The current social stagnation in Europe threatens to lead this continent into the next world war - we should work to pre

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The current social stagnation in Europe threatens to lead this continent into the next world war - we should work to pre

Post by JoeySteel »

Not a third time! Let's get to them before it's too late

Enough of the ecological distraction, let's get back to the heart of the matter. Perhaps one or two political “kindergarteners” are also interested in seriously thinking about what their future prospects look like.

What can be done to break the current deadlock in Europe? It's not that easy, but every person who is interested in progress should think about what needs to be done politically.
Lenin also once used the same title in Russia for his work “What to Do?” and found a way. Why shouldn't we also manage to find a way? The situation is not without its problems. The next conflict with Russia is already on the horizon, especially since the USA itself is up to its neck in water and is planning to break out into another war here in order to distract from its own problems. Last but not least, the current Russia agitation is a warning signal. Europe should not support this, let alone participate.

But how do you achieve that? The situation here is not exactly a little confused. What prevails is the green ideology, which puts people last and the so-called environment (the world around people, mind you) first. It couldn't be more absurd. Maybe we should put this absurdity on the right foot.

I think that all left-wing and all other progressive people should really see it as a task to think about these things.

One task will definitely be to achieve a progressive division among the Greens. Not all Greens have always been reactionary. Some of them are also former leftists who no longer saw any chance of being left-wing in this state and in this society. But perhaps they can be approached because what is happening now is no longer a chance at all, it is a sheer catastrophe. And that will definitely lead to the next world war. We should do everything we can to prevent that. And that's only possible if you change social conditions. There is no other way.

All of these exploiting states are under internal pressure. The system of exploitation of people by people has been re-established throughout the entire country for a long time. They can't get rid of the pressure. And it has always been that way throughout history, you can see that: when the internal pressure becomes too great, you tend to turn to the outside world. The last really drastic example was Nazism in Germany. But there have been others since then that are not quite as serious or popular. This goes on and on. As internal pressure increases, the tendency to move outwards increases. And that is why it is not possible to achieve lasting peace in the system of exploitation of man by man. War on the exploiters is the only way out of the matter. Yes, but that applies to all the examples that have existed in history so far in which socialism was initially unable to maintain itself in the long term or failed. However, the approach must continue to be defended and pursued. Sometimes it's just complicated and you have to make several attempts. There's nothing else left.

Somehow the current situation, some of it, reminds me a little of the situation before the First World War. Many people didn't expect a major, global war - and suddenly it was there.

“A spark can start a steppe fire” (Mao Zedong, who referred to an old Chinese proverb). And I add, unfortunately, this is not always one of progress. Nazi fascism was also one, but not one of progress. It is therefore important to always differentiate very precisely. The Greens also act as if they were a steppe fire. But actually it is not difficult to see that what they are striving for is the opposite of progress.

The following should also be noted: The so-called environmental catastrophe is itself an effect of the system of society, the system of exploitation of man by man. Capitalism has no inhibitions when it comes to its greed for profit, and not only people but also the environment suffers from it. That's absolutely correct. But you have to keep an eye on the weighting, otherwise you will fail. And capitalism is of course interested in obscuring the first point and putting the second point - the consequence of the first - first. Maybe some representatives who support the Greens can also think about these questions.
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