Homosexuality and Bourgeois Decadence

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Homosexuality and Bourgeois Decadence

Post by T34 »

Homosexuality and Bourgeois Decadence: Reflections on the Orlando Massacre
Neocolonialism- a gay science
Are critics of homosexuality right wing?
The Nazi regime cracked down on homosexuality in 1937

Homo Sovieticus versus Homo Sexualis
'Turning Filth into Theory'
A Letter to the Stalin Society
The Meaning of Orlando

Were Marx and Engels proto-fascists? A reply to the Stalin Society
From Materialism to idealism
The Stalin Society's lies and logical fallacies
How to be a communist
Proof the SSNA is anti- Marxist on the question of sexuality
The Freemasonry International
Am I an agent of 'Russian imperialism'?
Conversion Therapy to Marxism!

The LGBT's legacy of racism and child abuse
The LGBT movement's pedophile founding fathers
Gay Lives Matter
Liberal bad faith

Homosexuality and Bourgeois Decadence: Reflections on the Orlando Massacre - Last part of a five part series
Is the Catholic Church homophobic?
Effective treatments suppressed
Gay activists like to preach about the importance of lifestyle choice.

Homosexuality and Bourgeois Decadence: Reflections on the Orlando Massacre

The terrorist attacks in Orlando on June 12th when Omar Mateen opened fire in a gay night club killing 49 people and injuring 53 others have re-ignited the debate on discrimination against homosexuals. This series of articles will argue that homosexuals, far from constituting a persecuted minority, are in fact key protagonists of the ruling class and bourgeois ideology.

French president François Hollande was criticised by gay activists for his statement on twitter after the recent Orlando massacre. He said that everyone should have the right to “ choisir son orientation sexuelle”- choose one's sexual orientation. Hollande later changed his statement to “vivre son orientation sexuelle”- live according to one's sexual orientation.

In this essay, I will use the term 'uranian' coined by the 19th century German homosexualist Karl Heinrich Ulrichs to describe homosexual men, instead of the more commonly used 'gay', as the word gay suggests homosexuals are happy. I will argue that homosexuality is an emotional disorder which proliferates in capitalist societies and that people suffering from psychological disorders are very often unhappy.

Many uranian activists claim that one's sexual orientation is determined by nature not culture. Indeed, most people now believe that being homosexual is normal - that hormonal and genetic differences constitute the etiology of the homosexual condition. There is, however, absolutely no scientific evidence to back up these claims. The reason why the ruling class continually promotes pseudo-scientific myths about homosexuality is exposited by psychiatrist and Jungian psychoanalyst Jeffery Satinover in his book ' Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth.'

Neocolonialism- a gay science

1973 was an important year in the twentieth century for two reasons: 1.The rise of neoliberal economics inaugurated by the the US-backed coup in Chile. 2 The decision of the American Psychological Association to remove homosexuality from its list of pathologies. Henceforth, homosexuality would no longer be seen as a psycho-sexual disorder but rather as a perfectly natural sexual orientation, while capitalism would penetrate and brutalise every orifice of the world. There is a connection here – the triumph of unbridled, pathological desire.

The decision to remove homosexuality form the list of psychological disorders was not based on science but rather the successful take-over of the American Psychological Association by an increasingly assertive uranian lobby. By the mid eighties, however, 'liberation' had led to some serious lifestyle diseases among uranian men. A new disease ravaged America's uranian community: Gay Related Immune-deficiency (GRID).

Studies by Dr Peter Duesberg of the University of California showed a clear correlation between the use of poppers and other drugs, chronic lack of sleep and proper nutrition and extreme forms of sexual promiscuity as the etiology of the disease. GRID was a lifestyle epidemic.But the powerful uranian lobby intervened and the gay disease was miraculously transformed into AIDS( Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). The homosexual epidemic conveniently morphed into an 'African disease'. That cover-up and the scientific fraud used to effect it, would have catastrophic consequences for the health of the world's toiling masses, particularly the people of the Southern Hemisphere.

But what about the connection with neo-liberalism? The deregulation of Western industrial economies entailed the outsourcing of labour. This allowed Western capitalists to bypass indigenous labour which had been organised and militant for almost a century. For such a system to succeed, client dictators were put in place throughout the 'Third World'. An entire generation of progressive African leaders was ousted and assassinated by Western intelligence agencies, while their unemployed masses, reduced to misery, were encouraged to emigrate to Europe to fill low-paid service sector jobs.

As the Third World fell prey to capitalist rapacity, a new terror disease became increasingly associated with black Africans and less with the predominantly affluent, white, Western, uranian community. As a whole generation of perspicacious, anti-imperialist leaders were replaced by Western puppets, few African governments questioned the new wave of Western, medical fascism targeting their populations.

Today, the multi-billion dollar AIDS industry serves to mask the fact that the biggest killer in Africa is malnutrition due to capitalist-induced poverty, not the sexual activity of Africans. Were it not for the ubiquity of the uranian lobby in corporate media, most people would be familiar with the research of scientists such as Dr Stefan Lanka, Dr. David Rasnick and or Nobel-prize winning biochemist Kary Banks Mullis, among many others. The fact that the public is never told about such scientists is because their research produced the 'wrong' results. As Mullis put it "Science is being practised by people who are dependent on being paid for what they are going to find out," Scientific research which proves the unhealthy nature of ruling class sexual practices is not going to get funding from that class.Former African president Thabo Mbeki was ridiculed and demonised by the Western liberal press for inviting dissident biologists to a conference in South Africa in 2000 on the etiology of AIDS. Retroviral drugs are poison; they are murdering thousands of children every year. The uranian lobby is responsible for genocide!

Are critics of homosexuality right wing?

Today one often hears of far-right pastors in the United States denouncing homosexuality as evil and contrary to biblical injunctions about human behaviour. That makes the public believe that ignorance, religious fanaticism or a pathological fear of being sodomised are the motivating factors behind criticism of homosexuality.In fact, most leftists support 'uranian liberation' and uranian marriage. It was also the view of this author who, when asked on RT International about uranian marriage in France in 2013, expressed support, albeit lukewarm, for the proposed legislation. One's opinions are often formed by what one is told. They are not really opinions but socially constituted ideas and beliefs - hardly ever subject to independent research and analysis.

The leftist view of homosexuality differs markedly, however,from the Marxist-Leninist view. In the USSR of the 1930s, homosexuality was illegal. It was considered a mental disorder and was treated by therapy with varying levels of success. Marxists such as the writer Maxim Gorky associated homosexuality with fascism.The correlation of perverse sex and fascism was not unfounded. In his book 'The Pink Swastika' Scott Lively argues that most high ranking members of the Nazi regime were practising homosexuals.

Gerhard van den Aardweg, a Dutch psychologist, who has successfully rehabilitated thousands of homosexual patients, has said that “wealthy organisations''are promoting homosexuality in an effort to destroy the last obstacle to the total commodification of mankind: the family. He has also stated that the homosexual agenda is a form of Nazi fetishism. Many of those 'wealthy organisations' promoting homosexuality are funded by billionaires such as George Soros. According to Lively, the violent and pathological nature of homosexuals was considered useful for an offensive murder machine like Nazi Germany. Officially, the Nazis were opposed to homosexuality. But Lively argues that they only persecuted overtly effeminate men. Heinrich Himmler, leader of the Schutzstafel (Protection Squad,SS) complained that urnings were flocking into the SS.

The Nazi regime cracked down on homosexuality in 1937.

Today there is a fascist movement in Russia called the Gay Aryan Skinheads. Nazism and homosexuality are being encouraged by the West against Russia. An anti-Russian Nazi regime was installed in Ukraine in 2014 by the United States. Improving uranian rights in Ukraine was one of the U.S. requirements of the new regime.

The capitalist mode of production engenders corruption, alienation and moral perversion of all kinds. Soviet researchers argued that socialism would resolve these conflicts and therefore cure homosexuals of their disorder. After the revolution in Cuba in 1959 urnings and journalists were sent to reeducation camps. Although the U.S-backed fascist regime of Fulgencio Batista had persecuted homosexuals, the social vices of homosexuality and prostitution thrived in the U.S dominated Cuba. The capital city of Havana was a giant casino. Due to the promiscuous activities of homosexuals, Cuban revolutionaries felt they constituted a fifth column, easily manipulated by counter-revolutionaries through offers of sex.The Cuban revolution liberated millions of people from poverty, ignorance and oppression. Latifundias were taken over by the poor peasants, women were liberated and a mass education programme began throughout the country. The health and wellbeing of the population improved dramatically and popular democracy replaced the old U.S.-backed dictatorship.

Cuban revolutionaries, like their Soviet counterparts, did not consider 'homosexual rights' to be the cause of the proletariat but rather a social symptom of bourgeois decadence, which would be eliminated through the expropriation of the exploiting class. However, the embrace of Soviet revisionism under Castro has led Cuba down the path of capitalism for decades; the current tolerance of homosexual rights is a symptom of that embourgeoisement.

Lenin once said of Trotsky that he had never had an opinion on any important question of Marxism. The same can be said of Fidel Castro. Castro had great merit as a charismatic leader of national liberation but he had a poor grasp of dialectical materialism and foolishly followed the dictates of Soviet revisionism and many aspects of liberalism.

