Ukraine Mega

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Ukraine Mega

Post by HuntingNow »

1932 Famine in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia
Village Voice: In Search Of A Soviet Holocaust

Nazis At Maidan
c14 Leader explains were it not for Nazi's at Maidan it would've turned into a Gay Pride Parade

Beatings and threatened executions once people are captured by recruitment police

2014-Current Ukraine War
In the week prior to the SMO Ukraine began mass shelling Eastern Ukraine
20 Feb 2022 - Ukraine - Who Is Firing At Whom And Who Is Lying About It?
Michael Hudson - America Defeats Germany for the Third Time in a Century
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Colombian President Gustavo Petro - at the UN General Assembly: We are not thinking about extending life to the stars, but about ending life on our own planet. We have dedicated ourselves to war. We have been called to war. Latin America was called to hand over the war machines. They have forgotten that our countries have been invaded many times over by the very people who now talk so much about opposing invasions.
They forget that they invaded Iraq, Syria and Libya for oil. When they give reasons to come to Zelensky's defense, they forget that for the same reasons they should come to Palestine's defense.
They forget that in order to achieve the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, all wars must end! But they do not let one of them end. Because it suits them. It's their Game of Thrones. They don't have 100 billion dollars to protect countries from floods, storms and hurricanes. But they instantly allocate that money for Russians and Ukrainians to kill each other.

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Post by T34 »

RedAlert wrote: Tue Oct 03, 2023 11:04 am There will be no transgender ukraine
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Southfronts latest

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Post by JoeySteel »

AgentSonya wrote: Sun Oct 01, 2023 1:58 pm
Timothy Snyder is that ratfuck bourgeois historian who rewrote the history of World War 2 in his Blood Lands in 2014 to add historical 'ammunition' to Right Sector, OUN and the rest of the Banderites in Ukraine

Grover Furr wrote a book debonking his nonsense
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Post by RedAlert »

The GRU did a landing in Crimea today

Went well I think :Lpoint
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Post by RedFlagWavingHere »

🇷🇺⚔️🇺🇦✈️💥 Scott Ritter on how Russian air defenses shot down 24 planes in 5 days:

💬 "The Russians just launched what turned out to be the most sophisticated air defense program in history. We don't understand what happened. All we know is that planes are being destroyed. Despite the fact that we saturate the skies with our radars, we search for everything in the sky, but planes simply explode.

The Russians came up with a solution. MiG-29s are exploding, Su-24s with British missiles will explode. And they will also explode, because they need to get even closer, and they will be caught. The Russians essentially neutralized the Ukrainian Air Force. And we want to send them F-16s. You can forget, even if they don’t even try to take off. But that is not all. Modern technology is not just about the F-35. This is Avax, this is RC-135, every drone we have. If this system is what I think it is, it means the Russians have just guaranteed themselves air supremacy in the next conflict. We will raise our devices, and they will simply disappear. And we won't even know what's happening.

Will their system be able to intercept a ballistic or hypersonic missile? We don't know yet. But I know that the Russian defense industry is the most advanced in the world and has always been so. In Soviet times, the best minds worked for them. Here is a device from their ballistic missiles, we captured it, opened it - this is the level of technological perfection."

🔴 @DDGeopolitics
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Post by RepublicOfEngland »

Zionism has deep roots in Ukraine. Jews were a significant element in the settler colony of Odessa.

Along with a range of non Jewish colonizers they settled on land from which Muslims and others had been expelled in the settlement around Khadjibey in 1794.

Ukraine, especially Odessa, was a key locus of the rise of the Zionist movement in the twentieth century.

The Revisionist leader Vladimir Jabotinsky hailed from Odessa.

Zionist ambivalence about Ukrainian nationalism continues to this day.

A few Ukrainian Zionists have warned of the rise of Nazi movements in Ukraine. But more generally, in the Zionist movement today there has been a concerted attempt to minimize the presence and political influence of Nazis in Ukraine.

Zionists are engaging in other words in Nazi apologizm. The much vaunted Ukrainian “counter-offensive” first mooted for the spring of 2023 has thrown up many and varied images and videos of wrecked Western military equipment .

The Russian military has made short shrift of even the supposed superior German Leopard tanks.

Western military stocks are running perilously low - even Jens Stoltenberg of NATO has sounded the alarm, saying that “our weapons and ammunition stocks are depleted and need to be replenished, not just in Germany, but in many countries across NATO.”
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Post by HuntingNow »

This caricature and the poem were published on the pages of the journal "Radjanska Ukrainia" ("Soviet Ukraine") on the 15th of March 1945.
Caricatures, warning of the dangers of the Ukrainian nationalism appeared on the pages of the Soviet press also in the years after the War. We will explore some of such caricatures in the coming posts.

A Snake from a Hiding Place

Do you recognise this dragon?
A bloody glutton crawls.
With the spider sign on his hiding place
Its name is Stepan Bandera.

Its name is Judas, Cain
This is the work of its snake hands:
The fire burning over our land,
The blood of innocent children spilled.

But the people were already up in armour.
The community spoke its verdict:
Crush the snake in its hiding place
And pull out the sting and teeth of the serpent.

—Semyon Gadyatsky
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Post by AgentSonya »

What a difference a year makes

Everyone should read this Times article ... interview/
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Post by T34 »

Another brit liquidated

The pipeline for fighting for the YPG to Ukro-nazis is pretty
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Post by T34 »

Russia has won
The Ukraine Peace Talk Trial Balloon

A trial ballon has gone up on the NBCnews website. It is testing the public reaction to the upcoming U.S. and NATO acknowledgment of their defeat in Ukraine:

U.S., European officials broach topic of peace negotiations with Ukraine, sources say - NBCnews - Nov 03 2023

WASHINGTON — U.S. and European officials have begun quietly talking to the Ukrainian government about what possible peace negotiations with Russia might entail to end the war, according to one current senior U.S. official and one former senior U.S. official familiar with the discussions.

