Cpgb-ML worried about the "climate crisis"

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Cpgb-ML worried about the "climate crisis"

Post by T34 »

The Climate alarmists have pretty much complete cultural hegemony.

Even Communists will call for "green policies" (ie imperialist degrowth) so they can remain unproductive workers, leeching off the third world where real production takes place
http://www.lalkar.org/article/4365/nica ... capitalism

In a recent webinar addressed by Ambassador Valdrack Jaentschke, who led the Nicaragua government delegation to the 2023 United Nations climate change conference in Dubai, more commonly known as Cop28, the ambassador explained how Nicaragua is combating climate change, both at home through its renewable energy and other programmes, and in the international arena through cooperation and by the power of its example in implementing policies that demonstrate a real concern for the earth (in contrast to imperialist greenwashing).

He began by recalling the Paris climate conference of 2015. While Nicaragua upheld the position that the capitalist economic system is at the root of our environmental problems at that meeting, the majority of participants and all the meeting’s outcomes simply reinforced the status quo. The recent Cop28 conference, he said, was simply a continuation of that same old line. Whilst accepting the continued pollution problems created by the imperialist economic model, the Western nations had the audacity to blame developing countries for the problems created by their own economic system! The Conference agreed targets aimed at setting a limit on the absolute rise in global temperatures. But these technical conversations about points of degrees are moot for those who are suffering the real consequences today. The most important question in Nicaragua’s view is: who is principally being affected by temperature increases? Today, these include the populations of small island development countries (SIDS), and islands in the Pacific and the Caribbean. A mere 1.5C increase in temperature in the lowlands of central America would result in these islands’ complete disappearance.. Western audiences may be reassured by empty promises, but the reality is that, as temperatures rise, life is literally disappearing from under the feet of many people across Asia, Africa, the Pacific and the Caribbean.

Affected nations, already facing huge obstacles to their development as a result of imperialist looting and domination – including economic sanctions, debt, war, corruption and poverty – are now also having to contend with the recurring devastation caused by climate change. Nicaragua did not and does not cause climate change, said the ambassador. Data show that a few rich countries with the highest carbon emissions in the world are responsible for more than 83% of global emissions, while Nicaragua emits less than 0.05%. Yet Nicaragua’s economy suffers a yearly impact from climate change equivalent to 8% of its GDP. This adversely affects not only its infrastructure but also production, the environment, health, education and energy. Floods and changing patterns of rainfall and temperature are depleting crop production and yields.

Having to replenish the regular devastation of public goods is a huge burden on a poor country. For a developing society trying desperately to lift its people out of poverty, the endless struggle to create vital infrastructure like roads, buildings, houses, schools and health centres, only to have them decimated by floods and hurricanes, is dispiriting.

Imperialists breaking their promises, refusing to pay what they owe

Climate reparations are a core demand of the Nicaraguan government. Ambassador Jaentschke explained that the capitalist rulers of the world always ensure reparations for damage to their own interests, one of the most notorious examples being the two centuries’ worth of payments made to former slaveowners for the ‘losses’ they suffered when slavery was officially abolished in Britain! This system of compensation only ever works one way, however, from the poor to the rich.

Since it was the Western capitalist-imperialist system of production that caused the climate problems besetting so many developing countries today, the beneficiaries of that system ought to pay the bill humanity now faces.

The Paris agreement and subsequent Cop conferences agreed that the Western imperialist countries would fund a mechanism to compensate poor countries, pledging to provide a replenishment fund of at least $100bn annually to help towards replacing what is being lost every year. In reality, however, under 10% of the promised funds have been received while Western nations are circumventing their responsibilities, both in terms of paying the promised reparations and in terms of addressing the ongoing impact of their activities on the global climate.

As one of the countries most seriously affected, Nicaragua is at the forefront of the campaign to have this global injustice recognised and addressed. The imperialist nations are not emitting any less than they were when they made their commitments in 2015; and are emitting four times the target that was then agreed upon. Meanwhile, the Western concept of ‘carbon neutrality’ is a cynical bit of greenwashing that manipulates public understanding, creates business opportunities and achieves nothing.

