ironically, the breakup increased rather than diminished Rockefeller’s personal wealth. Rockefeller donated an additional $100 million from that windfall to his philanthropic front group, the General Education Board, to cement the streamlining and homogenization of medical schools and hospitals. In accordance with the pharmaceutical paradigm, he simultaneously provided large grants to scientists for identifying the active chemicals in disease-curing plants utilized by the traditional doctors whom he had extirpated. Rockefeller chemists then synthesized and patented petrochemical versions of those molecules. The foundation’s philosophy of “a pill for an ill” shaped how Americans came to view health care.52

538 Despite such setbacks, the Rockefeller Foundation’s yellow fever project caught the approbatory attention of army planners on the lookout for remedies against the tropical diseases that hamstrung the US military’s expanding retinue of equatorial adventures. In 1916, the board’s president made an early observation about the utility of biosecurity as a tool of imperialism: “For purposes of placating primitive and suspicious peoples, medicine has some advantages over machine guns.”59

Rockefellers Provided Half the Budger for the League Of Nations Health Organistion

539 The Rockefeller Foundation provided almost half of the budget for the League of Nations Health Organization (LNHO) following its founding in 1922 and populated LNHO ranks with its veterans and favorites. The RF imbued the League with its philosophy, structure, values, precepts, and ideologies, all of which its successor body, the WHO, inherited at its inauguration in 1948.

Rockefellers Used Healthcare to Expand Consumer Markets and Foreign Investment, Not To Improve Health

539 But the RF rarely addressed the most important causes of death, notably infantile diarrhea and tuberculosis, for which technical fixes were not then available and which demanded long-term, socially oriented investments, such as improved housing, clean water, and sanitation systems. The RF avoided disease campaigns that might be costly, complex, or time-consuming (other than yellow fever, which imperiled [the military, and] commerce). Most campaigns were narrowly construed so that quantifiable targets (insecticide spraying or medication distribution, for example) could be set, met, and counted as successes, then presented in business-style quarterly reports. In the process, RF public health efforts stimulated economic productivity, expanded consumer markets, and prepared vast regions for foreign investment and incorporation into the expanding system of global capitalism.63

Gates Takes Over The World Health Organisation

556 Those $1 billion tax-deductible donations give Gates leverage and control over WHO’s $5.6 billion budget and over international health policy, which he largely directs to serve the profit interest of his pharma partners. Pharmaceutical companies cement WHO’s institutional bias toward vaccines with approximately $70 million of their own direct contributions. “Our priorities are your priorities,” Gates declared in 2011.125

556 According to McGoey, “According to its charter, the WHO is meant to be accountable to member governments. The Gates Foundation, on the other hand, is accountable to no one other than its three trustees: Bill, Melinda, and Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett. Many civil society organizations fear the WHO’s independence is compromised when a significant portion of its budget comes from a private philanthropic organization with the power to stipulate exactly where and how the UN institution spends its money.” McGoey observes that “Virtually every significant decision at WHO is first vetted by the Gates Foundation.”127

556 As the UK-based NGO Global Justice Now told Grayzone, “the Foundation’s influence is so pervasive that many actors in international development which would otherwise critique the policy and practice of the Foundation are unable to speak out independently as a result of its funding and patronage.”128 (See also “The Perils of Philanthrocapitalism,” Eric Franklin Amarante, Maryland Law Review, 2018.

Trump Helps Gate's Gavi To Overtake The WHO

558 When President Trump withdrew the United States from WHO in 2020, he continued the US contribution of $1.16 billion to GAVI.134 The cumulative effect, therefore, of the withdrawal was to increase Gates’s power over WHO and over global health policy.

Gavi Declared the "new Nato" By Boris Johnson

558 A recent assessment of GAVI by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson offers potent testimony of Gates’s capacity to inspire the sort of obsequious adulation that has prompted Western leaders to hand over foreign policy and vast hordes of taxpayer dollars to Gates’s discretion. In August 2021, Johnson declared that GAVI was the “new NATO.”135 Switzerland, which hosts GAVI’s global headquarters in Geneva, has granted Gates’s group full diplomatic immunity —a privilege Switzerland denies to many nations and their diplomats.

