Who Destroyed Western Civilization? Paul CRaig Roberts

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Who Destroyed Western Civilization? Paul CRaig Roberts

Post by T34 »

Paul Craig Roberts on the destruction of Western Civilisation. I enjoy Paul Craig Roberts despite him being a right-wing conservative. He's an anti-neocon and wrote the "Neocon threat to the world".
A fascinating character to follow during the era of Western descent into pure barbarism - he was in the Reagan government as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.

Unlike most of the rightoids who blame Western decline on "cultural marxism" and the "march through the institutions". Whilst true to some extent - the revisionist euro-communists, whining academics and Rockefeller funded psyops that decided to take Lenins concrete analysis of oppressed countries within the imperialist world system and extend this into the "oppression olympics" in Western societies who gave up on class struggle is to some extent true.

The point I feel he is missing is made by Dugin that liberalism trends to ever more the "cult of the individual". The obsessession with postmodernist "deconstruction". Ie. everything is a social construct. Forgetting of course that social constructs are what separate us from animals.

The end point is the "deconstruction" of the human identity itself.
The individuals rights become sacrosanct (over the community.)

This inevitably leads to atomisation of society to the point you see bizarre phenomena like Hikkokomori culture in Japan (this phenomena now exists in the West as "incels"). When rights of the individual are elevated they start believing in identities constructed by hollywood (gay identities etc). As well as the trend toward deathcult - the so-called "right to die" and the euthanasia cult.

Canada is the prime example of this. A country of snooty cunts who consider their southern neighbours unenlightened, uncultured and backward compared to forward thinking Canada which allows men with prosthetic breasts like this to teach in schools and pretend this is normal and not an autogynephillic sexual fantasy.

Yet, it is Canadian euthanising poor and disabled people whilst inviting Waffen SS officiers into parliament for standing ovations.
Paul Craig Roberts

I think it was white liberals who deracinated the white ethnicities and destroyed Western civilization. I think civilization was destroyed because liberals based their demands for reforms on denunciation of existing society. Decades of denunciation undermined confidence.

I once offered this explanation:

The liberals’ stress on social purification flows from an inconsistency in the intellectual foundation of Western civilization. The Enlightenment had two results that combined to produce a destructive formula. On the one hand, Christian moral fervor was secularized, which produced demands for the moral perfection of society. On the other hand, modern science hammered epistemology into a critical philosophical positivism that is skeptical of the reality of moral motives. From the one we get moral indignation and from the other, moral skepticism. How can two such disparate tendencies be reconciled?

The answer seems to be that this inconsistent combination is held together by their joint attack on existing society. One pre-empts existing society’s defense, while the other focuses moral indignation against it. Together they support a social and political dynamism that seeks to achieve progress by remaking society.

Affirmations of society’s achievements run into this dynamism, which mows them down with skepticism and indignation. People who are motivated by moral purposes find that they have a safe outlet only in accusations of immorality against existing society, and the West’s morality becomes immanent in attacks on itself.

Others, such as Richard Knight, believe Western civilization was destroyed by German Jewish cultural marxists whose march through the institutions discredited every institution of Western civilization. https://www.unz.com/article/jews-and-th ... r-thought/ I don’t disagree that this has occurred, but I think Cultural Marxism is itself a product of the inconsistency in the Western intellectual foundation that I described.

It seems unlikely that the West’s intellectuals can escape the destructive dynamism of moral indignation and moral skepticism. When civilization is destroyed, nirvana is not standing ready to take its place. The replacement is barbarism into which we are already descending.
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Post by AgentSonya »

In that link to the thread on Canadian Hitlerites we should start uploading the videos and content or screenshots directly here.

Google censors any controversial videos in the long run and twitter deletes posts.

So screenshot the tweet or download the video and either link to archive.org ot directly here

That Canadian Euthanisa advert is absolutely horrifying though. Especially when you are aware of the "blue whale" phenomen, the blue whale appearing in that advert is quite terrifying that this advert was produced.
"Blue Whale" (Russian: Синий кит, romanized: Siniy kit), also known as the "Blue Whale Challenge", is a social network phenomenon dating from 2016 that is claimed to exist in several countries. It is a "game" reportedly consisting of a series of tasks assigned to players by administrators over a 50-day period, initially innocuous before introducing elements of self-harm and the final challenge requiring the player to kill themselves.[1][2]

Once dehumanisation of human life has reached this level we will witness some incredible barbarism as a result of it.

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Post by HuntingNow »

The destruction of Western civilisation was inevitable. The foundation of Western civilisation was white supremacy

When the fraud of race science was finally exposed after ww2 all the empire had left was to consolidate the middle class cosmopolitans in the empires heartland.

Kinda like how Rome would go into villages and select the brightest kid, take them to Rome, show them the sights and they'd come back to their backwater village a complete comprador pushing Rome's agenda

Noone in Western society has any commonality with each other. They are tied together only be mass consumption (and by extension) imperialism.

The culture, the customs and norms of imperialist society are held artifically together by mass consumption and hedonism (very similar to the state of Israel who's time is running out).

Once the 3rd world rises it's over for imperialist society.
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