Zionism MegaThread

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Zionism MegaThread

Post by AgentSonya »

Zionist and Nazi Collaboration The Founding Of Zionism
"The founder of the political Zionist movement, Theodor Herzl, was aware of the philosophical common ground between Zionism and anti-Semitism when he wrote: “The governments of all countries scourged by anti-Semitism will be keenly interested in assisting us to obtain the sovereignty we want.”* Herzl “frequently asserted, in all in- nocence, that anti-Semites would be the Jews’ best friends and anti-Semitic governments their best allies"
FARIS YAHYA - Zionist Relations With Nazi Germany, p2
How did Zionism react to the cruel Nazi measures? In effect, the Zionist movement also believed that Jews should not be part of Gentile society. This fact explains why the rise of Nazism resulted in greatly increased strength for Zionism among German Jews. It also explains why a convinced Nazi like Ado- lf Eichmann was able to be on cordial terms with Zionists, and even to describe himself as pro-Zionist, while remaining dedicated to the Nazi ideology. Eichmann “was by no means alone in tak- ing this ‘pro-Zionism’ seriously; the German Jews themselves thought it would be sufficient to undo ‘assimilation’ through a new process of ‘dissimilation’ and flocked into the ranks of the Zionist movement.
FARIS YAHYA - Zionist Relations With Nazi Germany, p11
A decade after his death, the First World War was to prove a turning-point in the fortunes of Zionism, as the Western allies planned the division of the Ottoman Empire, which was fighting on the side of Germany. Palestine was then under Ottoman control. The Zionists followed a policy of betting on both sides in the first two years of the war. The headquarters of the World Zionist Organ- ization was then still in Berlin, and its leaders there pursued efforts to form an alliance with Germany.
FARIS YAHYA - Zionist Relations With Nazi Germany, p6
Well before the 18th Zionist Congress, the Zionist movement has made clear its in- tention of sabotaging the anti-Nazi boycott. The Zionist Federation of Germany went so far as to reassure a senior Nazi official that “the propaganda which calls for boycotting Germany, in the manner it is frequently con- ducted today, is by its very essence completely un-Zionist.”** The unfortunate precedent was thus cre- ated of sacrificing the interests of the Jewish masses in Europe for the sake of Zionist polit- ical ambitions. The usefulness of this was not lost on the Nazis. “In signing... the Ha’avara agreement, the German authorities were simultaneously pursing two objectives: breaching the boycott organized against Germany by the Jews in various foreign countries and facilitating the departure of Jews from the Reich to Palestine. “But, little by little, the second objective came to be considered the more important in Berlin. On one hand, the effects of the Jewish boycott had been considerably weakened while on the other hand, the expatriation of the Jews had become one of the major goals of the Na- tional Socialist regime’s internal policy. Now the Zionists were the only ones, among Jews and non-Jews, to propose a constructive solu- tion to the Jewish problem in Germany and above all to be able to put it into effect.
FARIS YAHYA - Zionist Relations With Nazi Germany, p19
Zionists Help Nazis to Expel Jews And Made Profit From Doing So
Apart from all its other unpleasant as- pects, the persecution of Jews was also a lu- crative form of big business. It is common knowledge that many Nazis amassed large fortunes, generally out of the property or slave labour of their victims. What is less widely known is that the Zionist organizers of emi- gration, through their collaboration with the Nazis, also took their share of material bene- fits at the expense of individual Jews. “Eichmann therefore sent Jewish func- tionaries abroad to solicit from the great Jew-ish organizations, and these funds were then sold by the Jewish community to the pro- spective emigrants at a considerable profit — one dollar, for instance, was sold for ten or twenty marks when its market value was 4.20 marks.”* Thus philanthropy, administered by the Zionist movement, became highly profitable. However, the aim of all the Zionist “rescue” operations and agreements with the Nazis was hardly humanitarian, as is evident from the account of the missions of Bar-Gilad and Ginsberg. “These two Jewish emissaries had not come to Nazi Germany to save German Jews: that was not their job. Their eyes were fixed entirely on Palestine and the British Mandatory. They were looking for young men and women who wanted to go to Palestine be- cause they wanted a national home of their own and were prepared to pioneer, struggle and, if necessary, fight for it. Their interest in those German Jews who turned to Palestine as a haven of refuge, as the next best after the United States or the United Kingdom, was secondary to their main purpose... “Their end was to them far more import- ant than the means which they were now compelled to employ; and though they could not see the future, nor imagine what it would bring, they had no qualms about the price they had to pay so long as they managed to get their Jews to Palestine.”**
FARIS YAHYA - Zionist Relations With Nazi Germany, p32