Greenwashing v real green measures

Cop28 ended with an agreement that “signalled the beginning of the end” of the fossil fuels era but which was itself unequal, said Ambassador Jaentschke. The Western nations have reached a stage of technological advancement that the developing nations have not; using climate excuses to forbid the development of other countries is entirely unacceptable.

Nicaragua itself is proactively seeking alternative sources of energy. On 27 November 2023, Latino Metrics highlighted the huge progress the country has made in the field of renewable energy – not that we would know if from reading the Western environmental columnists, but Nicaragua has surpassed Norway and Sweden to become a world leader in the production of clean energy, raising its production rate from 21% to 70% of energy consumed in the last two decades. As a small, developing but revolutionary country, Nicaragua approaches the issue of climate from a perspective of social responsibility and with a real care for its people and their environment. The Sandinista government’s decisions and actions, whether in the field of health, education, development or climate change, are underpinned by the socialist principles of their revolution.

The capitalist system of production is at the core of the climate crisis. The pursuit of maximum profit is the reason humanity faces these problems – and the reason it is unable to address them in any meaningful way. Capitalist-imperialism is the motivator for wars, genocide, poverty, injustice, inequality, as well as for social and environmental degradation.

In the final analysis, there aren’t hundreds of problems in the world – there is just one. The perceptible and accelerating deterioration in the quality of our lives and of our environment is directly attributable to the outdated, parasitic, moribund system of capitalist production for profit, and will only be solved when that barrier to human progress has been removed.
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Post by RedAlert »

On the video on this page

https://thecommunists.org/2024/02/14/ne ... apitalism/

One of the main speakers is from Alliance For Global Justice
AFGJ is funded by a number of center-left foundations, including liberal billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, Tides Foundation, Arca Foundation, Surdna Foundation, Public Welfare Foundation, and the Brightwater Fund. 5
https://www.influencewatch.org/non-prof ... l-justice/
So the Soros Open Society Foundation was named the "Open Society" after Karl Poppers theory of the "Open Society" in his book Open Society and It's Enemies . Now Karl Popper defined the Open Society, as liberalism, and the Open Societies enemies as "anything illiberal".

And here you have Communists hanging on the words of an agent of the Soros Foundation.

Tides Foundation is another Soros ally founded by Drummond Pike
https://www.influencewatch.org/non-prof ... oundation/
Drummon Pike is a member of another ShitLib NGO

Drummond Pike is a member of another Soros Arm, Institute for New Economic Thinking which is basically a drag net for young creative people to

Matt Ehret describes the INET as:
The Institute for New Economic Thinking

Today, I would like to address an often overlooked but highly important part of those false solutions in a bit more detail. This will unfortunately involve looking into the disturbing mind of George Soros and an Oxford-based organization which this billionaire, regime-change-funding, world-government-loving, anti-nation state creep co-founded in 2008 entitled the Institute For New Economic Thinking (INET).

Founded in 2008, the Institute for New Economic Thinking was designed to absorb young creative minds who might otherwise make actual discoveries in economic science into a controlled environment where they would be granted an apparent (but not actual) freedom and funding. In this environment, they would be free to innovate new alternative theories of economics as long as they adopted certain specific assumptions and axioms conducive to oligarchical societies committed to zero growth/closed system thinking.

The idea behind INET was simple: The crash of 2008-2009 all but guaranteed that new ideas would be searched for to put out the impending fire as sheep would awaken in droves under the chaos of the ruined order, and a wide net had to be created to capture all the fish leaping out of the pond in search of new ideas.

Other co-founders included Jim Balsillie, and William Janeway while the former INEP chairman is none other than Lord Adair Turner.

