British Trotskyite Chris Ford supports OUN

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British Trotskyite Chris Ford supports OUN

Post by Gemini »

This from a Britishtrot named Chris Ford, wherein he distinguishes the good OUN-M from the bad OUN-B, and lauds the UPA for its revolutionary character.
"In the split that occurred between the left and right of OUN in 1940, the URDP [Ukrainian Trotskyite party] identified with the left, which moved steadily to take on Socialist politics injected into it by the working class, in particular from the Soviet Ukraine."
He has to be talking about the OUN-M, which during the 1940s was - far from getting Socialism injections or whatever - under the protection of the Nazis. The OUN-M and OUN-B were tripping over themselves to out Nazi the other. This "left OUN" stuff is simply cut from whole cloth.

But wait, it gets worse:
"The UPA remains one of the most unknown revolutionary movements in Soviet history, deliberately portrayed by the Stalinists as collaborators, a misconception taken on by many Marxists." Buddy, we know plenty about the UPA. Ask the Ukrainian Nazis that carry UPA banners. Ask the Poles. ... /ford.html
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