Most Judenrats Were Zionists
A key role in the extermination program was played by the Judenrats, or Jewish Coun- cils, which the Nazis appointed to run each ghetto. “The Judenrat served as an instru- ment for keeping things calm. It lulled both the youth and the adults into a false sense of security, so that they shouldn’t think about rescue activities. Unfortunately, most of the members of the Judenrats were Zionists. They thought that by collaborating with the Ger- mans, they were doing a good thing. By pre- paring the lists of Jews who were sent to their deaths, they thought that they were saving other Jews. The heads of the Judenrat suffered from a superiority complex, thinking that they were doing a historic thing in order to redeem the nation and the entire Jewish population feared them.” Thus, “the first thing the Nazis did in Upper East Silesia, too, was to establish a ‘council of elders’ (Judenrat) and, as in every place, they appointed Zionist activists to head the council.
FARIS YAHYA - Zionist Relations With Nazi Germany, p50
“Monik (Moses) Merin, one of the Zionist activists in the community of Sosnowiec, was propped up by the Nazis as ‘emperor’ of all the ‘councils of elders,’ and he appointed the leaders of these councils in every community. Of course, he named to these shameful pos- itions only his friends in ideology from the Zionist camp. The Satanic plan of the Nazis assured that the personal fate of each Jew — whether for life or death — be exclusively left up to the decisions of the ‘councils of elders.’ The Nazis, from time to time, decided upon a general quota for the work of the camps and for extermination, but the individual selec- tion was left up to the ‘council of elders,’ with the enforcement of kidnappings and arrests also placed in the hands of the Jewish police (kapos). By this shrewd method, the Nazis were highly successful in accomplishing mass murder and poisoning the atmosphere of the ghetto through moral degeneration and cor- ruption.”
FARIS YAHYA - Zionist Relations With Nazi Germany, p51

Agudath Israel Party Helped Nazis Suppress Resistance
Two rabbis belonging to the Agudath Israel Party, Blumenfeld and Glicensztajn, made propaganda on his behalf among the Hassidic elements and saw to it that no resistance ideas should take root in the religious schools and colleges.” Gancwajch set up an “ambulance service” which helped round up victims for the Nazis, and also every Tuesday handed in an intelligence report which he “boasted that the Gestapo awaited with impatience, because they regarded it as the only reliable assess- ment of what was happening in the ghetto.” The Agudath Israel Party, now one of Israel’s respected political parties, helped the Nazis to suppress resistance “by telling (its) num- erous followers that the ghetto was not only the Lord’s punishment for Jewish desertion of orthodoxy and atheism, but a blessing in dis- guise designed to bring the Jews back to the state of piety.”*
FARIS YAHYA - Zionist Relations With Nazi Germany, p58

World Zionist Organisation Dismisses The Holocaust as 'Bolshevik Propaganda'
When did the Western Jewish establishment and the Allies discover that Hitler was systematically killing Jews? Reports of slaughter in the Ukraine started reaching the Western press in October 1941, and in January 1942 the Soviets issued a detailed report, the 'Molotov Announcement', which analysed the workings of the Einsatzgruppen. The memorandum was dismissed by the WZO in Palestine as 'Bolshevik propaganda'.[(8)]
Lenni Bremner, Zinonism in the age of dictators, Chapter 24