Gates Transformed the WHO for cynical purposes of Pharmaceutical profit and destroyed health infrastructure globally

560 “Western nations originally conceived the World Health Organization and the United Nations to embody liberal ideologies implemented via a democratic structure of one nation, one vote,” India’s leading human rights activist, Dr. Vandana Shiva, told me. “Gates has single-handedly destroyed all that. He has hijacked the WHO and transformed it into an instrument of personal power that he wields for the cynical purpose of increasing pharmaceutical profits. He has single-handedly destroyed the infrastructure of public health globally. He has privatized our health systems and our food systems to serve his own purposes.”140

The Gates Foundation Influence Over Public Health Operates Against Sovereign States and a Vehicle for Western Capital

560 As Jeremy Loffredo and Michele Greenstein concede in their July 2020 article, “The Gates Foundation has already effectively privatized the international body charged with creating health policy, transforming it into a vehicle for corporate dominance. It has facilitated the dumping of toxic products onto the people of the Global South, and even used the world’s poor as guinea pigs for drug experiments. . . . The Gates Foundation’s influence over public health policy is practically contingent on ensuring that safety regulations and other government functions are weak enough to be circumvented. It therefore operates against the independence of nation states and as a vehicle for Western capital.”141

Gates Experiments on Navrongo women

610 A disturbing 2011 exposé of the collaboration by the Rebecca Project for Justice, “The Outsourcing of Tuskegee: Nonconsensual Research in Africa,” documented how Gates’s researchers lied to the Navrongo women, telling them that they were receiving “routine healthcare” and/or “social observations”—never informing them that they were part of a population control experiment.77 Gates’s researchers violated US research laws by failing to administer informed consent forms to the women they injected with Depo-Provera. Nor did they obtain institutional review board (IRB) approval for a human experiment that lasted an extraordinary six years.

Gates Depo-Provera Doubled Risk of HIV infection

611 That same year, 2011, a study by a another prestigious BMGF & NIHfunded research team from Gates’s own Washington School of Public Health published an article in Lancet Infectious Diseases, Heffron et al. (2012), reporting that African women who used injectable Depo-Provera were much more likely to acquire HIV/AIDS compared to untreated women. Depo-Provera injections double a woman’s risk of contracting and transmitting HIV.81 This result was not an enormous surprise. For twentyfour years, diverse studies have shown that Depo-Provera thins the vaginal wall, easing transmission of HIV. Furthermore, the researchers found DepoProvera exacerbates the rates of HIV/AIDS infections to a recipient’s sexual partners.

UNICEF, GAVI and WHO Administered Vaccines With Birth Control Agents

617 Four years later, in October 2019, the Kenyan Catholic Doctors’ Association accused UNICEF, GAVI, and the WHO of rendering millions of women and girls barren.105 The doctors had by then produced chemical analyses of vaccines verifying their allegations. Three independent Nairobi accredited biochemistry laboratories tested samples of the WHO tetanus vaccine, finding human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) where none should be present. In October 2014, Catholic doctors obtained six additional vials and tested them in six accredited laboratories, finding hCG in half of those samples.

Gates Polio Vaccine Produced a Polio Epidemic Affecting Millions in India, Congo, Phillipines, Afghanistan

626 As Henderson predicted, vaccine-derived poliovirus—a mutation of the virus contained in the oral vaccine—came back to bite Gates, and the unfortunate populations of the nations that submitted to his prescriptions. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain epidemic of acute flaccid myelitis—a disease formerly classified as “polio”—that paralyzed 491,000 children in these provinces between 2000 and 2017, in direct proportion to the number of polio vaccines that Dr. Gates’s minions administered in each area.143 Non-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis (NPAFP) is “clinically indistinguishable from polio but twice as deadly,”144 according to Keith Van Haren, child neurologist at the Stanford School of Medicine. VanHaren explains that Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM) is a polite term for polio: “It actually looks just like polio, but that term really

626 After squandering half of its total budget on the polio epidemic—at Gates’s direction—the WHO reluctantly admitted that the global polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is happening because of Gates’s vaccine program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to the vaccines he promoted. Polio had disappeared altogether from each of those nations until Gates reintroduced the dreaded disease with his vaccine.