Communists are not liberals. The dictatorship of the proletariat requires the repression of the bourgeoisie and its degenerate values of greed, egotism, deceit, exploitation,violence and perversion. From Ancient Greece to the present day, homosexuality has always been a sexual perversion which proliferates among the ruling class. Therefore, in a socialist republic homosexuality would be greatly reduced and rare cases would be treated through adequate therapy.Schizophrenics do not have the right to celebrate their schizophrenia by murdering people on the street. They do have the right, however, to compassionate and comprehensive treatment for their condition. The same would apply to homosexuals in a society liberated from the scourge of exploitation. A socialist society would provide free and compassionate therapy for such individuals, not encourage their disorder.

The notion that homosexual rights are part of a progressive agenda is one of the greatest lies of our time. In part two I shall argue that the hijacking of labour movements and the left-wing intelligentsia by Trotskyism, anarchism and liberal leftism have obfuscated the Marxist-Leninist interpretation of sexuality. As our children are now being inculcated with a hefty dose of pseudo-scientific, bourgeois nonsense about sexual orientation, it is high time to rap the rotten closet of political correctness with an iron fist and let the scientific and socialist analysis of homosexuality make its 'coming out!'
Last edited by T34 on Tue May 14, 2024 2:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Homo Sovieticus versus Homo Sexualis

Homosexuality and bourgeois decadence: Reflections on the Orlando Massacre - Part two of a five part series.

Soviet psychologist Igor Kon once remarked that American and Soviet right-wing views of homosexuality were similar. The former saw homosexuality as a communist plot against 'the free world' while the latter viewed it as a capitalist conspiracy against the proletariat. Kon was to a certain extent correct. But he failed to point out that, far from being right-wing, the communist view of homosexuality was the attitude that prevailed in the USSR when the proletariat and the peasantry dictated the country's polices through the soviets, while the 'left-wing' communist plot was not a communist plot at all. Communists never recognised a condition called homosexuality. It was promoted, however, by Trotskyites, anarchists and other petit-bourgeois, leftist theorists of pseudo-Marxism.

In the Soviet Union homosexuality was seen as one of the many perversions promoted by the bourgeoisie and their petty-bourgeois opponents– a ruling class phenomenon of social rather than biological origin. The communist understanding of sexuality has, since the counter-revolutions in Europe in 1989 and the dissolution of the USSR, been conveniently buried and forgotten. This series of articles will defend the correctness of the communist view that sexual perversion and class domination are inextricably linked and that communists should not only critique uranian liberation but oppose it.

For readers who are new to the subject and want an insight into how democracy worked in the USSR, I recommend the book 'Soviet Democracy' by Pat Sloan, a British economist who lived and worked in the Soviet Union during the Stalin era. There are few communists today would defend the Soviet and former Cuban views of human sexuality. That is because most communists still bear traces of bourgeois attitudes to sex and social behaviour. As French philosopher Michel Foucault pointed out, everything is political, including sex. I agree with this view, but for different reasons.

'Turning Filth into Theory'

Frederich Engels was a smart man. He learned 16 languages and was an omnivorous reader. In his lifestyle, Engels was somewhat of a bourgeois bohemian. But he was also a scientific socialist. He worked hard but partied hard too.He lived with an Irish woman but never married. His attitudes to sex and morality were by no means typical of the prudish and repressed Victorian age. Engels once received a book from Karl Marx. It was a copy of homosexualist Karl Heinrich Ulrichs 'Forschungen über das Rätsel der mannmännlichen Liebe- research on the puzzle of male homosexual love.

Engels wrote a letter to Marx expressing his thoughts on Ulrichs' research. He dismissed the book as an attempt to 'turn filth(Schweinerei) into theory'. The German philosopher described the contents of the book as 'extremely unnatural revelations' (äußerst widernatürliche Enthüllungen). Engels believed that homosexuality and pederasty were the same. He claimed that homosexualists and pederasts had infiltrated the state and were pushing for the legalisation of their lifestyles. He warned Marx that once that would happen the new political slogan would be 'guerre aux cons, paix aux trous-de-cul- war on fools, peace for bumfuckers'. Engels was clearly against the legalisation of homosexuality and predicted that it would spread decadence throughout Germany.

By the 1920s, Berlin, raped by foreign banks under the Treaty of Versailles, had become a cesspool of prostitution, drugs and sexual perversion.

Marx was no more flattering of homosexuals than Engels. Johann Baptist Schweitzer, an urning and follower of the social democrat Ferdinand Lassalle tried to persuade Marx to support Lassalle's opportunistic, reformist movement. Marx described Schweitzer as a 'warm brother'- a derogatory epithet for a homosexual man.

Many right-wing anti-communists like to claim that decadence thrived in Berlin when the communist party was hegemonic. That is a lie. Decadence thrived under social democracy. The German communist Party(KPD) followed the Marxist line on sexuality. It was the refusal of social democrats to join forces with the communists which enabled the Nazis to seize power in 1933. Social democrats are and always have been class traitors.

In his book 'The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State' Engels argued that Ancient Greek pederasty and homosexuality were the consequences of the male oppression of women. We still live in a society what oppresses women. Most women cannot afford the luxury of spending time with their children, as they have to work outside the home. Many women are penalised and harassed by corporations when they apply for maternity leave. Women's liberation is a myth. No one is really free under capitalism. The stress and anxiety generated by such an inhumane system are leading to the warping of human emotional and intellectual development on a scale never seen before.

A Letter to the Stalin Society

The Stalin Society of North America have done an important service to the public in defending the life and works of Joseph Stalin against the mountains of lies diffused by soviet revisionists and Sovietologists such as Robert Conquest and Timothy Snyder,but they are undermining the cause of communism in criticising soviet policy on sexuality by citing the work of the child rapist and fraud Alfred Kinsey.

The note on their website on this issue is misleading and anti-Marxist. Referring to the American Psychiatric Association's declassification of homosexuality as a mental disorder, the Stalin Society of North America writes:

'To expect that Stalin, and Soviet Russia in the 1930s, would foresee the advances in medical and psychological science that would occur forty years in the future is either naïve or malicious. It should be noted, by comparison, that the GDR had a much more open and positive policy with respect to homosexuality'.

There have been NO advances whatsoever in medical science which discredit the soviet and Marxist view of human sexuality. In fact, all the scientific evidence supports that view.

The founding fathers of modern psychology, Jung, Freud and Adler all characterised homosexuality as a perversion. Adler believed that the cause was an inferiority complex in early childhood.

Recent studies in epigenetics and urnings confirm rather than negate the soviet view of sexuality. For decades the research of soviet scientist Trofym Lysenko have been dismissed as rubbish by the Western scientific establishment. Now scientists are admitting that Lysenko was right.

Contrary to popular myth, Stalin's only intervention on the controversy over Lysenko's work was to defend total freedom of expression for all scientific theories.

Total freedom of expression for scientific theories is a value of socialist societies because knowledge empowers the people. In capitalist societies,however, knowledge serves the power of capitalists. That is why the Rockefeller family and George Soros are promoting everything that promotes alienation, social fragmentation and sexual perversion – the values of the ruling elite and the tools by which they keep the working class in total submission to the capitalist mode of production.

That is also why no one has heard about the psychologists and psychiatrists at NARTH- National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality.

To suggest, as the Stalin Society of North America has done, that today all communists should support the LGBT movement is utter nonsense. Instead, communists should be promoting the work of NARTH and researching soviet methods of rehabilitating the emotional disorder referred to as homosexuality. Thousands of child-abuse victims and adolescents suffering from homosexuality are not being given the compassionate care and therapy they need. Instead, they are being told the lie that they are 'born gay' and cannot recover from their condition.

The Soviets did extraordinary research in all areas of science. But sexology was not a priority during the Stalin period. Soviet workers knew that the natural sexual relation was between man and woman and, as science was a public service serving the majority and not a privileged minority, Soviet workers did not want to waste time in useless bourgeois domains of research.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia of 1930 states:

'Soviet legislation does not recognize so-called crimes against morality. Our laws proceed from the principle of protection of society and therefore countenance punishment only in those instances when juveniles and minors are the objects of homosexual interest … while recognizing the incorrectness of homosexual development … our society combines prophylactic and other therapeutic measures with all the necessary conditions for making the conflicts that afflict homosexuals as painless as possible and for resolving their typical estrangement from society within the collective'
—Sereisky, Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 1930, p. 593

The Stalin Society of North America claims that article 121 of the Soviet Penal Code criminalizing homosexuality was only enforced in cases of pedophilia with up to 1000 prosecutions annually. This ignores the fact that the Soviet view, following Engels, saw a strong correlation between male homosexuality and pederasty. This is also the view of the Russian Federation today.

The word gulag has come to symbolise the punitive and oppressive nature of Soviet society. Nothing could be further from the truth. In his book 'Stalin: Man of Contradiction' Ken Cameron writes:

'In the 1930s, as we have seen, the spread of industrialization and collectivization brought about a socialist state with a broad spectrum of social and political rights. As we would expect from such a state, the legal and prison systems that it established were essentially just and nonpunitive. In fact, they were praised and admired by liberal attorneys and penologists throughout the world. People's courts, in which ordinary citizens sat with a professional judge on the bench, tried 80 percent of all cases, and legal services could be obtained free of charge. As a desirable alternative to prisons, "agricultural and industrial labor colonies" were established where some prisoners brought their families and where they were allowed to marry. The basic objective of the system was rehabilitation, not just in words, as in capitalist states, but in reality, as was dramatically shown, for instance, in the film Road to Life, depicting the regeneration of teenage criminals. One of the most extensive industrial camp projects was the building of the Baltic-White Sea Canal by prisoners, a vast enterprise whose three chief engineers were former "wreckers." At the completion of the project, 300 prisoners received scholarships, 12,000 were freed, and 59,000 had their sentences reduced. Such was the normal course of working class justice in the USSR. Therefore, if changes were made in some aspects of the system, there must have been reasons for it. '

(Cameron, Kenneth Neill. Stalin, Man of Contradiction. Toronto: NC Press, 1987, p. 128)

The Stalin Society of North America refers apologetically to the German Democratic Republic's tolerance of homosexuality, claiming that this was due to the GDR being more 'advanced'. This is nonsense. The GDR never pursued a Marxist-Leninist line.