As The Final Solution Began, Only A Small Fraction Of Zionists Broke With Nazi's
Finding it no longer feasible to rid Europe of Jews through emigration, Hitler opted for another way. “In January 1938, he had already given orders that Jewish emigration was to be directed primarily to Palestine, and when that gate was also closed he embraced the sim- ple way out that was now offered to him, the ‘Final Solution’ of the extermination camp.”*
This new situation confronted Zionism with a critical choice between two cours- es of action. The first was to declare war on Nazism, renounce the 1938 agreements totally and raise the banner of Jewish revolt against Nazism throughout Europe. This, of course, would have meant abandoning once and for all any possibility of securing even the most limited “legal” emigration of Zionist man- power from Europe through cooperation with the Nazis in future, should the logistical situation later change to allow for that.
The choice of resistance would also mean that the Zionists would have to throw themselves into the struggle against oppression and anti-Sem- itism in Europe, side by side with Gentiles and assimilationist or progressive Jews. For Zionists, this would have implied not only a serious compromising of their most profound- ly-held beliefs but also, perhaps even more serious, an admission of defeat for their whole philosophy. The second course of action open to the Zionists was to accept that the situation had changed, at least temporarily, in a direction unfavourable to them, and to attempt to sal- vage as much as they could by reaching new, but more limited, arrangements. This would, of course, mean acquiescing in the deaths of large numbers of their co-religionists. It would, however, have the advantage of keep- ing the door of communication with Nazi Germany open, to be used if the situation changed back to a more favourable one in fu- ture. Furthermore, it would involve no funda- mental watering-down or defeat of the Zionist ideology.
The Zionist movement was led inevitably to this agonizing choice by its signature of those early agreements with Nazi Germany. Some apologists have argued that in this the Zionists were not acting from really sinister motives, and were unaware of the cruel end to which it could lead. Apart from the mor- al danger of blindly maintaining that the end justifies any means, it is highly doubtful that the Zionist leaders, with their remarkable skill in long-term planning, were unaware of either the true nature or the potential course of Nazi policy, which were obvious to most ordinary Europeans by at least the mid-1930s. In this context, the prosecutor in the Eichmann trial, Gideon Hausner, made some very valid com- ments.
Referring to Hitler, he stated: “When he gave free rein to hatred for the Jews, he had also taken the steep path that plunged down to the ‘Day of Boycott’ against the Jews on April 1, 1933, to the Kristallnacht of Novem-ber 9-10, 1938; to the ‘physical extermination’ decision of July 31, 1941. This was the logic of events, each of which evolved from the one be- fore, and led inexorably to its successor. The way of anti-Semitism led to Auschwitz.”* The logic of the steep path did not apply only to the Nazis. By accepting the fatal prin- cipal of common interests and consequent cooperation with Nazism, however limited its scale in the 1930s, the Zionists set themselves on their own parallel steep path downwards.
The two phenomena of anti-Semitism and the Zionists’ alliance of convenience with it, in the hope of using it as the “propelling force” they needed, cannot be separated completely. They reacted mutually on each other, as inevitably happens with any two political forces whose relationship is one of close contact, whether in confrontation or cooperation. In any case, whatever excuses could be advanced for Zionism’s agreements with Nazism in the 1930s, these cannot be valid for any continued cooperation after the Nazis had launched the full-scale implementation of genocide in mid-1941. During the per- iod 1941-44, a number of individual Zionists in Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe, such as Mordechai Anielewicz. broke with Zionism’s traditional policy and participated in revolts against Nazism. But these revolts were all organized locally, by Jews in Warsaw, Vilno, Bialystok and other areas, often in coordina- tion with each other within occupied territor-ies, but without the cooperation of the Zionist movement on the international level.
FARIS YAHYA - Zionist Relations With Nazi Germany, p35-8
Zionist Rounds Up Jews For Execution, Betrays Communist Leader of Ghetto Resistance
“On April 5, 1943, an announcement ap- peared on the walls of the ghetto, urging Jews who had relatives in Kovno to join the transports from the neighbouring villages, principally from Snipiszok, allegedly bound for Kovno. The announcement was couched in alluring language, depicting better living conditions and easier housing accommoda- tions than were available in the crowded Wil- no ghetto. Gens put himself out for the Kovno scheme, and many unsuspecting victims vol- unteered to join the Kovno caravan. All in all, some 5,000 Jews mounted the trains... It soon became evident that instead of proceeding to Kovno the trains were unloaded at Ponary and the victims mowed down with machine gun fire.”** Some of the victims, however, were able to escape and tell their tale.
Gens played a particularly treacherous role in betraying the leader of the Vilno ghetto resistance, Itzik Witenberg, who was a com- munist and thus a particular target for the hatred of the right-wing Revisionists.
FARIS YAHYA - Zionist Relations With Nazi Germany, p45