This comes the same week that saw a Time piece about Zelenski's unwillingness to consider the real situation on Ukraine and to admit defeat. The same week the Economist interviewed General Zaluzny who optimistically spoke of a stalemate at the front even while his army is on the cusp of disintegration.

Taken together the three pieces might well be part of a U.S. administration campaign to concede its defeat in Ukraine while blaming its Ukrainian proxy forces for the results of its blunder.

Back to the NBC piece:

The conversations have included very broad outlines of what Ukraine might need to give up to reach a deal, the officials said. Some of the talks, which officials described as delicate, took place last month during a meeting of representatives from more than 50 nations supporting Ukraine, including NATO members, known as the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, the officials said.

The discussions are an acknowledgment of the dynamics militarily on the ground in Ukraine and politically in the U.S. and Europe, officials said.

They began amid concerns among U.S. and European officials that the war has reached a stalemate and about the ability to continue providing aid to Ukraine, officials said. Biden administration officials also are worried that Ukraine is running out of forces, while Russia has a seemingly endless supply, officials said. Ukraine is also struggling with recruiting and has recently seen public protests about some of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s open-ended conscription requirements.

The problem of the Ukrainian army is an obvious one. It is running out of men and has few it can still recruit. It is difficult to assess the real losses the Ukrainian military has had, but I would not be astonished to learn that they sum up to about 300,000 dead and some 500,000+ wounded, many of whom will now be disabled.

Finally these concerns about Ukraine's manpower get acknowledged:

President Joe Biden has been intensely focused on Ukraine’s depleting military forces, according to two people familiar with the matter.

"Manpower is at the top of the administration’s concerns right now,” one said. The U.S. and its allies can provide Ukraine with weaponry, this person said, “but if they don’t have competent forces to use them it doesn’t do a lot of good”

The last sentence seems to be taken from the Time piece which had said:

In some branches of the military, the shortage of personnel has become even more dire than the deficit in arms and ammunition. One of Zelensky’s close aides tells me that even if the U.S. and its allies come through with all the weapons they have pledged, “we don’t have the men to use them.”

Ukraine itself is destroying its own brigades faster than it can generate new ones:

During the last days tanks from the 47th brigade (Leo 2) and 10th mountain brigade (T-64BM/BV) have been seen, and were destroyed, near Avdiivka. Both brigades had only recently been mauled during their hopeless attacks at the southern front. It does not make sense to throw what is left of them into another battle without reconstituting them. The whole experience and knowledge these brigades had gained will be lost with them.

The whole professional middle-block of the army, the sergeants and young officers, have mostly been killed or wounded. Without them it is impossible to constitute new forces.

The NBC piece has made news in Ukraine (in Russian) but I have yet to find Ukrainian reactions to it. While I was publishing this a first political reaction, total denial, appeared:

Zelenskyy: There is no stalemate, and there will be no talks or concessions - UA Pravda - Nov 4 2023

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy does not think the situation on the front in Ukraine is a stalemate and has said that Ukraine will not negotiate with Russia.
Quote from Zelenskyy: "This is not a stalemate. Russia controls the sky. We are protecting our troops. No one [in Ukraine] wants to just throw our people [into the battle] like Russia does [...]

How can we overcome it? With the F-16s, we have to wait for our guys to get trained and for them to come back. When there’s air defence on the front, our soldiers advance, and they deploy the equipment they have."

What will he say when the F-16s, the fifty year old wunderwaffen, fall out of the sky faster than they go up?

There are sure signs that the divide between the political and military leadership in Ukraine is growing. President Zelenski, on request of his new defense minister, just removed the commander of Ukraine's special forces and installed a new one:

Major General Viktor Khorenko does not know the reasons for his dismissal from the post of Commander of the Special Operations Forces. Valerii Zaluzhnyi, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, did not submit a request for his dismissal.

It is very unusual to fire an officer without a request from his superior commander.

There are also shots fired against Zaluzny himself:

President's Office advises Commander-in-Chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces not to publicise situation at front - UA Pravda - Nov 4 2023

Ihor Zhovkva, Deputy Head of the Office of the President, commenting on the article by Valerii Zaluzhnyi, the Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine's Armed Forces, for The Economist, has said that the military should not bring to the public what is happening at the front.
Zhovkva also stated that "one of the heads of the leaders' offices" called him after the mentioned article was published.

"And they simply ask me in a panic, ‘What should I report to my leader? Are we really at a stalemate?’. Are we trying to achieve this effect with this article?", the President’s Office representative said.

The NBC piece even sets a time frame to Ukraine to admit that it is over:

Officials also have privately said Ukraine likely only has until the end of the year or shortly thereafter before more urgent discussions about peace negotiations should begin. U.S. officials have shared their views on such a timeline with European allies, officials said.

Russia will likely agree to peace talks. But it probably will demand more than Ukraine is willing to give. At a minimum that is the full control over the five oblast it has annexed, including Crimea, and no NATO relations with Ukraine. The current Ukrainian parliament will probably reject those requests which will then lead to further Russian demands.

Kiev has yet to acknowledge reality. The Ukrainian state has been bleeding out - financially as well as physically. Its masters have found that their aim at the start of the war - to weaken Russia - has led to the opposite. Russia now has a bigger and better armed military with more real war experience than any of its possible opponents.

Russia has won.
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Post by HuntingNow »

🇺🇦: you said you'd be there til the end

🇺🇲: Son, this is the end.
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