In fact, they opposed the policies of socialist construction advocated by Moscow and proceeded to build a multi-party bourgeois republic, adopting Masonic symbols in their national flag, mocking the working class, while claiming to be socialist. In fact, Eric Honecker himself admitted in 1972 that the GDR was not socialist.

Marxist-Leninists in East Germany were brutally repressed by state security. The GDR was certainly more 'advanced', advanced in capitalism, hence the tolerance for homosexuality.

The Soviet view of human sexuality was correct and only social democrats and anti-Marxists would oppose it.

The Meaning of Orlando

The Orlando massacre served two purposes: 1 To promote gun-control, thus preventing armed revolt by the U.S. proletariat against the oligarchic state. 2 To promote the idea that Muslims are backward, dangerous and 'anti-gay'. The point is to reinforce the Zionist agenda of a 'clash of civilisations' whereby barbaric Islamists are attempting to 'take away our freedoms' and subvert our values of tolerance and human rights. But it is the ruling class which is attempting to take away our freedoms, not some external enemy.

The truth is that the Islamic State is an creation and instrument of the US/Israeli military-industrial complex. It is an army of mercenaries, trained and funded by NATO and the Gulf Cooperation Council against the people of the Middle East in accordance with U.S./Israeli geopolitical interests. It was not surprising to see that one of the first major media disinformation campaigns against Syria in 2011 involved the lies of a a Syrian Lesbian blogger who was exposed as a CIA agent.

Those who are against the demonisation of Muslims should recognise that the views of the Syrian Arab Republic and the Islamic Republic of Iran on sexuality are correct, progressive and a strong reflection of the anti-imperialist ethos of both states.

No one can call himself a communist and support the reactionary LGBT movement. There will be no rainbow flags in a socialist state but the red banner of the proletariat!
Last edited by T34 on Tue May 14, 2024 2:34 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Were Marx and Engels proto-fascists? A reply to the Stalin Society

Homosexuality and Bourgeois Decadence: Reflections on the Orlando Massacre - Part three of a five part series

After the publication of part two of this series, The Stalin Society of North America (SSNA) responded in a vindictive, defamatory and reactionary manner to my criticisms of their anti-Marxist views on sexuality.

What follows is my response.

When one challenges the validity of bourgeois attitudes to sexuality, one can expect vilification – especially when it comes to highly politicised ideologies such as homosexuality. I realise that I am, in many respects, contra mundum in this but I also believe that will change when all five parts of this series are read and digested.

In the previous two articles I wrote that modern research shows that the Marxist and Soviet views of sexuality were correct. It also concurs with what I described as the 'view of sexuality' in countries such as the Syrian Arab Republic and the Islamic Republic of Iran. What does that mean? Clarification is required here.

From Materialism to idealism

et us begin by looking at the etymology of the words sex and sexuality. The on-line English etymological dictionary states:
'Sex:1789, "action or fact of being sexual;" see sexual + -ity. Meaning "capability of sexual feelings" is from 1879. Meaning "sexual identity" is by 1980.'
This is a fascinating definition. For the word 'sex' itself we get 'Latin sexus "a sex, state of being either male or female, gender," So, in the 18th century sexuality is the act or fact of being sexual, a state of being either male or female. By the late nineteenth century, however - when the Uranian movement began - 'we get capability of sexual feelings'; biology has morphed into emotion.

In the 1980s, after the sexual revolution, the meaning changes again. Now it is a question of 'identity' not the original fact of being either male or female. This semantic evolution only occurred in the West in 19th century bourgeois culture, whose decadence Marx and Engels denounced.

The result of this evolution is that sexuality is now an identity not a fact. It is an ideology and no longer a state of nature. Your mind or your feelings determine your sex, not your body. This is idealism. However, for a materialist, this cannot be the case. A male is a male not because he sees himself as a male but because his penis says he is a male. This means that he should also see himself as a male as he is naturally equipped to reproduce with a female and that when he doesn't or has same-sex attraction, something is wrong - that he is going against his nature.

This is the view of sexuality in countries which uphold the original definition of sexuality. I have argued that this is progressive because sexuality as identity is meaningless. That is not to say that these countries have progressive penal systems. Far from it. Sexuality is not penology. I did not defend the penal systems in Iran and Syria. On the contrary, I did defend the Soviet penal system because it was based on reform and education.

Nor does the Syrian and Iranian view of the 'state of being either male or female' cover their approach to acceptable forms of sexual behaviour, acceptable forms of expressing that sexuality, or the legal age for sexual intercourse. It is important to be clear on this matter. I believe that the current view of sexuality of the countries mentioned is progressive ONLY in the sense that it rejects the Western, bourgeois distortion of language which turns a state of nature into ideology.

The result of this distortion is that now our children as young as four years old are being asked to 'choose' their gender identity in schools. Nature is now whatever you want it to be. Dialectical materialism has given way to postmodern relativism which is a form of bourgeois idealism. Marxists, of course, cannot support such nonsense.

The Stalin Society's lies and logical fallacies

The SSNA claim that the National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) is associated with far-right Christian groups and is therefore bad. This form of reasoning is fallacious. Even if it were true that NARTH is close to some backward or reactionary Christian groups, that would not discredit the scientific research of the psychologists and psychiatrists in question.

NARTH is not a theological organisation, it is a scientific one. The technique of 'guilt by association' is often used by the corporate media to discredit people and organisations the ruling class wants the public to reject. Logical fallacies should not be part of the discursive arsenal of a communist.

The SSNA states that the Southern Poverty Law Centre of the United States have accused NARTH of 'hate-speech'. As evidence for this, they cite the comments of one of the organisation's psychologists Dr. Gerald Schoenwolf stating that the transportation of African slaves to America was a good thing. Is this true? No it is not.

What did Dr. Schoenwolf actually say? He said "Slavery is always a great moral evil. It is one of the worst evils in our nation's history," If Dr. Schoenwolf is clearly against slavery, why is the SSNA claiming he is in favour of it?

Dr,Schoenwolf went on to discuss the problem of political correctness which simplifies the depiction of certain disfavoured groups. So White Southerners are considered bad, enslaved people's good, men bad, women good etc. As Marxists, we reject this kind of anti-scientific thinking. So called 'Cultural Marxism' has nothing to do with scientific socialism.

The Southern Poverty Law Centre also claimed that Dr. Schoenwolf was a former homosexual - another bold and outrageous lie. The title of the article they published is ' Ex-gay psychologist claims Africans better off as slaves''. This, as I have pointed out, is a big lie. But I am prepared to retract this statement if the Stalin Society can provide evidence that I am wrong. But even if it were true, it has nothing to do with the question of sexuality, which is what we are discussing here.

In an interview with NARTH Dr.Schoenwolf said:
"What I tried to say, before my words were twisted by that reporter, is that despite the clear and obvious evil of that practice, we tend to forget that many of the enslaved people had been first been sold into bondage by their fellow countrymen; so coming to America did bring about some eventual good. No social issue has all the 'good guys' lined up on one side and 'bad guys' on the other."
I would like to know why the Stalin Society of North America, which claims to be defending scientific socialism, sees the statements of Dr Schoenwolf as racist and defends the lies of the Southern Poverty Law Centre. It does a great disservice to the cause of communists when certain activists allow socially inculcated bourgeois sentimentality- what the French call 'bien pensance' - to override clear, logical and honest analysis.

To support NARTH does not in any way imply an endorsement of the theological views many therapists may have. If quoting Biblical verse was part of the therapy, I would certainly not be referring to it.I will go in to this aspect of the ideological confusion in next week's essay.

The SSNA, claim that NARTH are also racist, because the National Black Justice Coalition have accused them of racism. According to its website,'The National Black Justice Coalition (NBJC) is a civil rights organization dedicated to empowering Black lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people'.

This is a misleading title for an organisation. It says it is for black justice, then we read it is a homosexual lobby group. The group was involved in the Soros-funded Ferguson Riots, an intelligence psyop organised to incite race war in the United States - dividing the working class.

One might be forgiven for taking the Black Justice Coalition's racism accusations cum grano salis! I will address the LGBT and racism in the next installment of this series.

How to be a communist

In a Facebook group linked to the SSNA, called 'Anti-Revisionist Action', I was referred to as an 'anti-social, degenerate Fascist, who has nothing to do with the Revolutionary movement in France'. I was also described as an 'agent of Russian imperialism'. Calling someone a degenerate fascist for simply explaining and defending the Marxist view of sexuality is irrational and disingenuous. It is also a counterproductive technique.

Demonisation and character assassination are precisely the techniques used by the bourgeois media and the academic establishment to prevent the working class from learning the truth about Stalin and the USSR. But the SSNA forget that many of the people who read social media sites have a higher sense of criticism and judgment than the average media-brainwashed individual.

Italian Marxist philosopher Domenico Losurdo -whose work I have translated -, points out in his book on Stalin, that the 'reductio ad Hiterlum' is the ubiquitous feature of bourgeois discourse on communism. Shouting 'fascist' and 'Nazi' at anyone who disagrees with you is the behaviour Lenin associated with Trotsky – the attitude of the frenzied petit-bourgeois.