Only Communists and Other Leftists Organise to Defend Ghetto Fighters - Not Zionists
But in his painstaking 849-page study, Ainsztein does not quote a single instance of military assist-ance to these revolts by the Zionist movement’s highly organized worldwide apparatus outside Nazi-occupied Europe. In fact, he repeated- ly pointed out that the only allies the ghetto fighters had outside their ghetto walls were lo- cal groups of leftists or other anti-Nazis, such as the People’s Guard (later People’s Army) of the Communist Polish Workers’ Party.*
FARIS YAHYA - Zionist Relations With Nazi Germany, p39-40
Zionism and AntiSemitism
Herzl had a favourite promise:
Zionism would dissolve all revolutionary and socialist elements among the Jews.”
In 1903, the founder of the Zionist move- ment was received in St. Petersburg by an- other anti-Semitic leader, the Tsar’s Finance Minister Count Witte, who also favoured the Zionist plan to remove the Jews from Europe. Witte told Herzl: “If it were possible to drown six or seven million Jews in the Black Sea, I would be perfectly happy to do so, but it is not possible, so we must let them live. But we en- courage the Jews to emigrate: we kick them out.”**
ibid p4

British Anti-semites and Zionists
The most important foundations laid by Herzl for Zionism’s future successes were anti-Semitic circles in Britain. A substantial number of Russian Jewish refugees from Tsar- ist pogroms chose Britain rather than Pales- tine as their refuge, thus disappointing Zionist hopes
But the Zionists found that a number of extreme right-wing politicians in Britain were only too willing to stir up a vicious campaign aimed at denying these unfortunate refugees the right of asylum. Herzl gave these right-wingers his bless- ing and encouragement. In his evidence to the Royal Commission on Alien Immigration, which investigated the question in 1902 and 1903, Herzl called for the stream of migra- tion to be diverted away from Britain. He thus agreed with the racist Arnold White, one of the leading theorists of the campaign to ban Jews from Britain.*
ibid p5
The most important British anti-Semite of that age, in terms of his eventual services to Zionism, was the fanatical Jew-baiter Lord Arthur Balfour. In a parliamentary debate on the immigration issue, Balfour made a speech in which he put forward a case for anti-Sem- itism that is all too familiar. He declared: “It would not be to the advantage of the civiliz- ation of the country that there should be an immense body of persons who, by their own action, remained a people apart, and not merely held a religion differing from the vast majority of their fellow-countrymen. but only intermarried among themselves.”* Herzl was able to declare with satisfaction that “anti-Semitism has grown and continues to grow, and so do I.”
ibid p6
Apart from the argument that Zionism was a convenient way of ridding Europe of its Jews, Weizmann also used the imperialist argument that “a Jewish Palestine would be a safeguard to England, in particular in respect to the Suez Canal.”*
FARIS YAHYA - Zionist Relations With Nazi Germany, p7