626 In Syria, the Gates-backed GAVI committed $25 million for polio immunization in 2016.148 The following year, the WHO reported that fiftyeight Syrian children had been paralyzed by the vaccine-derived form of the virus.149

627 As the British Medical Journal reported in 2012, “the most recent mass polio vaccination programs [in India], fueled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, resulted in increased cases [of polio].”151

Cervical Cancer Vaccine Killed Hundreds of Children (For a disease that affects elderly women) And Gates Refused medical care to injured children from his vaccines

629 At least 1,200 of the girls in Gates’s study—1 in 20—suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders.165 Seven died— about 10x the US death rates for cervical cancer, which almost never kills the young. India’s Federal Ministry of Health suspended the trials and appointed an expert parliamentary committee to investigate the scandal. Indian government investigators found that Gates-funded researchers at PATH committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying illiterate parents, and forging consent forms. Gates provided health insurance for his PATH staff but not to any participants in the trials, and refused medical care to the hundreds of injured girls.166

629 Since deaths from cervical cancer occur on average at age 58 in the United States and affect only 1/40,000 women, and since virtually all these deaths are preventable with early detection by Pap smears, any vaccine given to young girls to prevent the low risk of preventable death half a century from now ought to be 100 percent safe—and this vaccine isn’t even close.

633 The study further suggested that maternal immunity was protecting newborn babies from infection at the time when they are most vulnerable to develop chronic carrier status and HCC, and that the vaccine program reduces this natural immunity. Paradoxically, therefore, there is a substantial likelihood that Gates’s vaccine is increasing the incidence of HCC in the country. These findings demonstrated the absurd futility of hepatitis B vaccination in India.

Sri Lanka Suspends Pentavalent vaccine after it kills babies

637 Sri Lanka unleashed the pentavalent vaccine in January 2008 and then suspended the program four months later after five babies died. Under pressure from WHO, Sri Lanka reintroduced the vaccine in 2010. Between 2010 and 2012, there were fourteen additional deaths following the vaccine, making the total number of deaths in Sri Lanka nineteen.198

638Vietnam introduced the pentavalent jab in June 2010 and suspended the jab in May 2013, after twenty-seven infant deaths.199 The experience in Pakistan was similar, including at least three reported deaths.200 India introduced pentavalent vaccine in December 2011. Up to the first quarter of 2013, health officials reported eighty-three serious Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI). Twenty-one babies have died in India following immunization with the pentavalent vaccine.201

Faking a Swine Flu epidemic

656 In the end, the actual number of pandemic swine flu casualties in 1976 was not 1 million, but one. Dr. Harvey Fineberg, who authored the government’s 1978 comprehensive postmortem of NIAID’s response to that fake pandemic, told the WHO Bulletin: “In ’76, the virus was detected in a single military installation, at Fort Dix, New Jersey. In the ensuing weeks and months, not one related swine flu case was reported elsewhere in New Jersey, the USA or anywhere else in the world. . . . At the same time, political decision-makers consistently thought that the scientists were giving them no choice but to go ahead with a mass immunization programme.”9

Swine Flu Vaccine Caused Incident Of Flu At a Rate of 7x, 32 deaths and 400 paralzations and as many as 400 Injuries

657 The 1976 swine flu vaccine was so fraught with problems that HHS discontinued the jab after vaccinating 49 million Americans. According to news accounts, the incidence of flu was seven times greater among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. Furthermore, the vaccine caused some 500 cases of the degenerative nerve disease Guillain-Barré Syndrome, 32 deaths,14 more than 400 paralyzations, and as many as 4,000 other injuries.15

658 Dr. Morris’s research found that flu vaccines often induced fever in children and in pregnant women, and serious harm to the fetus. He worried that there were hidden risks for everyone because the vaccine was “literally loaded with extraneous bacteria.”18

Destroyed Careers of Those Exposing Vaccine Safety Issues, Tenfold Increase in soft tissue cancers

