Trump Demands Biden Apologize for Proclaiming Easter Sunday ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’

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Trump Demands Biden Apologize for Proclaiming Easter Sunday ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’

Post by Charlotte »

This is hilarious.
With increasing secular society and a bourgeois interested in population degrowth the bourgeois began promoting homosexuality back in the 1960s.
But it's quite something to see such brazenness from the transhumanists. It would be cause for celebration if their alternative religion transhumanism (the merging of man with machines and how the elite think they will merge with machines and leave humanity behind) is a far worse nightmare than Christianity that at least upholds human beings as made in the image of the divine. ... ty-5618641
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Post by AgentSonya »

As an athiest (really need to be said on this board? Well I guess except for ChristianCommunist) I do find it funny how the USA is now basically the Satan.

That the United States, who used to propagate anti-communism against the athiest Soviet Union, is now declaring trans day on the most sacred days of Christianity you can't help but laugh!!!
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