Balsillie is a Canadian billionaire who ran the Canadian Roundtable Group renamed the Canadian International Council (CIC) after it merged with his Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) in 2007. Working in tandem with the American Chatham House (aka: the CFR), Balsillie said in 2007:

“I have spearheaded the creation of the Canada-wide Canadian International Council (CIC). The Americans have their powerful Council on Foreign Relations, which offers non-partisan analysis of international issues and integrates business leaders with the best researchers and public policy leaders.” (1)

Janeway is a Cambridge professor and managing director at Warburg Princus capital management (yes, the same Warburg banking family that was caught funding Hitler) while Lord Turner is the former head regulator of the City of London from 2008-2013 who first introduced legislation for a Green New Deal into the UK parliament in 2009 and currently acts as chairman of the Global Energy Transitions Commission. Other leaders of the INEP governing board include Drummond Pike (the founder of Soros’ Tides Foundation), Rohinton Medhora (President of Balsillie’s CIGI), and Rob Johnson (former Managing Director at Soros Fund Management).
https://canadianpatriot.org/2020/07/22/ ... c-science/
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Post by RedAlert »

Drummond Pike also is a member of Democracy Alliance
The Democracy Alliance is a network of billionaire donors who coordinate their political donations to groups that the Alliance has endorsed, anonymously and often through foundations working as middlemen to hide the where the money is coming from[1][2][3]. It has been described as "the country's most powerful liberal donor club"[4], a “vast liberal conspiracy,” and a "DA-funded extra-party political machine".[5]
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Post by RedAlert »

Arca Foundation is
The Nancy Susan Reynolds Foundation, now called Arca Foundation, uses funds from the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco fortune to finance liberal agendas and organizations. It is one of numerous foundations created in whole or part with Reynolds trust funds, including the Mary Reynolds-Babcock Foundation, Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation, Reynolds American Foundation, the Christopher Reynolds Foundation and the Tides Foundation.
https://www.influencewatch.org/non-prof ... oundation/

And finances ALliance For Globa Justice
Alliance for Global Justice, 2015, $40,000

Center for American Progress, 2015: $150,000

Center for Popular Democracy, 2015: $175,000

Color of Change, 2015: $25,000

DEMOS, 2015: $50,000

Economic Policy Institute, 2015: $50,000

Friends of the Earth, 2015: $50,000

Institute for America’s Future, 2015: $50,000

Institute for Policy Studies, 2015: $25,000

J Street Education Fund, 2015: $75,000

National People’s Action, 2015: $50,000

Progressive Congress.org, 2015: $50,000
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Post by RedAlert »

Sundra Foundation
The Surdna Foundation is an advocacy and endowment management foundation1 funded by a contribution from capitalist businessman turned U.S. Representative John Andrus (R-N.Y.) in 1917. The Foundation has moved away from its founding donor’s capitalist sentiments and currently focuses on funding organizations to advocate for left-of-center public policy.

Surdna’s advocacy efforts generally support left-of-center organizations and also focus on three left-of-center issue areas: environmentalism, economic redistribution, and political advocacy through the arts.2

The Surdna Foundation has become a major player among left-of-center advocacy funders. Surdna is reportedly an institutional member of the Democracy Alliance and co-hosted events at a Democracy Alliance post-2016 election strategy conference alongside countless other left-of-center power players to prepare to fight the Trump administration “on health care, immigration, taxes and the economy, climate, LGBT rights, the Supreme Court, and so much more.”3

While the organization purports to pursue a left-of-center agenda through impact investing4 a review of their investments demonstrates that Surdna is invested in a number of companies that are completely antithetical to its purported mission, including major agricultural conglomerates, short-term lenders, and private prison companies.5
https://www.influencewatch.org/non-prof ... oundation/
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Post by RedAlert »

Brightwater Fund
Bridgewater Associates, LP (informally known as "Bridgewater")[5] is an American investment management firm founded by Ray Dalio in 1975. The firm serves institutional clients including pension funds, endowments, foundations, foreign governments, and central banks. As of 2022, Bridgewater has posted the second highest gains of any hedge fund since its inception in 1975.[6] The firm began as an institutional investment advisory service, graduated to institutional investing, and pioneered the risk parity investment approach in 1996.
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Post by Gemini »

me reading that piece of shit article

The Conference agreed targets aimed at setting a limit on the absolute rise in global temperatures.
Why would we want to limit global temperatures, given that human beings thrive in hot temperatures and 1850 was the little ice age?
1850 was fucking miserable

It's not an accident that Russia is breaking record grain harvests every couple of years
https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/2 ... r-pressure
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Post by Charlotte »

This is a marked decline of cpgb-ml.
You cannot go to industrial, productive workers (the ones that will make revolution) with this absolute dross. They will spit on you.