659 The agency first unsheathed those weapons in the 1950s to destroy the career of its award-winning virologist, Dr. Bernice Eddy, the discoverer of the poliomyelitis virus—who later found a cancer-causing monkey virus in the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines. When her research disclosed problems with vaccine safety, NIH officials banned Dr. Eddy from her lab, changed her office locks, and ordered her to refrain from interviews and speeches. After silencing Eddy, NIH gave the contaminated vaccine to 99 million baby boomers, who suffered a tenfold increase in soft tissue cancers, resulting in a public health disaster that dwarfs the harms of polio.24,25

WHO Changed Pandemic Definition To Require "zero deaths" As Proof Of a Pandemic

664 WHO’s declaration activated $18 billion worth of sleeper contracts64 that WHO—and Gates’s other organizations—had pressured various African and European countries to sign with GlaxoSmithKline and other pharmaceutical companies.65 These secretive agreements obliged signatory nations including Germany, Great Britain, Italy, and France to purchase 18 billion dollars of various experimental, untested fast-tracked zero-liability H1N1 flu vaccines, most notably Glaxo’s product, Pandemrix, in the event that the WHO declared a Class 6 pandemic. Then, just in time to trigger the sleeper contracts, WHO––in a sleazy switcheroo––changed the definition of Class 6 “pandemic” deleting the words and the requirement for “mass deaths around the globe.” “You could now have a pandemic with zero deaths,”66 explained Michael Fumento in Forbes magazine.

Eleven Fold Increase in Fetal Loss Due To Swine Flu Vaccine

667 By October 2009, many people were complaining of a wave of devastating illnesses from the flu shots. From the beginning of their concocted pandemic, Dr. Fauci and other trusted public health officials had stressed that pregnant women were at a special risk from the swine flu compared to the seasonal flu.78 This was a lie, but terrified mothers queued up in droves to get the jab. Many of them would regret their choice. Research by Goldman in 2013 documented an elevenfold increase in fetal loss reports following the 2009– 2010 pandemic flu season when pregnant women received two seasonal flu vaccines during pregnancy, and the H1N1 vaccine.79

669 In his book Virus Mania, journalist Torsten Engelbrecht quotes epidemiologist Angela Spelsberg, an expert on pandemic manipulation and drug industry corruption, that the “swine flu pandemic was deliberately used by the pharmaceutical industry for marketing purposes.”91

699 The mailing of anthrax introduced Americans to a new enemy more frightening than garden-variety terrorism. While terrorists could destroy key buildings and airliners, the biosecurity narrative warns that pathogens could enter any American home and invisibly slay its occupants. Germs, therefore, easily outgunned al-Qaeda as a reliable wellspring of terror. This was the lesson Kadlec had been broadcasting for five years. The delivery of anthrax through the mail brought home his jeremiads. By 2020, biosecurity would altogether eclipse Islamic terrorism as the spear tip of US military and foreign policy. The topic of “infectious diseases” suddenly became the most effective way to open government pockets.21

4 Months After Dark Winter (3 weeks after 9/11) Anthrax Letters Mailed to People, Providing Environment for Patriot Act

711 Less than four months after the Dark Winter simulation and three weeks after 9/11, a mysterious spate of letters containing fine white anthrax spores arrived by mail at several news media outlets and the Capitol Hill offices of two senators, Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy. Those two senators had been the most vocal in condemning the post-9/11 infringements on civil liberties pushed by the PNAC crowd. Administration and press accusations pegging Saddam Hussein as the probable culprit in the anthrax attacks, which killed five Americans, fueled Congress’ hasty passage of the Patriot Act—as Michael Moore proved, not a single elected member had read the bill—and its jingoistic declaration of war on Iraq.