Jews Immediately Recognise That A "Jewish Nation" In Palestine Will Mean Driving Jews Out Of Their Home Countries
The Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917 was the outcome of these diplomatic ef- forts. This first charter for a Zionist “national home” was thus motivated by a combination of imperial ambitions and anti-Semitic preju- dices on the part of the right-wing politicians who issued it. It is interesting that the strong- est opposition to it within the British govern- ment came from its only Jewish member, Sir Edwin Montagu, who clearly recognized the anti-Semitic motivations behind the policy of Balfour and Lloyd George. Montagu wrote: “I assert that there is not a Jewish nation... When the Jews are told that Palestine is their nation- al home, every country will immediately de- sire to get rid of its Jewish citizens, and you will find a population in Palestine driving out its present inhabitants, taking all the best in the country.”**
FARIS YAHYA - Zionist Relations With Nazi Germany, p7

“There is a huge gap between us (Jews) and our enemies not just in ability but in morality, culture, sanctity of life, and conscience. They are our neighbors here, but it seems as if at a distance of a few hundred meters away, they are people who do not belong to our continent, to our world, but actually belong to different galaxy.” — Moshe Katsav, President of Israel May 2001.

“One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail.” — Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994

“The Palestinians must be made to understand in the deepest recesses of their consciousness that they are a defeated people.” — Moshe Yaalon, Israeli Defense Forces chief of staff, 2002.

“When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle.” — Raphael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the IDF, April 1983.

“Our two nations both faced great challenges when they were founded. And our two nations have both relied on the same principles to help us succeed. We built strong democracies to protect the freedoms given to us by an Almighty God” — George W. Bush, President of the United States of America, May 2008
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Facts on Star of David being a Zionist symbol which emerged at the first Zionist congress

Spread among Christian rightoids when doing deep ops
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A reminder

Alex Jones used to be Anti-Israel until they got him
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Zionist slaughter of Palestinians will only hasten the demise of Israel

With 22,000 murdered and 52,000 wounded so far, the mass murder of civilians in Gaza has achieved nothing except the further weakening of the genocidaires.

While Israel’s air force has been extremely effective at destroying people, homes, hospitals and infrastructure in Gaza, the zionists have signally failed to suppress the spirit of liberation in the hearts of Palestinians. Quite the reverse, zionism has never looked so precarious or Palestinian resistance so determined.

Israel has been waging a barbaric genocidal war against the people of Palestine, aimed at ethnically cleansing the Gaza Strip of its entire population. At the time of writing (27 December 2023), nearly 22,000 Palestinians have been slaughtered and another 52,000 wounded in the zionists’ indiscriminate non-stop bombing of Gaza’s civilian population.

Of those killed, 70 percent were women and children. No distinction is made between civilians and combatants, with every civilian, presumably children as well, being targeted. High-ranking Israeli politicians, army officers and officials have openly stated that there are “no Palestinian civilians”.

If the Israeli ‘Defence’ Force (IDF) ‘suspects’ that one combatant is in a building and there are hundreds of civilians there too, the whole building is bombed, killing everyone. Quite correctly, Israeli journalist Yuval Abraham has described the entire Gaza Strip as a mass assassination factory.

The number of Palestinians murdered so far accounts for a massive one percent of its prewar population of 2.3 million people. Translated into US terms, such a percentage of deaths would amount to 3 million – larger than the entire population of some US states.

Almost 100 percent of Gaza’s population has been displaced and its infrastructure destroyed. Israeli occupation forces, through their Nazi-style blitzkrieg, have been busy destroying every means of the barest existence, let alone of any semblance of a civilised life. Residents of northern Gaza were told by Israel to move to the ‘safety’ of the south, while the Israeli airforce got busy destroying everything in the north. Large numbers of those who followed this instruction were bombed on their way south; even ambulances were not spared.

Hospitals, school, businesses, mosques, churches, bakeries, United Nations buildings, housing complexes and cultural centres have all been obliterated through merciless bombing. This war against Palestine is characterised by the greatest number of medical personnel slaughtered, the greatest number of UN employees killed, and the greatest number of journalists assassinated – all of whom have been deliberately targeted by the rabid zionist war machine.