I do wonder why Nicaragua is getting into bed with Soros foundations though. Have they been bought off by the imperialist bourgeoisie?
We promise you free money in the form of climate reparations and we won't coup you.
That way the footsoldiers of Soros can point to Nicaragua and say "see, the developing world needs reparations and we need to de-industrialise further at home"
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Post by Charlotte »

RedAlert wrote: Thu Feb 29, 2024 11:34 am

Drummond Pike is a member of another Soros Arm, Institute for New Economic Thinking which is basically a drag net for young creative people to
Soros described INET in his own terms
“It is an attempt to get economists to rethink the very foundations of economics because it turns out that macro-economic theory has broken down. The financial crisis has shown that it is quite inadequate at making any kind of predictions about the future, and it has to be rethought from its fundamentals.”
https://canadianpatriot.org/2020/07/22/ ... c-science/
In the interview Soros explains that economics is in a crisis due to the false belief that the field could be treated as a hard science like physics or biology with immutable Newtonian laws. But since the field of economics is shaped by human thought which itself is ruled by irrational feelings and passions, it can never be “a true science”. What makes it even more problematic says Soros, is that even apparently “scientific” concepts emanating from reason are intrinsically false and thus any action caused by those intrinsically false thoughts is naturally destructive and puts us into a disequilibrium.

Basically Soros sees economics as an metaphysical "unknowable", a thing in itself.
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Post by RepublicOfEngland »

In the final analysis, there aren’t hundreds of problems in the world – there is just one. The perceptible and accelerating deterioration in the quality of our lives and of our environment is directly attributable to the outdated, parasitic, moribund system of capitalist production for profit, and will only be solved when that barrier to human progress has been removed.
So is CPGB-ML against economic growth then? Sad to see this coming out of the most promising party in Britain.
The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degrees, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralise all instruments of production in the hands of the State, i.e., of the proletariat organised as the ruling class; and to increase the total of productive forces as rapidly as possible.
Marx, Communist Manifesto https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/w ... o/ch02.htm
So what is CPGB-ML economic policy?
Centralise all instruments of production in the hands of the State and to.... decrease the productive forces as rapidly as possible?
Haz was right when he said Communism 2036. Until these fucking boomers, hippies, opportunists and revisionists are kicked out the movement we are landlocked with these trash

Whatever happens between now and 2036 at least will come from the right not the left. The Left (including practically all MLs who range from Labour voting cheerleaders to sexual deviants and perverts to green trash ) are second pillar of fascism.

As for the guff about Climate change the last 10000 years have shown temperature changes regularly.
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Post by JoeySteel »

RedAlert wrote: Thu Feb 29, 2024 11:34 am
So the Soros Open Society Foundation was named the "Open Society" after Karl Poppers theory of the "Open Society" in his book Open Society and It's Enemies . Now Karl Popper defined the Open Society, as liberalism, and the Open Societies enemies as "anything illiberal".
Soros wasn't just inspired by Karl Popper though. He was a disciple of Popper.
In London in the 1950s, Soros was a student of the expatriated Austrian philosopher Karl Popper, who championed the notion of an “open society,” in which individual liberty, pluralism and free inquiry prevailed. Popper’s concept became Soros’s cause.
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/17/maga ... ciety.html
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Post by LeninsBow »

Imperialist society basically requires you to
A) be a scholar in Marxism-Leninism
B) be a scholar in Soviet history enough to know most historians are lying servants of the bourgeois

So you're talking about a massive barrier to entry as a Communist

And then when it comes to climate change you actually need to put as much effort into studying Marxism-Leninism and Soviet history and be as sceptical about modern scientists as you are about bourgeois historians.

Couple this with there is no social basis for a Communist to exist in imperialist society who's economy is based around finance and service work instead of real production and industrial work.

The Thatcherites were thinking many decades ahead when they exported the coal miners and imported coal.
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