The consequence for the SSNA is that people will read my articles, do their own research and realise that my position is correct. It is much better to present a logical and polite refutation of my views, showing that Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Hoxha were all proponents of gay liberation; that Alfred Kinsey was not a child rapist, and that Marxists today should support the LGBT movement.

They could then suggest that I change my views based on the evidence they have presented and that I may well do. They should critique the work of Dr. Judith Reisman. That would require proving that what she says about Kinsey is a lie, rather than fallaciously stating that because she is a conservative, she is ipso facto, wrong. The SSNA claim they are scientists. I suggest they prove it!

They could begin by doing a Marxist-Leninist critique of this lecture.
https://web.archive.org/web/20190506140 ... JhyzqdzpnM

You will notice that it says in the video 'Christian concern'. I do not have such religious concerns but I do have class ones. I want a class analysis. On their website, the SSNA claim they are 'scientists'. I should point out that Stalin never used such bumptious terms. He always referred to himself as a 'pupil of Lenin'. He was a student not a scientist. But as the SSNA, are 'scientists' while the highly qualified academics at NARTH are 'pseudo-scientists', let's see the definitive scientific study of all this!

There is, of course, a lot of dirt one could dig up about NARTH. Take the case of Dr. George Rekers, for example. He produced groundbreaking scientific studies on homosexuality but was subsequently involved in a scandal with a rent-boy! Rekers claimed that due to health problems, he had to hire a boy to carry his luggage abroad. He also claimed the corporate media distorted what happened. Would that surprise us? Rekers may have been guilty as charged but one could also suspect that when scientific research undermines ruling-class ideology, the author of that research is going to become a target for character assassination. We've already explained what happened to Dr Schoenwolf. Suggesting that the person doing the research is himself a closeted homosexual is a common technique used by uranian activists to discredit their critics.

Stalin was not a blind follower of Marx and Engels. He also critiqued some of their views. Of course, he agreed with their view of homosexuality but he criticised Engel's ultra-leftism regarding Russian Tzarism. As General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR, Stalin always tried to lead by example. In meetings of the Central Committee, he would listen to all the views of its elected members.

In the end, he would sum up the views and give his own. It was then put to the vote. Collective leadership required communists not only to question their own views but to POLITELY correct those views when better arguments were presented by others. Stalin constantly spoke about the importance of self-criticism.

There used to be a joke about the Soviet Union. One comrade says to the other “ Will you please stop criticising yourself all the time” The other comrade replies:“ I agree with the criticism of the comrade and will endeavour in future to stop criticising myself!”

Proof the SSNA is anti- Marxist on the question of sexuality

I mentioned Enver Hoxha. He was the leader of the People's Socialist Republic of Albania. In the entry on homosexuality on the SSNA website which I criticised, they write:

' The science of human sexuality was in its infancy for all of Stalin’s life. Stalin died in 1953. He died before the ‘sexual revolution’, and he never heard of Alfred Kinsey, Masters and Johnson or the ‘Hite Report.’ In fact, it was only in 1975 that the American Psychological Association itself ceased to classify homosexuality as a mental disorder. To expect that Stalin, and Soviet Russia in the 1930s, would foresee the advances in medical and psychological science that would occur forty years in the future is either naïve or malicious. It should be noted, by comparison, that the GDR had a much more open and positive policy with respect to homosexuality'

It was the American Psychiatric Association not the above-mentioned American Psychological Association that declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder and it was in 1973, not 1975.The SSNA is linked to the American Party of Labor, who correctly defend the line of the great anti-revisionist Marxist Enver Hoxha.

My question then, to the SSNA is this: Was Hoxha unaware of the 'sexual revolution' and of the 'science of human sexuality'. I doubt it. Hoxha died in 1985. Were there gay bars in socialist Albania? No. Why? The reason is that Hoxha was a Marxist-Leninist. He clearly saw the sexual revolution for what it was- bourgeois decadence. Such decadence was not tolerated under proletarian dictatorship.

Referring to Mao's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, Hoxha remarked that it was neither revolutionary nor proletarian.I think he would have said the same about the 'sexual revolution' but for the fact that it was already obvious to communists.

In the book 'The History of Socialist Construction of Albania', (1988) published by The Academy of Sciences of the PSR of Albania's Institute of History, the author refers to the bourgeois influences which were leading to counter-revolutionary and anti-working class tendencies in Albania during the 1970s. One of those counter-revolutionary tendencies was the corruption of 'communist morality and ethics in the family.' (p.309)

If the SSNA wants to claim that those who uphold the views of Marx and Engels on sexuality are 'crypto-fascists', they should study the documents published by the Albanian Party of Labour on the importance of the family and critique them. They will then be obliged to change their view of Hoxha, by perhaps stating that he was progressive on many issues but that on the question of sexuality, he was, like Gearóid Ó Colmáin, a 'Nazbolist' and 'anti-social, degenerate Fascist'.

Interestingly, the same Facebook page which called me a fascist supports 'homophobic' DPRK. Cherchez l'erreur! To make things worse, they also support 'Antifa!'- a pseudo 'anti-fascist' organisation which every communist in France knows is run by the police. They have been very active in sabotaging the workers' struggle here in France. Antifa!regularly threaten to beat up anyone who criticises NATO imperialism by calling them 'Nazbolists' and, you guessed it, fascists!' One begins to imagine Uncle Joe choking on his pipe!

The Freemasonry International

The SSNA refers mockingly to my reference to Dutch psychologist Gerhard Van den Aardweg who believes that homosexuality is being promoted by international Freemasonry. I do not know whether or not this claim is true. That is why I did not make the claim myself.

The problem of Freemasonry and secret societies which proliferate under capitalism, is rarely discussed by Marxists. Petit-bourgeois leftists often smugly poke fun at people who talk about these matters. Referring to the problem of Freemasonry is compared to belief in exotic creatures, aliens, superstition etc. This at once haughty and pusillanimous attitude is typical of the petite bourgeoisie, who resist anything that perturbs their comfort zone.

But it was not the attitude that prevailed in socialist or socially-orientated societies. According to Russian historian Andrei Fursov, Stalin sent a team of researchers to Europe in 1928 to investigate the bloodlines of the Rothchilds, Baruchs and other ruling class families as well as Freemasonry. Freemasonry was banned in the USSR during the Stalin era.

The research which the Soviets had uncovered on the bloodlines of ruling class families and Freemasonry was suppressed by the Khruschevites after Stalin's death (assassination?) in 1953. Some of the researchers fled to Albania. In fact, the Western puppet Boris Yeltsin handed the Soviet archives back to the Rothschild family after the destruction of the USSR in 1991. Many of those Masonic archives are currently in France.

In France where, unlike the United States, communists have played an important role in public life, one could not become a member of the communist party if one was a Freemason.

Secret societies exist and play a key role in ruling class machinations. The Bilderberg Group was barely discussed in left-wing circles until recently. Fidel Castro admitted he had never even heard of the group and invited Bilderberg Group expert Daniel Estulin to Cuba to discuss his work.

Here in Paris a conference was organised recently by the Marxist Study Circle in the Sorbonne University to discuss the Bilderberg Group.

While I disagree vehemently with Dr. Gerhard Van den Aarweg's Catholicism, his reference to 'Freemasonry internationale' is highly pertinent, as Freemasonry pervades most ruling class circles and homosexuality is a ruling-class ideology.

Am I an agent of 'Russian imperialism'?

If doing commentaries for Russia Today makes me an agent of Russian imperialism, my own writings show that I am, in fact, a strong critic of Russian domestic and foreign policy.

The use of high sounding, ultra-leftist slogans to mask a reactionary, right-wing agenda is more akin to Trotskyism than Marxism-Leninism. I will not insult the SSNA by calling them Trotskyites. But it is disappointing to see that they have resorted to vacuous ultra-leftist sloganeering, character assassination and vilification rather than polite refutation of my arguments.

The SSNA have called me a fascist yet have produced no evidence whatsoever to back up that claim. As someone who has paid his dues to a communist organisation here in France,I hereby refute that lie! Furthermore, although I also collaborate closely with Iran's Press TV in English and French, I have criticised Iranian foreign policy from a Marxist perspective.

Conversion Therapy to Marxism!

The SSNA claim that I advocate conversion therapy. I do not advocate conversion therapy because one's sexuality is a given. Ergo, you cannot convert from one sexuality to another through therapy; it requires a physical operation! NARTH offer 'reparative therapy' which they claim helps to heal the emotional trauma in early childhood which led to gender misidentification. The SSNA claims that NARTH 'compels' people to 'convert'. Another lie.

Listen to the following talk by the former president of the American Psychological Association Dr. Nicolas Cummings, who is in favour of gay marriage.

He states clearly that the clients who come to him for therapy are warned of just how difficult it is to change their lifestyle. Only 50 to 60 percent of patients actually succeed as many drop out. Sometimes patients are even worse off after therapy. But studies show that that is the case for up to 30 percent of psychotherapy cases, where treatment is discontinued before positive results. If you walk out in the middle of an operation, you are likely to be a lot worse off. That is why therapy is only undertaken if the psychologist is satisfied that the patient is determined to change his lifestyle and confront his problems. NARTH believe homosexuals should have a choice of pursuing their lifestyle or seeking reparative therapy. The US government does not. It is interesting to see imperialists and so-called Marxist-Leninists (SSNA) agreeing on something!