The bombing campaign has been accompanied by a propaganda blitzkrieg that describes Palestinians as “human animals”, “cockroaches” and “subhumans” who deserve to be “eradicated”, even “nuked”. So far, the zionist air force has dropped 30,000 bombs – more than the US and British air forces between them dropped on the German cities of Dresden and Hamburg during the second world war.

More than 40 percent of these bombs have been 2,000lb and 1,000lb dumb bombs – that is, without any precision system, causing destruction beyond imagination. Sixty-eight percent of the buildings in northern Gaza have been flattened, and their surviving residents thrown out to eke out an existence wherever they can find a space.

Having devastated northern Gaza, the Israeli air force is presently subjecting southern Gaza to similar treatment. Gaza, especially its southern part, is the most densely populated place on the planet. While the pretext for this intensive bombardment is ‘the elimination of Hamas’, the truth is that this genocidal campaign, involving the commission of war crimes on an industrial scale, is aimed at eliminating the entire Palestinian population through death, destruction and expulsion.

But the zionists will no more achieve this aim than did the Nazis in their campaign to eliminate the jewish people from the face of the earth.
War on the West Bank

While the world’s attention is focused on the zionist blitzkrieg in Gaza, Israel’s armed forces and settlers are busy terrorising and murdering the Palestinians who live in the Bantustans of the West Bank.

Daily raids on Palestinian towns and villages are taking place at an escalating rate, with soldiers and settlers routinely breaking into Palestinian homes in the middle of the night and terrorising women and children.

There is not even the pretext of the presence of ‘Hamas’, which has become a euphemism for the combined forces of the resistance against the 75-year long occupation, in which Hamas doubtless does play a prominent role.

Only a few days ago, the Israeli army of occupation destroyed a major cultural centre in the West Bank. It raided the famous Freedom Theatre in Jenin, killing 12 people, destroying all the theatre’s equipment and stealing its computers. Quite rightly, deputy chief of the theatre Ahmad Tobasi stated that the raiders should be called thieves and not soldiers.

The occupation forces are trying to eliminate all the cultural symbols and heritage of Palestine – even waving a Palestinian flag has been criminalised!
Who are the terrorists?

Labelling Hamas as a ‘terrorist organisation’ will not save zionism and its imperialist backers from an ignominious defeat, which is as certain as the sun rising in the east.

During the anticolonial struggle of the American revolutionaries against the British, did not the latter condemn the American revolutionaries as terrorists? Were not George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and their comrades given a similarly flattering characterisation? That, however, did not save British colonialism from doom.

Likewise, did the USA not condemn the liberation fighters in Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan, among a host of others, as terrorists? None of that helped stop the victory of the liberation forces against the occupation armies of US imperialism and its satellites.

There can be scarcely any doubt that a similar fate awaits the zionist army of occupation in Palestine.

The zionists have cut off electricity and water supplies to Gaza, and very little in the way of medicines and food is being allowed in by the occupation forces. The purpose of this criminal and barbaric collective punishment is to force those who survive the bombing to succumb to starvation and disease – a practice from which even the Hitlerites could have learnt a thing or two.

The zionists are attempting to do the same to the Palestinians as the Nazis did to European jews – only their method is different from that of the Nazis. Whereas the Nazis used gas chambers, the zionists resort to wholesale and indiscriminate bombing of civilian populations. But in the end, the zionists will be no more successful in their attempt at imposing a ‘final solution’ on the ‘Palestinian problem’ that were the Nazis in their ‘final solution’ to the ‘jewish problem’.

The state of Israel is a colonial state founded on the expulsion of the Palestinian people from their land and homes, but it came into being late in the day, when colonialism was already breathing its last. It will go the same way as every other colonial state.

Israeli attempts at genocide and ethnic cleansing are serving only to hasten the arrival of that day.

Israel loses all sympathy

The Israeli wholesale slaughter of the Palestinian people seen daily on social media has turned most of humanity against the zionist monstrosity that is Israel, which has decidedly lost the battle for the hearts and minds of the people of the world.

