Voracious fighter for the dictatorship of the proletariat and builder of socialism
Consider this Biography a work in progress whilst I build it. Will mark complete when complete: In Progress.
Stalin was instrumental in building the Bolshevik party alongside Lenin. The Bolsheviks battled many trends of opportunism and deviations in the workers movements.
In 1913 Stalin makes a incredible contribution to the Marxist movement with Marxism and the National Question where he sets the Bolshevik path on what a nation is and how it is defined. This is instrumental in teaching the Marxist movement the correct synthesis on what a nation is and sets the path for how the Bolsheviks will treat the oppressed nationalities who were currently in the prison house of nations, Imperial Russia.
It also contributes hugely to the understanding of the Zionist Jews who proclaim themsevles a nation. Stalin makes the fundamental points how a religion cannot be a basis for a nation.
1924-1927 With the death of Lenin marks a decline of the revolutionary drive within the Communist movement. The revolutions in Western Europe have all collapsed or been ferociously strangled by counter-revolution, in Hungary, Germany et al
Confusion creeps into the Marxist movement coming from the "Lefts" in the Soviet Union, headed by Trotsky.
Trotsky Asserts that "socialism cannot be built in one country". Contrary to the Leninist point of view.
These years are covered very well by Stalin in On The Opposition and the debunk the imperialist/trotskyite distortion of history.
1928 to 1932 Marks the first 5 year plan and collectivisation. Essentially a second revolution in the countryside to tear Russia out of the nightmare of inefficient medieval agriculture farmed in strips by families of peasants to instead turn the countryside into giant farms modelled after the United States with mechanised agriculture (ie. tractors/fertiliser etc).
As Lenin had said
So, too, did Stalin state in 1931 with incredible prescience of Operation barbarossa in 1941"The result of the revolution has been that the political system of Russia has in a few months caught up with that of the advanced countries.
"But that is not enough. The war is inexorable; it puts the alternative with ruthless severity: either perish, or overtake and outstrip the advanced countries economically as well. . . . Perish or drive full steam ahead. That is the alternative with which history has confronted us" (see Vol. XXI, p. 191 14).
https://www.marxists.org/reference/arch ... aug/27.htmIn the past we had no fatherland, nor could we have had one. But now that we have overthrown capitalism and power is in our hands, in the hands of the people, we have a fatherland, and we will uphold its independence. Do you want our socialist fatherland to be beaten and to lose its independence? If you do not want this, you must put an end to its backwardness in the shortest possible time and develop a genuine Bolshevik tempo in building up its socialist economy. There is no other way. That is why Lenin said on the eve of the October Revolution: "Either perish, or overtake and outstrip the advanced capitalist countries."
We are fifty or a hundred years behind the advanced countries. We must make good this distance in ten years. Either we do it, or we shall go under.
At a time when other communists in the party wanted to slow the tempo of industrialisation.
Stand out works of Stalin
Anarchism or Socialism ------------------------------------------------------------------------(Volume 1)
Marxism & The National Question -----------------------------------------------------------(Volume 2)
Foundations of Leninism -----------------------------------------------------------------------(Volume 6)
Thirteenth Conference of the R.C.P.(B)1 --------------------------------------------------(Volume 6)
Trotskyism or Leninism? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (Volume 6)
The October Revolution and the Tactics of the Russian Communists--------------(Volume 6)
The Fourteenth Congress of the C.P.S.U.(B.)---------------------------------------------(Volume 7)
Concerning Questions of Leninism----------------------------------------------------------(Volume 8)
The Social-Democratic Deviation in our Party--------------------------------------------(Volume 8)
The Seventh Enlarged Plenum of the E.C.C.I.1------------------------------------------(Volume 9)
Revolution in China and Tasks of the Comintern-----------------------------------------(Volume 9)
The Trotskyist Opposition Before and Now------------------------------------------------(Volume 10)
The Fifteenth Congress of the C.P.S.U.(B.)1
The Work of the April Joint Plenum of the -------------------------------------------------(Volume 10)
Central Committee and Central Control Commission-----------------------------------(Volume 11)
Plenum of the C.C., C.P.S.U.(B.) 1-----------------------------------------------------------(Volume 11)
Results of the July Plenum of the C.C., C.P.S.U.(B.)------------------------------------(Volume 11)
The National Question and Leninism--------------------------------------------------------(Volume 11)
Battle against Trotskyites (1924-1927) is documented in Stalin's On The Opposition
Book: On the Opposition
Collected Works attached below.