The psychologist cannot cure the patient but rather help him to heal the trauma that is at the root of his sexual orientation, an orientation he does not want to have. The patient must be discouraged at first so that he understands that he himself and not the therapist who will heal. Bullying, distance from father or mother, abuse, are common factors in early childhood trauma that can have a deep impact on gender misidentification. These complexes proliferate in today's ultra-capitalist societies where man is more alienated than ever before and where social fragmentation is more the rule than the exception.

Instead of promoting bourgeois decadence and distorting Marxism-Leninism, the SSNA should be researching the actual methods used to treat homosexuality in the Soviet Union and Socialist Albania and appraising those methods. How effective were they? Was coercion involved or not? What kind of data do we have on the number of cases etc. Did the Soviets research the etiology of sexual perversion?

The only 'conversion therapy' I am proposing here is that the SSNA convert from a petit-bourgeois view of sexuality to a Marxist one by engaging constructively and critically with my work. In fact, according to Dr. Joe Nicolosi, much of the therapy NARTH psychologists do involves helping the patient engage in self-criticism and self-mastery – key values of revolutionary communists!

I believe the SSNA are good people who genuinely care about the working class. They have done a superb job in debunking so many of the lies about Stalin which have become tools of the ruling class to make people believe that there is no alternative to the capitalist system. However, the bourgeois distortion of sexuality and the violent campaign by the reactionary LGBT movement against NARTH is something all communists should expose and denounce.

It is a pity the SSNA did not show more maturity on this issue, as I support their work. Readers of my articles constantly email me with questions about websites, books etc. I will continue to refer them to the SSNA, the website of the American Party of Labor and the outstanding research material in the journal 'Revolutionary Spirit'.

However, due to their attempt to vilify me, I will henceforth have to include the proviso that - while much of their research is good -they still manifest petit-bourgeois views on key topics and that their problem with me is that I support the line of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Hoxha on sexuality while they support the line of Obama, Cameron, Hollande and other imperialist leaders.
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The LGBT's legacy of racism and child abuse

Homosexuality and Bourgeois Decadence: Reflections on the Orlando Massacre - Part four of a five part series

If we don't see the threat we are in serious trouble. Down at the black caucasus they were giving all the statistics – 66 percent of all black children being born in single-parent households. That's not to demean that household. White supremacy is saying “ I'm taking away the conditions for enhancing black masculinity. I'm taking away the conditions through which you might produce soldiers to carry on activity on your side of the chessboard. In addition, since I have your situation so strung out and you watch more television than anybody else, I'm going to serve up to you men dressed as women. And I'm going to have you sit there in your frustration –women and male children - and serve up laughingly in your face black men dressed as women.” Dr. Francis Cress Welsing.

Most leftists, anti-racists and human rights activists support the LGBT movement. Yet few realise how and why the Uranian or 'gay' liberation movement came about.

During the zenith of the Black civil rights movement in the United States, black homosexuals were used as double agents by the White ruling class to weaken and destroy the black liberation movement. A key actor in this ruling-class intrigue was Bayard Rustin, a homosexual pedophile, who managed to advise Dr. Martin Luther King to abandon black liberation and settle for minor reforms. Rustin persuaded Dr. King to abandon armed protection of his home. Poor security of Dr. King would eventually lead to his assassination by state agents.

Adam Clayton Powell and Malcolm X were aware of this ruling-class infiltration of the movement through homosexuals. Powell warned about “immoral elements” working in the civil rights movement. He was referring to pedophile Bayard Rustin. The emotional and psychological instability of homosexuals made them the perfect fifth column to be used by White supremacists in order to sabotage the Civil Rights movement. The White supremacists who would gain control over every aspect of poor black people's lives were predominantly the emerging Jewish elite.

The LGBT movement's pedophile founding fathers

After the assassination of Martin Luther King, White ruling-class decadence emerged in the form of the 'Gay liberation' movement. Most of the leaders of the movement such as Harry Hay, Alan Ginsburg and Larry Kramer were homosexual child rapists. Hay, whose application to join the American Communist Party was refused due to his homosexuality, went on to form NAMBLA, the North American Man Boy Lover Association, a subgroup of gay militancy right at the heart of the LGBT movement.

NAMBLA is openly campaigning for the legalisation of child abuse. These people are the heroes of the Uranian liberation movement and are hardly ever criticised by LGBT activists. The reason why none of these issues are discussed by normal people is due to homophobia, which Black liberation activist Irritated Genie defines as a culturally-conditioned fear of criticising gay people. Psychologist and black liberation activist Dr. Umar Johnson goes further. He points out that 'phobia' is a medical term. There are no psychiatric or psychological studies of such a condition.

Kramer and Hay imitated the tactics of Martin Luther King to gain a minority status for urnings (Ulrichs' term for gay men)as a persecuted 'third sex'. The outrageously fraudulent pseudo-science used by the Uranian movement to back up their activism was provided by Evelyn Hooker's 1957 paper ' The Adjustment of the male over homosexual'.Notwithstanding the fact that Hooker admitted the report was flawed and conceded that homosexuals may in fact be pathological-the report was used by Uranian activists for their political purpose of acquiring special rights.

The LGB movement completely sabotaged all the gains of the Black liberation activism, whose leaders pointed out that most of the gay activists were White and came from affluent backgrounds. It was rightly seen as a racist and ruling-class conspiracy against the predominantly black proletariat. By granting special rights to people who practise sexual perversion, working-class blacks would find themselves in competition with White bourgeois 'minorities' in the struggle for affirmative action, while the 'gay rights' agenda would be used to divide and fragment black communities.

Dutch psychologist and pervert Dr. Fritz Bernard campaigned all his life to have paedophilia legalised. Bernard was the editor of the journal 'Paideka' which promotes child abuse. Many prominent activists and academics of the LGBT movement write for the magazine.

Bernard had this to say about the links between child abusers and the homosexual movement.

Efforts towards the emancipation of pedophiles began in the 1950s in Holland with the rise of the "Enclave" movement, which brought pedophiles into correspondence with one another, both within and outside of Holland. In 1958 Enclave also became an international publisher, particularly focused on pedophilic books.

Gay Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter is a ruling-class psyop which is exploiting the anger and frustration of the black lumpen-proletariat in order to stoke up race-war in the United States. As E.Micheal Jones shows, the Black Lives Matter movement was used in Missouri in an attempt to overthrow the government which was against gay marriage. Activist Johnathan Butler was one of the Black Lives Matter leaders during the Ferguson Riots and again in Missouri. Butler is a multi-millionaire.

He went on a seven day fast which he called a 'hunger-strike' in order to force the Missouri university president Tim Wolfe to resign. The university's opposition to planned parenthood was one of the agenda's Butler and his oligarch-backers were protesting against.

The same oligarchs who promoted planned parenthood also funded the Negro Project, a Malthusian plan to reduce the black population of the United States.

The focus of much of the Black Lives activism is to attack the police. Police brutality is the catchword of the movement. This slogan is a subterfuge for the real agenda, which is to emasculate the emancipatory potential of the black liberation movement by replacing it with a homosexual movement which reinforces ruling-class ideology rather than challenges it. The constant refrain about police brutality is meant to mask the ideological vacuity of the useful idiots of ruling-class repression, while provoking the youth to commit acts of violence, thereby discrediting genuine black activism.

Black Lives matter was set up by homosexuals who have made it clear their purpose is to 'queer' the black liberation movement in the United States, thus ensuring the further denigration and destruction of the black male and black family.

Panafricanist psychologist Dr. Umar Johnson has said he believes the gay agenda is part of an attempt to exterminate the black race in America. With so many black youth imprisoned all over the country, subject to prison rape on a massive scale, with over half the country's black youth fatherless and addicted to a Jewish owned rap music and entertainment industry which is aggressively promoting homosexuality, it is clear that sexual perversion is part of a class and race war.

Black revolutionary Irritated Genie is an activist you are unlikely to hear of in respectable White, middle-class leftist forums. Yet he, along with Dr. Umar Johnson, is perhaps one of the most important leaders in America since Malcolm X. Communists will disagree with the racial focus of the movement but it has a far better class analysis than the Black Lives Matter charade.

Irritated Genie's lectures describe how Jewish mogul Jay Heller took over the US hip hop industry in the 1980s, in order to sideline groups such as 'Public Enemy' who were promoting radical, grass-roots activism.

Through the glorification of violence, misogyny and rape, the Jewish-owned hip-hop industry has managed to poison and incarcerate the Black mind far more effectively than any previous form of slavery. Public Enemy's slogans of 'Power to the people' and 'mental self-defensive fitness' were replaced by by Gansta Rap degenerate misogyny of ' you sneaky fuck bitch'. Irritated Genie describes the situation thus:

'What we have today is a situation where everyone of our young people are under siege. Because now Whites are paying for the new Uncle Tom. Who is the new Uncle Tom of our time?The pedophile and the homosexual who Whites are paying to violate our sons and violate our daughters and pull them into cultural degeneracy, to destroy black families. When a black female is so confused she doesn't know that the proper mate is a black male, you don't need to worry about a revolution. You don't even have a family to produce a child to even have a revolution. What we have now is a state of emergency!'

Irritated Genie argues that cowardice is the reason the black community have allowed this degeneracy to occur. I would argue that a conbination of ignorance about LGBT history, a poor grasp of Marxism and cowardice about being pilloried account for much of the 'left-wing' support for the reactionary LGBT movement.

Today Hollywood and the entertainment industry aggressively promote homosexuality. We are seeing the alarming over-representation of a minority lifestyle practised by less than 3 percent of the population. There is a nasty racist agenda behind this campaign. The late pop star Prince noted that black men who want to succeed in the music industry have to make themselves androgynous. Singer Terence Trent Darby also spoke about this phenomenon.