Even imperialist mainstream media have been compelled occasionally to let people have a glimpse of the reality in occupied Palestine.

There have been massive protests in support of the Palestinian liberation struggle across the world, including in the centres of imperialism, where many are outraged at the obvious complicity of their governments in Israel’s war crimes.

Hundreds of thousands of people have attended these protests – in London, Paris, Berlin and many other cities across Europe, as well as in the United States, the biggest and most important backer of Israel.
IDF kills Israeli hostages

Notwithstanding its bombast and fascistic intent, Israel will not be able to eliminate the resistance to its occupation. Its soldiers and reservists, being occupiers bereft of a just cause, are unable to match the determination and courage of the Palestinian fighters, who are fighting a just war of liberation, and for whom this is an existential struggle.

Not surprisingly, then, since the eruption of the latest fighting, over half a million Israelis with dual citizenship have fled the country. Israeli soldiers are frightened of their own shadows and in panic shoot randomly in all directions.

On 15 December in Shejaiya, IDF soldiers killed three Israelis who had somehow managed to escape from detention in Gaza, allegedly ‘mistaking’ them for resistance fighters – although they spoke Hebrew and were seeking to surrender, shirtless to show they were unarmed and waving a white flag.

Following this act of cowardice, the Israeli military issued a statement expressing its “deep remorse over the tragic incident and sends its heartfelt condolences”.

In fact, the incident revealed the shoot to kill policy of the Israeli army. Anything that moves is clearly fair game, according to their own ‘rules of engagement’, in which soldiers shoot first and ask questions later.

The Israeli prime minister Netanyahu called the killing of the three Israeli men “an unbearable tragedy”, exposing the deep inhumanity and supremacy at the heart of zionism. For while the killing of three jewish persons is characterised as “an unbearable tragedy”, for which deep remorse must be expressed, the killing of 22,000 Palestinians evokes no such remorse and is not treated as tragedy.

Blinded by their dead-end racist ideology, the Israeli ruling class regards jews as the chosen people while reserving utter contempt for Palestinians. Moreover, while oppressing Palestinians in the most brutal way, it cultivates the aura of victimhood based on WW2 mythology – even though nowhere in the world are jews an oppressed people today!

For the zionists, there is only one holocaust – namely the murder of six million jews by Nazi Germany. The dozens of other colonial and imperialist holocausts, including the wiping out of the indigenous populations of north America, Canada, Latin America and Australia, do not come under this category, let alone their own holocaust of Palestinians.

The zionist ideology effectively blinds its followers to the suffering of other people, reserving its humanity for one group of people only. Thus Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant has vowed that “Israel would remain resilient and continue operating – for the hostages, for our citizens and for our soldiers.”

Imperialists backing genocide

It is not Israeli resilience that keeps the murder machine going, however; it is the backing the zionists are receiving from imperialist countries – especially from the USA.

The USA is not merely green-lighting the Israeli genocide in Gaza; it is actually facilitating it with military, economic and diplomatic support. Planeloads of military materiel – bombs and shells in particular – are being delivered every day by the USA to the Israeli armed forces. As Max Blumenthal of Grayzone has pointed out, the USA could stop the slaughter in Gaza within one hour if it wanted to do so.

All the administration of President Joe Biden has to do is to make a telephone call to the Israeli prime minister to the effect that there will be no more spare parts for F16 fighter planes, no more F35s, and no more military, economic or diplomatic support for Israel’s genocide.

Instead, the US government says to the Israelis: “Please be careful.” Bypassing Congress, the US government has sent millions of dollars’ worth of military equipment to the zionist murder machine on the pretext of ‘responding to an acute emergency that threatens the interests of US national security’.

Moreover, the USA has used its veto in the UN security council to thwart a resolution calling for a ceasefire. A similar resolution was brought to the general assembly, where it passed with 153 countries voting in favour. While there were just over two dozen abstentions, only the USA, Israel and half a dozen countries in thrall to the USA voted against.