712 Second only to Vice President Dick Cheney, the staunchest war hawk among George W. Bush’s beltway coterie was his secretary of defense, former Searle Pharmaceutical CEO and PNAC chieftain Donald Rumsfeld —the very man who, fourteen years earlier, had given Saddam his anthrax arsenal. While no one has ever proven the origin of the anthrax in those letters, the FBI concluded that the powder had come from a US military lab.57

CIA Ratlining Nazi Criminals in Bioweapons and WMDs

719 The CIA had a long, sordid history of secretly promoting the US bioweapons program. One of the agency’s first projects was establishing a network of so-called “ratlines” that Army intelligence officers used to smuggle some 1,600 chemicals and bioweapons and WMD experts—many of them Nazi Party kingpins and notorious war criminals—out of the reach of the Allies’ Nuremberg prosecutors following World War II. The directors

Defective Vaccines Shipped to Canada, Europe and South Africa and Mexico

732 HHS ordered Emergent to discard millions of contaminated doses. Instead, in March 2021, the company shipped millions of doses of its defective vaccines to Canada, Europe, South Africa, and Mexico. The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis held a hearing on May 19, 2021, and ordered Emergent to turn over all its federal contracts since 2015 and all communications with Robert Kadlec.136 Emergent’s political invincibility left the company unbowed by all those scandals. In July 2020, Emergent announced a five-year, $450 million deal to manufacture COVID drugs for Johnson & Johnson.137 In February 2021, HHS awarded Emergent another contract, this one worth up to $22 million to develop a COVID-19 therapy.138

738 In an equally important revelation, the CIA mind-control experiments identified social isolation as the primary protocol for controlling societal and individual behavior: “In 1960, one of the agency’s most active contractors, Lawrence Hinkle of Cornell, confirmed the significance of [social isolation] . . . for the CIA mind-control effort . . . in light of the neurological literature, the most promising of all known techniques.”155

Global Health a CIA Front

765 GPMB’s board includes a pantheon of technocrats whose cumulative global power to dictate global health policy is virtually irresistible: Anthony Fauci; Sir Jeremy Farrar of Wellcome Trust; Christ Elias of BMGF; China’s CDC director, George Gao; Russian health minister, Veronika Skvortsova; WHO’s health director, Michael Ryan; its former director, Gro Harlem Brundtland; its former programming director, Ilona Kickbusch; and UNICEF’s Henrietta Holsman Fore, who is former director of USAID, that used to be a reliable CIA front.

767 The draft report, dated October 19, 2019, and marked “not to be disclosed,” didn’t become public until the New York Times obtained a copy under the Freedom of Information Act and published a front-page article on March 19, 2020, eight days after the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic.237

Crimson Contaigion Exercise At Same Time Covid-19 Was Circling Wuhan

770 only two months after Crimson Contagion and three weeks after US intelligence agencies believe that COVID-19 had begun circulating in Wuhan, the cabal of potentates and institutions that compose the Biosecurity Cartel began preparing decision makers for the mass eviction of informed critics of the vaccine industry from social media. That month, Gates personally organized yet another training and signaling exercise for government biosecurity functionaries. This war game consisted of four “tabletop” simulations of a worldwide coronavirus pandemic. Participants included a group of high-ranking kahunas from the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, Bloomberg/Johns Hopkins University Populations Center, the CDC, various media powerhouses, the Chinese government, a former CIA/NSA director,

773 George Gao, the director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control (CCDC), worried about how to suppress the inevitable “rumors” that the virus is laboratory generated: “People believe, ‘This is a manmade’ . . . [and that] some pharmaceutical company made the virus.” Two months after speaking those words, Gao himself would lead the Chinese effort to tamp down rumors of lab creation. Gao also orchestrated the Chinese government drive to vaccinate a billion Chinese citizens.252

Vast Experiment Conducted on Humanity by US Spies and War Generals Trained to Kill, Not Save Lives

778 Why can’t we see the contracts with vaccine manufacturers? Why are we mandating a treatment with an experimental technology with minimal testing? Since COVID-19 harms fewer than 1 percent, what is the justification for putting 100 percent of the population at risk? We need to recognize that this is a vast human experiment on all of mankind, with an unproven technology, conducted by spies and generals primarily trained to kill and not to save lives.” What could possibly go wrong?
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Post by JoeySteel »

Guinea Pig Kids

I'm reading through this right now.

I'll collate the documentaries mentioned in the book here.