The feminization of the black male in the entertainment industry is part of a racist ritual where the black male prostitutes himself to his White/Jewish master in return for fame and fortune.

In fact, there is a plethora of videos on the Internet documenting the emasculation of Black men by Hollywood film productions and the entertainment industry. The repeated 'skit' of black men in dresses is not a coincidence; this covert racism is deeply linked to the Gay Agenda.

Many African-American rappers have also spoken out about this phenomenon. If a black man wants to succeed in the Jewish-owned media, he has to be debased, enslaved, emasculated.

No group of people should have special rights based on their sexual behaviour. Leaders of the Black civil rights movement in the United States such as Professor James Small oppose minority status for homosexuals. U.S law stipulates that minority status can only be granted to a group on the basis of immutable characteristics such as race or ethnicity.

The granting of minority status rights to gays and lesbians has sabotaged black liberation in the United States. Statistics show that homosexuals were until recently predominantly white and upper middle class. The granting of minority status to such individuals has transformed them into a new ruling elite.

America's predominantly black and Latin American working class have paid the price for unbridled egotism of the LGBT movement, which is now presented as the revolutionary movement of our time– proving once more the correctness of the communist view of homosexuality as bourgeois decadence.

The class nature of the gay agenda has never been addressed by leftists who claim to support the labouring masses. Most leftists in the Western world are petty bourgeois rebels, not proletarian revolutionaries. More often than not, the leftist conception of progress is based on white middle-class values.

It was certainly not surprising, therefore, to see the French leftist enthusiasts of the neocolonial wars of the Arab Spring jumping up and down on the streets of Paris demanding “marriage for all”, while poor Black immigrant workers cleaned up their rubbish after their pseudo-leftist demonstrations.

As Engels predicted, today's leftists shout ''sodomy for all!'' and ''humanitarian bombing now!'' - long live the rich, screw the poor!

The term 'gay agenda' does not come from opponents of homosexual ideology. It was, in fact, the title of an essay written in 1985 by U.S. Academics Marshal Kirk and Hunter Madsen. In that essay they write:

'The public should be persuaded that gays are victims of circumstance, that they no more chose their orientation than, say, their height, skin colour, talents or other limitations. We argue for practical purposes that gays should have been considered to have been born gay even though sexual orientation for most seems to be a product of a complex in interaction between predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and adolescence.'

American Thomistic scholar Ryan Sorba has said that all one has to do to expose the lies of the LGBT is to quote what they themselves say in their literature.

Both of the Gay Agenda authors quote above were pedophiles. The authors admit homosexuality is an environmental disorder but the public must be made believe that it is normal through an aggressive campaign of lies, intimidation and mass media brainwashing, so that elite pedophiles like Kirk and Madsen can rape boys.

Half of the book 'After the Ball', by the same authors, is concerned with facilitating the access of older homosexual men to young boys. The methods they advocate to brainwash the unsuspecting heterosexual masses into tolerating homosexuality involve advertising campaigns where bigoted and fanatical pastors fulminate against homosexuals with fire and brimstone sermons contrasting with depictions of educated, innocuous, debonair homosexuals. The message would be clear: criticism of homosexuality is uncool. Gay liberation is progressive and left-wing. The ugly reality, however, is that gay liberation is not only right-wing, its proliferation in neoliberal police states shows that the Soviet view of homosexuality as fascism is highly pertinent.

People who support the reactionary Black Lives Matter movement are the dupes of oligarchy. Hardly surprising, therefore to see the smug, liberal, 'gay-friendly' leftists resorting to vituperation and death threats when politely corrected on this matter.


Duke Comedes, chairman of the Human Rights Commission in the United States,made it clear that the freedom of homosexuals is to prevail over the freedom of everyone else.
“Make no mistake about It. We will not stop until we have achieved OUR freedom, OUR justice, and OUR pursuit of happiness'.”

My freedom, my justice, my happiness, my pleasure. Me, me, me; this is the eternal refrain of the homosexual international – the triumph of the will, a form of hyper-egotism which is a direct reflection of the capitalist mode of production itself. For the homosexual, the ego is everything. Homosexuality is the libidinal essence of capitalism. It is not a life-style but rather a death-style – or in Freudian terms, the triumph of thanatos over eros.

The propaganda campaign has been an astounding success. Whenever the corporate media report on critics of homosexuality, we see extracts from religious sermons. This propaganda masks the fact that the scientific research which shows that homosexuality is a mental disorder far outweighs the
research which claims to show that it is not.

Dr. Umar Johnson has warned that, in future,only Black homosexuals will rise to the top of American society. The numerous rumours about President Obama's sexual history lend credence to Johnson's prediction. Obama is the most 'gay-friendly' US president since the LGBT movement began.

The gay personality triumphs under commodity fetishism but it could have no place in a socialist society where one is required to master one's own ego and work in the public interest. In a socialist society, homosexuals would receive the care and compassionate therapy they need. They would not be punished for their condition, which is no fault of their own; they would be helped. In capitalist societies all pathologies proliferate- including homosexuality.

Liberal bad faith

Statistics show that between 1 to 3 percent of people in Western countries identify as gay. Yet over one third of all child rape is carried out by homosexuals. This minority is massively overrepresented in the literature on pedo-criminality.

Studies indicate that up to 50 percent or more of homosexuals were themselves the victims of child rape. It is a vicious circle and no one is talking about it. For those who say ''Personally, I don't have a problem with what people do in private''- the usual cop-out argument of the liberal- my question is ''What if they are raping kids? Do you care then?'' I will say again that no one is suggesting that all homosexual men are pedophiles but the facts show an alarming over-representation of homosexuals in reported cases of child sex-abuse.

Ryan Sorba went undercover in a gay bar to do a questionnaire on the link between homosexuality and child abuse. He interviewed dozens of men who had been abused as children and had as adults repeated the cycle of abuse.

From 2000 to 2007, a subsidiary of the German Ministry of Family Affairs published brochures on 'child sexuality'. The brochures were distributed throughout Germany and encouraged parents and teachers to engage in sexual activities with their children.

Luckily for German children, the authors were arrested in 2007 on charges of promoting child abuse.

This evil is the legacy of Alfred Kinsey's 'ground-breaking' research, which involved raping children unconscious, a crime Kinsey, like his supporters today in the LGBT, claim is 'beneficial' for the victims.

We are entering a dark age. Psychopaths have taken over our world. It is time to follow the example of Russia, China, North Korea, Syria and other countries and crush the gay agenda. It is time to overcome our culturally indoctrinated 'homophobia', to fearlessly expose and denounce the criminals in the LGBT movement. The degenerate ruling-class have taken everything from us. Now they want our children.

Anti-discrimination laws require schools to hire self-identifying homosexuals due to their minority status. Primary school children are being asked to choose their gender preferences. Children as young a four are being taught about homosexuality before they can even understand the facts of life, warping their emotional, sexual and intellectual development. We are talking about a state of emergency and time is running out.

*The views expressed in this article reflect solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect upon the editorial views/policies of American Herald Tribune.

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Homosexuality and Bourgeois Decadence: Reflections on the Orlando Massacre - Last part of a five part series

In this series of articles I have argued that the Marxist view of homosexuality as bourgeois decadence - a phenomenon of social rather than biological origin – has been corroborated by the research of bourgeois psychologists.

I have pointed out that the LGBT movement, rather than representing some radical alternative to the status quo, is a symptom of the Western imperialist pathology. Therefore, communists should subject the LGBT to a rigorous class analysis, rather than cowering before the aggressive pro-homosexual propaganda of the liberal, corporate and petty-bourgeois alternative media establishments.

The LGBT is a central aspect of the class war. In Marx and Engels' day the movement was only in its infancy and not worthy of particular attention. But the attempt,as Engels put it, to “turn filth into theory” has, since the rise of the New(imperial) Left in the 1970s, become an astounding success.

The triumph of Nietzscheanism in the social sciences has legitimised a plethora of pseudo-leftist sophistry posing as “theory” - gender studies, quer theory, post-modernism, post-structuralism and other trends have produced a generation of academic charlatans and conformists.

Charlatanism's takeover of the university and infiltration of the labour movement has led to the emergence of one of the most conservative and reactionary generations in a century – a generation incapable of abandoning the comfort and reassurance of liberal dogma; it is even a symptom prevalent in soi-disant “Marxist-Leninist” circles.

To be sure, much of the research cited in my series comes from psychologists and psychiatrists of a decidedly Christian Weltanschauung. But one will learn much about Marxism by reading Aristotle and much about Aristotle by reading Aquinas. Thomas Aquinas saw sodomy and usury as ideologically connected. Both practices went against natural increase or natural economy and reproduction, leading to disease and degeneration. Dante, following Aquinas, placed sodomites alongside usurers in the same circle of hell in his poem 'The Divine Comedy'.

Capitalist apologist Jeet Heer writes:
'There is a flipside to this tradition of seeing sodomy as the enemy of the natural economy of the household: The counter-tradition of liberal economics founded by Adam Smith challenged the household model by seeing economics as rooted in the free trade of goods between households and nations. Precisely because Smith was more receptive to previously condemned or taboo economic activities like trade and manufacturing, he was also more open to sexual liberalism.
Smith’s friend Alexander Dalrymple is now thought to have written an anonymous tract, Thoughts of an Old Man (1800), recalling that the founder of modern economics believed that “sodomy was a thing in itself indifferent”—a radical thing to say even in private at a time when sodomy was a capital offence, condemned by church and state. Interestingly, Smith was more reluctant to challenge the traditional prejudice against usury, although his students would conclude that the normalization of usury was the rational outcome of Smithian economics.'