While general assembly resolutions are non-binding, this vote revealed the total isolation of the USA in the court of world opinion. It also made very clear to the world that the Israeli genocide could not continue even for a day without the active support of the USA.

Even in the midst of the carnage in Gaza, top US officials such as national security advisor Jake Sullivan and secretary of state Antony Blinken keep repeating the sickening formula that “Israel has a right, indeed a duty, to defend itself against Hamas”, stressing the USA’s continuing commitment to supporting the country, no matter what.
Israel has no right to attack in the name of ‘self-defence’

As a matter of fact, however, as an occupying power, Israel has no right to defend itself against the people whom it is occupying. On the other hand, being occupied and oppressed, the Palestinians have every right to resist by any means – including by armed resistance.

Leaving aside for a moment the present fighting, ever since its founding in 1948, Israel has practised genocide and ethnic cleansing. At present, there are 7.3 million Palestinians and 7.3 million jews living in historic Palestine, where Israel has firmly established a jewish supremacist apartheid state in which Palestinians are denied even a modicum of rights, and where institutionalised discrimination is practiced against them through controls on their every movement and activity.

Even such western NGOs as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have documented in their reports the state of apartheid in Palestine. But none of this inconvenient information prevents the thoroughly immoral and corrupt imperialist spokespersons and media from describing the fascist Israeli state as the “only democracy in the middle east”.

Anyone who disagrees with this false narrative is either ignored or ostracised as an antisemite. But this overused weapon is increasingly being seen for what it is: namely, a means of silencing opposition to zionism.

More and more people all over the world, including in Europe and the USA at last, have come to see through this hypocritical cant and to show support in very large numbers for the national-liberation struggle of the Palestinian people. Moreover, an increasing number of jewish people in the USA and some European countries are condemning Israeli genocide and standing up for the Palestinian people.

This development has started to ring alarm bells in the camp of imperialism, where governments are busy attempting to suppress all dissent by any means available. A recent Harvard-Harris poll found that, among the younger generation of Americans aged 18-24, there was wide support for Palestine; 51 percent of whom believed that Hamas was justified in its assault of 7 October against Israel.
Imperialist attempts to silence those denouncing genocide

In Britain, the government is trying every trick to suppress opposition to the government’s pro-zionist stance. In the middle of a huge demonstration in support of Palestine on 25 November, the London Metropolitan police arrested four comrades from the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) for selling a pamphlet exposing zionism’s reactionary, racist and antisemitic ideology.

If the idea behind this persecution was to suppress our pamphlet, the police and their masters in the Home Office have ended up lifting a rock only to drop it on their own feet. Following the publicity around our comrades’ arrests, sales have increased exponentially.

It is a sign of the authorities’ weakness, not strength, that the sale of a pamphlet telling the truth about this history of zionism should make them resort to arrests. Nevertheless, the suppression of free speech is a sign of the sharpening of class struggle in Britain, and the class-conscious proletariat should accept the challenge and rise to the occasion.
Looking forward

Even before the genocide in Gaza has subsided, the imperialists are hatching plots against the rising Palestinian revolution, saying that the stooges of the Palestinian Authority should take responsibility for running Gaza and that a two-state solution must be implemented – the very thing they have worked hard for three decades to prevent from emerging in practice.

As to who should run Gaza, or for that matter the West Bank, this can only be decided by the Palestinian people themselves. The Palestinian Authority, thoroughly discredited for collaborating with the occupation, will certainly not be acceptable to the people.

The people of Palestine have every right to choose their own government in a fair and transparent election, and not to have a government imposed on them by imperialism through its stooges and collaborators.

As for the two-state solution, it has been rendered impossible through jewish settlements in the West Bank. There remains only one solution: namely, a single state in which Palestinians of all religions – muslims, christians and jews – enjoy equal rights.

Victory to the Palestinian resistance!
Death to zionism!
Death to imperialism!

https://thecommunists.org/2023/12/29/ne ... of-israel/
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Zionist criminals continue to slaughter

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