What's interesting about Guinea Pig Kids if you google it the BBC have a long webpage about apologising for airing it by "giving room to AIDS "denialists"" (but HIV has never been proven to produce AIDS so why do they attempt this "AIDS denialism" associated with holocaust denialism?)
The focus of taking down the documentary appears to be solely on "giving room to AIDS denialists".
Whilst the documentaries primary focus is the killing of children (through organ failure, muscle wastage etc) of the US State using experimental drugs.

It truly is bizarre to watch the documentary then go read their pages on why they took it down.
Archive link:

This was original BBC link on Guinea Pig Kids
When a woman took 2 children off the poison that was AZT the State took the children off her and put them back on AZT
44 year-old, Mari Steed stares at some old photos of a chubby cheeked infant with far away eyes. In one she's sitting on a tiny tricycle in a baggy, spotted dress and in another she's clinging to a todler's walking frame. A third shows her staring, nervously out of a passport picture. That little melancholy girl is Mari herself, several months after her unmarried mother left her in the care of some nuns at Sacred Heart Convent near Cork in Southern Ireland.

Since finding these photographs Mari has also discovered her medical records from the time of her birth in 1960 to her adoption by an American couple around 18 months later. They reveal that she was used in medical trials to test the vaccine, Trivax, a drug designed to protect children against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. Her records also show that after one injection she was left ill and vomiting. Mari simply couldn't believe that her mother, who was still at the convent when the tests were carried out, would have agreed to let doctors carry out such tests on her baby. Had she agreed?

Document visited the convent, and asked the nun now in charge there whether the permission of mothers had been sought before carrying out tests on their babies. Sister Sarto, a rather stern looking woman in late middle-age, told me that she would have to consult the convent's records because the trials had stopped nearly 30 years ago and nobody here now had been involved in any way. After trawling through the convent's extensive collection of archived files and folders she turned to me, nodding her head. "It's clear that all mothers were asked, she said, their consent was always asked for" Sister Sarto added that the Convent has always been a haven for distressed mothers and children and staff would never have acted against their interests.

Document then traced Mari's mother who now lives in Wiltshire. Josephine Bassett, has a very different recollection of events. She told this programme that she was never asked whether or not she was willing for Mari to be used in the trials. Instead, she claims the nuns took little interest in what she thought and simply told her to hold the girl down while the injections were given. Talking about this period of her life clearly upset her.

I then began trawling though papers at the Public Record Office in London and discovered evidence that there had been numerous such trials on children and babies in Britain too during the 1950's and 1960's. Many also involved testing the Trivax vaccine on children in care homes. Exactly who these children were and how this affected them is hard to tell. Professor Gordon Stewart, now emeritus Professor of Public Health at Glasgow University was one of the medical experts sent to assess the data. He told this programme that when he arrived at the offices of local health authorities to ask for the results he was told that for some reason they had all been destroyed.

Further research by the programme in America took us to a hospital in New York for children diagnosed as having contracted the HIV virus from their mothers. A former nurse who had worked at the Incarnation Childrens' Centre said she was regularly told to give the kids varied and some times very large doses of the drug, AZT. Jacqueline Herger initially believed that giving the children this highly potent yet still unproven drug was in their best interests. But when the health of two girls from the hospital she was fostering began to sharply decline she stopped the trial treatment. Then, even though Jacqueline believes their health then started to greatly improve, the local authority removed them from her care and put them back on the drugs programme.

New guidelines have now been issued in Britain by the British Medical Association which include measures to tighten up the codes of practice that govern drug trials here. It comes at a time when demand for them is greater than ever. Earlier this month (August) the government called for more research into the drugs given to children to help ensure that they're safe. Whilst there is an acceptance that all new drugs do need to be tested before they can be sold it must be ensured that nobody is exploited in the process. However, the Association's spokesman, Dr Michael Wilks, told Document that he fears that the problem will now simply move to the developing world where regulations are more lax and the people more vulnerable.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/history/do ... pigs.shtml
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Post by AgentSonya »

Underrated Post. Fascinating read.

I've been checking his URLs in his book as I read and most have been working and show what is being said.
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Post by Tankanator »

This is one of those ones where you have to be so sure of what the hell you're looking at.

RFK might be doing just a Gish gallop of nonsense with links to studies that are not so easy to understand on face value

I'm inclined to believe him but remain sceptical
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