As Heer notes, Jeremy Bentham went further in the attempt to link sexual perversion and the merits of the 'free market', writing a 'Defense of Sodomy'.

We have arrived at Bentham's world of utilitarianism for the affluent, a panopticon society of mass surveillance, consumption and perversion where concepts such as the importance of the family or the ineluctable reality of class struggle are dismissed as “passe” an “out of touch with the times”.

French philosopher Michel Foucault wrote a detailed study of Greek sexuality. Foucault, a homosexual who died of AIDS, described how Bentham's ideas of mass surveillance were being implemented by modern technocratic governments. Although many see Foucault as 'left-wing', Foucault's real ideology was bourgeois conservatism. During the Iranian revolution of 1979, Foucault advocated a constitutional monarchy as a possible solution to the country's problems. The fascism of the Shah's regime did not bother Foucault too much. The main concern of the French philosopher was 'sexual freedom' - and constitutional monarchies in the west are 'gay friendly'.

A Former student of Foucault once told me how he had gone to the philosopher's home during the 1968 uprisings in Paris in order to solicit the author's support for the student protests. Foucault's sole interest was in attempting to seduce the young man – the revolution would have to wait.

Since his lectures on the history of sexuality, Foucault has acquired the status of a cult philosopher in contemporary France, and throughout the world. Foucault is regularly cited by the bourgeois media in the debate or rather non-debate on homosexuality. In an article published following the Orlando Massacre in Le Monde on the 16th of July, entitled 'La sale verite sur l'homophobie- the dirty truth about homophobia', Jean Birnbaum cites an example from Foucault to suggest that what disturbs critics of homosexuality more than anything is two gay men in a truly loving relationship. However, rather than disturbing critics of homosexuality, the suggestion would rather surprise educated readers who know that stable, monogamous relationships among gay men are overwhelmingly the exception, rather than the rule.

Is the Catholic Church homophobic?

The invocation of Foucault could be turned on its head here. On the same page of Le Monde where critics of homosexuality are being denounced and compared to ISIS terrorists, we find a cartoon condemning paedophilia in the Catholic Church with the caption 'The shame of the Catholic Church'. It is evident the editors of Le Monde do not see the irony in placing homosexual and anti-Catholic propaganda on the same page.

Most people believe that the Catholic Church is homophobic – that is to say that it does not recognise the fact that some people are 'born gay' and should therefore be allowed to marry and adopt children. The hostility to gay marriage is, of course, the official Catholic position. But appearances can deceive.There is a perfectly simple reason for the Vatican's reluctance to go along with the 'born gay' hoax: It knows that it is untrue! The Vatican has vast empirical knowledge of homosexuality due to the fact that it is itself a veritable gay club!

In her book 'The Rite of Sodomy -Homosexuality and the Catholic Church', Randy Engels cogently exposes how the Vatican has been run by a homosexual network for more than half a century.
Randy Engel - The Rite of Sodomy_ Homosexuality and the Roman Catholic Church (Volumes 1 to 5) (2011).pdf
American cardinals Francis Spellman and Cardinal Bernadin were central actors in securing promotion for homosexuals and paedophiles in the Roman Catholic Church in the post-war period. Spellman was also a major 'cold warrior' who conspired with Cardinal József Mindzenty of Hungary and a group of Nazi collaborators to bring down popular democracy in that country in 1949.

Since the reign of homosexual, serial child abuser Pope Paul VI to power in the Vatican, the “Holy See” has become a cesspool of child-rape and homosexual promiscuity. Under Paul VI's pontificate, Cardinal Mugavero of Brooklyn even wrote a “pontifical letter” called ' Sexuality – God's gift' which advocated Church acceptance of homosexuality.

This cult of homosexuality in the Church is the driving force behind the ecclesiastical child sex- abuse epidemic which has been inflicted predominantly on young boys. The Catholic LGBT rights advocacy group 'Dignity USA' has praised Pope Francis' recent statements that the Church must apologise to gay people and take concrete actions to promote their rights. The Catholic Church is probably the LGBT movement's best and most important long-term friend. Both movements have a vested interest in covering up child abuse and both represent the same ruling-class interests. Pope Francis, a former collaborator with the fascist regime of Argentina, has done much to improve the Church's image with bland condemnations of finance capitalism and liberal views on morality. He is adroitly playing the liberal leftist card and Petty-bourgeois leftists find him ''cool''

Coming back to Foucault, the philosopher's work focuses on what he describes as the 'archeology of knowledge', how knowledge is constituted by various socio-historical practices and technologies of power. He utilises the Platonic vocabulary of 'episteme' (Greek for knowledge) in conceptualising the process of scientific production. Explaining the concept of episteme, Foucault says:
“I would define the episteme retrospectively as the strategic apparatus which permits of separating out from among all the statements which are possible those that will be acceptable within, I won’t say a scientific theory, but a field of scientificity, and which it is possible to say are true or false. The episteme is the ‘apparatus’ which makes possible the separation, not of the true from the false, but of what may from what may not be characterised as scientific.”
Power determines what counts as true or false. The 'field of scientificity' is defined by arbitrary power-relations. In the philosophical discourse on sexuality, the apparatus which defines and analyses the individual is, in our historical epoch, provided by the bourgeoisie – a class of liars, exploiters and thieves. Thus, the numerous empirical studies of homosexuality which prove that it is a social phenomenon caused, for the most part, by childhood trauma, are characterised by the pro-gay establishment,corporate media and petty-bourgeois leftists as 'pseudo-science'; they are outside the 'field of scientificity.'

Birnbaum's 'dirty truth of homophobia' is ironically represented in the cartoon portraying a kneeling boy before a Catholic paedophile priest. Textually speaking, we are in what Foucault might call a heterotopia. The liberal ideology promoting homosexuality is based on opposition to religion. Yet religion,which it needs as a backdrop in order to achieve signification, haunts and undermines the bourgeois, liberal catechism's space. The 'dirty truth' which emerges from the text and cartoon taken together is that the LGBT and the Catholic Church are bedfellows, not enemies and they serve the same degenerate, ruling-class interests.

Effective treatments suppressed

American psychologist Dr Joseph Nicolosi has been successfully treating homosexuals for many years. He is a founding member of an the National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality. (NARTH) The reader may never have heard of this therapy before. That is a testament to the power of the gay lobby, not the lack of scientific research. In fact, there is a plethora of advanced research which strongly indicates that homosexuality, far from being a natural condition, is in fact an emotional disorder which can be corrected through therapy if the patient is prepared to put in the effort.

The scientists at NARTH argue that gender mis-identification due to childhood trauma, shame and/or abuse constitute the etiology of the homosexual disorder. Dr Nicolosi holds the gay lobby responsible for ruining the lives of millions of homosexuals who are unaware that therapy can help them to heal. Thousands of homosexuals have reverted to heterosexuality and have married and had children.

In the same way in which Zionism corrupts Jews by encouraging them to live in a land they can never call their home, the gay lobby's anti-social political ideology corrupts millions of youths who desperately need professional counseling to help them acquire self-understanding and emotional healing. Nicolosi's theories may be wrong but they deserve to be studied and considered. If liberals had their way Nicolosi's books would be burned and he would be in jail. Liberals love liberty – for themselves!

Gay activists like to preach about the importance of lifestyle choice.

But what about the boy or girl who has been sexually abused, has gender confusion and wants to be straight? Are there therapists out there who can help? If homophobia means hatred of gays, then the real homophobes are the leaders of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) movement. They, like the heterosexual leftist supporters, have one thing in common: a cowardly disinclination to face unpalatable and disturbing truths.

One might object that the research on homosexuality is largely confined to the United States, while, with the exception of Germany, there is little research on reparative therapy in Europe. There are two important elements to consider here. In France since the 1960s, Nietzscheanism has become a pervasive force in philosophy and the social sciences. The hegemony enjoyed by Foucault, Deleuze, Barthes, Derrida and other post-structuralist philosophers in academia has been accompanied by the re-emergence of Trotstkyite Marxists since the French communist party's embrace of revisionism in the late 1950s. As a consequence, epistemological relativism and petty-bourgeois pseudo-Marxism have come to dominate the social sciences. Theory has triumphed over praxis and empirical psychology is distrusted. A sign of just how powerful Nietzscheanism has become among left-wing theorists in France is the fact that until the translation of Italian Marxist philosopher Domenico Losurdo's book on Nietzsche's proto-fascist ideology, the reactionary, right-wing essence of Nietzsche's thought has been politely ignored by the so-called “intellectuals”.

The furore over Pesident Hollande's statements about sex-choice mentioned in part one of this series are significant. For psychologists such as Dr.Nicolosi would argue that homosexuality is a choice. Now children in our schools are being asked to choose their gender. They will read books where some families have two fathers or two mothers.

They will watch cartoons promoting homosexuality. Boys will play with dolls, kiss and play out marriages with their boy friends. Once that is normalised, homosexuality will become just as common as heterosexuality. Parents are already encouraging 'gender neutrality'.

It will only take a generation of this madness for the legalisation of pedoclasm (child rape) to occur. But by then, there may not be many children left in Western societies, unless males can give birth to them – something which has already more or less happened.

