9/11 - Make 5 hours free to watch The New Pearl Harbour

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9/11 - Make 5 hours free to watch The New Pearl Harbour

Post by JoeySteel »

I won't even bother to link YouTube link as YouTube does it's typical "you must be logged in to watch" on material the US regime does not find favourable.

Odysee link
https://odysee.com/@NotTheBoilingFrog:f ... l-Harbor:0
Bitchute link
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Post by Alexiii »

Such an incredible documentary

When the 🇺🇲 had so much to gain by creating a New pearl harbour
Outlined in their Project for a New American century

This pivotal event was the imperialist pigs gripping the world's proletariat by the throat
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Post by Charlotte »

A recent documentary by the Architects for truth. This one's interesting because it goes through how the twin towers were the only buildings to collapse from fire. The original architects of the twin towers had even 'war gamed' a plane flying into the twin towers. So it was built structurally to withstand that.

WTC7 is even more obvious - no plane hit that tower.

The uncomfortable point regarding WTC7 (if you ignore the twin towers which have been meme'd/psop'ed to death) is that if the cause of it's collapse is true - that it collapsed by fire - then humanities architects would need to rethink the entire concept of high rise buildings built on reinforced steel.

But we know that's buillshit as all around the globe tower blocks light on fire for days and weeks at a time without collapsing (Grenfell tower burned for 60 hours and guess what, still standing)

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Post by T34 »

This documentary is wicked.
I am two hours in and well into it. The problem we face today is that people believe that the government or it's security agencies or any of the bloated bureaucracies in them don't want to actively harm them.

It's not like they lied about smoking for decades when they knew the truth. It's not like the food pyramid in USA that was promoted wasn't complete lies and they knew they'd create an obesity epidemic.

The bourgeoisie have lied us into every single war for the last 200 years with hundreds of millions dead as a result.
Why would they care about 3000?
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Post by RepublicOfEngland »

I am finally watching this despite having it on my list since Joey posted this ages ago.

The bit about the phone calls is very concerning is very interesting given what we know about Operation Northwoods. I dread to think of the fate of the people on those planes as they came to land in some military base somewhere. It's not as if the elements that committed this atrocity, to then commit many more atrocities in the ME, as if they could leave them alive.
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