It is certain that the influx of immigrants from the Middle East and Africa will counteract the promotion of the LGBT, but due to the reactionary influence of the Zionist Muslim Brotherhood and Saudi Arabia over many Muslim immigrants, the scientific arguments against LGBT are likely to be overshadowed by obscurantism, thereby adding further fuel to the “clash of civilisations”.

Russia, which does not allow the promotion of homosexuality, intends to provide free therapy for the treatment of homosexuals.

There are many 'fans' of president Putin of Russia and Xi Jinping of China, with several writers in the alternative media in the West hailing them as visionary leaders. Yet, few if any of their admirers have positively evaluated their critical views of homosexuality nor how sexual perversion is being used as a tool of political and social destablisation of these societies by the West. Such is the power of the Uranian Lobby's campaign of brainwashing, bullying and intimidation.

Reparative therapists argue that gender misidentification often begins when children are over two years old. If a boy does not bond emotionally with his father, he may begin to identify more with his mother. An over- protective, or possessive mother often unconsciously encourages this process. Parental narcissism is another common cause of childhood gender mis-identification.

Absence of a father or alienation/ rejection by or of the father can have catastrophic consequences for certain types of children. Research has shown that homosexuals are often highly intelligent and deeply sensitive individuals who react profoundly to trauma. When boys who have been emotionally estranged from their fathers reach the age of puberty, the emotional need for male love in their lives is manifested in a sexual attraction to other men.

Many psychologists argue that this condition can be reversed. Dr. Cummings, the former president of the American Association of Psychologists claims that they have had more than a 60 percent success rate in helping patients to heal from homosexuality. Dr Roger Spitzer, the psychiatrist responsible for taking homosexuality off the list of mental disorders in 1973, later confirmed that homosexuality could and had been healed through therapy. Pressure and threats from a fanatical gay lobby forced him to retract his statements. Whenever the hegemony of the gay lobby is threatened, homosexuality becomes an innate feature of human beings, perfectly natural and therefore worthy of tolerance. However, when they are on the offensive, homosexuality becomes a choice.

Dr. Joseph Nicolosi's work has been consistently misrepresented by the pro-gay corporate media. Nicolosi has argued that a particularly sensitive, creative, artistic or intellectually brilliant child could have a predisposition to gender mis-identification due to the profound impact of emotional trauma at an early age. Excessive introversion can become pathological. He has never equated being gay with being artistic. Nicolosi's work is progressive and potentially revolutionary, hence the hostility of the bourgeois liberal media, who cite his work out of context.

The intellectual poverty of the corporate media is dramatically demonstrated in an interview conducted by the BBC's Steven Fry with Dr. Nicolosi. When Nicolosi explained his theories to the BBC pundit, Fry was clearly taken aback and resorted to the classic gay vindictiveness of implying that Nicolosi might himself be gay due to the fact that he was wearing a suit! Though he did his best to cover up the fact that he had absolutely no argument to counter Nicolosi, Fry admitted that he had had a traumatic relationship with his father in childhood. The BBC's attempted hatchet-job on Nicolosi had backfired.

As black liberation activist Irritated Genie has pointed out, no other minority has such self-hatred that it accuses its critics of being like itself. No communist would accuse his Nazi slanderer of being a crypto-communist, implying that the reason he was criticising communism is because he himself is a crypto-communist!

Famous and vociferous gay activist Peter Thachel is opposed to the theory that people are born gay as it precludes the possibility of heterosexuals choosing the Uranian lifestyle. So sexual orientation is a choice, but only if the conversion is from heterosexual to homosexual. The contrary would be a crime against 'gay rights'.

NARTH are being progressively outlawed in imperialist countries with the full support of a coffin ship of fools called “leftists”.


In his book 'The Open Society and its Enemies' philosopher Karl Popper writes:

...it must be admitted that the tribal ' closed society 'has something like an * organic ' character, just because of the absence of social tension. The fact that such a society (as that of the Greeks) is based on slavery does not create in itself a social tension, because the slaves are no more part of society than the cattle ; their aspirations and problems do not create anything that is felt by the rulers as a problem within society. Population growth, however, does create such a problem. In Sparta, which did not send out colonies, it led first to the subjugation of neighbouring tribes for the sake of winning their territory, and then to a conscious effort to arrest all change by measures that included the control of population increase by the institution of infanticide, birth control, and homosexuality.

We have already seen how oligarchs such as George Soros and the Rockefeller family,inter alia, promote homosexuality. In the Nixon recordings President Richard Nixon referred to Bohemian Grove, the meeting place of the American ruling elite, as a 'faggoty' place. Homosexuality and child abuse are rampant among the degenerate ruling elite. The ruling class wants to impose its ideology as the norm and the LGBT is a key part of that ideology. It is no secret that political elites obsessively promote the corollary of the LGBT's social vision, namely, global population reduction. The declassified National Security Study Memorandum 200 compiled by U.S. National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger in 1974 states that global population increase poses a grave threat to U.S. government interests. The possibility of class revolt in resource-rich countries exploited by U.S. Corporations is cited as one of the reasons why population reduction measures must be imposed on those countries through global governance institutions. The attempt to normalise and promote homosexuality in Southern hemisphere countries is part of U.S foreign policy.

The purpose of this series has been to dissect the ideology of the LGBT movement which I have characterised as decadent, reactionary, right-wing, anti-social and imperialist. The response on social media to the series bodes well for the future of reasoned debate on this topic. Those who have attacked me have produced no arguments of substance. I have read social media posts referring to 'homosexuality in nature', how certain animals have been observed to practise homosexuality. Animals also kill and torture. Some animals eat their own vomit. Due to the preponderance of this kind of reasoning we can soon expect 'Murder-pride' parades and vomit restaurants.

There is little if any evidence of homosexuality among other animals and much of the homosexual anomalies observed have been linked to illness caused by chemical pollution. That may also be the case for some instances of human sexual confusion.

I have also read references to Native American concepts of 'multiple-genders'. This nonsense comes from the work of Uranian activist Will Roscoe. In his book 'Changing ones ' third and fourth genders in native North America' the author claims that the reluctance of North American tribes to admit they celebrated gay culture in the past is due to their 'Judeo-Christian' acculturation. I would argue that it is due to the fact that homosexual practices, while practised in all societies, have always been marginal and viewed negatively by the majority, in both ancient and modern societies.

Some Lesbian friends pointed out that they were also disgusted with the rampant paedophilia in the gay movement. It should be pointed out here that child sex-abuse is almost exclusively male. It is a fact which should be taken into consideration when assessing the possibility of Lesbian adoption.

An example of how alien homosexuality is to communist ideology can be seen in the article published in Albania Today in 1977 describing the marriage code of the Peoples' Socialist Republic of Albania. The article highlights the importance of equality between men and women in the family. It states that men also have a duty to complete household tasks and that patriarchal relations no longer exist in socialist Albania. The state's duty is to promote the values of the socialist family, which is monogamous, heterosexual and based on love.

There are many self-declared “Marxist-Leninists” today who make a show of themselves by attacking those of us who defend the fundamental principles of Marxism-Leninism with respect to sexuality and morality.

In communist countries men regularly kissed as a form of friendship and solidarity. Such practices are also observed in countries resisting Western imperialism. In the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Arab Republic of Syria, men hold hands. Countries which do not recognise homosexuality advocate strong relationships between men based on fraternity and non-sexual love. The misogyny of most homosexual males prevents them from real, substantive friendships with other males. They become in a real sense “homophobic”. A culture based on such alienation can flourish under capitalism but has no place in a socialist order or in societies that reject Western imperialism.

A Marxist-Leninist is not only someone who sees class struggle as the motor of history, or advocates democratic centralism and the importance of the communist party, a Marxist-Leninist is someone who critically defends the progressive legacy of the USSR up until Stalin's death (assassination?) in 1953 and the People's Socialist Republic of Albania until Hoxha's death in 1985. A true communist must dissect the ideological content of bourgeois discourse on sexuality. The evaluation of previous experiences of socialism is vital if we are to abolish capitalism this century. The mistakes of past socialist societies are many. But their achievements are innumerable. I have argued in this series that the Soviet view of homosexuality as bourgeois decadence is the only view consistent with Marxism, based on contemporary scientific research. In fact, as I write this article, more research has just been published by John Hopkins Schools of Medicine confirming once again that the notion of one being “born gay” is nonsense.

I am not advocating a “ return to tradition” or a theological interpretation of sexuality, though the Marxist view is not entirely inconsistent with those perspectives. I am advocating what the soviets referred to as 'sexual enlightenment' (половой просвещение, polovoe prochveshenie). Sex education in a socialist society will be given to young adolescents not pre-school children! Adolescents will be given a rigorous science-based education explaining the facts of life and the social origins of all sexual pathologies, including homosexuality.

The false, reactionary ideology of LGBT will have no place in a revolutionary democracy where productive labour, solidarity, cooperation, honesty and stable, loving families take over the barren lands of financial parasitism, class oppression, exploitation, lies, emotional torment and suicide. A revolutionary democratic state will not punish or persecute homosexuals but, rather, provide the services necessary to help them heal and revert to their natural heterosexual condition, so that they too can liberate themselves from specious ruling-class ideology. In 'revolving' to heterosexuality, by becoming themselves a veritable sexual revolution,they will prove that the moral and ideological transformation of man is both possible and indeed necessary if the human being is to have a future.

https://web.archive.org/web/20190504021 ... ution.html
Randy Engel - The Rite of Sodomy_ Homosexuality and the Roman Catholic Church (Volumes 1 to 5) (2011).pdf
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Absolutely killer article

I am become death, destroyer of libs

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