Shlomo Sand - The Invention Of The Jewish People

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Shlomo Sand - The Invention Of The Jewish People

Post by JoeySteel »

Shlomo Sand is an Israeli professor and his book The Invention Of The Jewish People details indepth how the Zionists who now lay claim to Israeli as their historic right do not have blood lines tracing back to the Jewish tribes of the Old Testament.

IE they are not "God's chosen peoples".

John Beaty, an anti-communist retard, described in his book Iron Curtain Over America about "Jewish control" of the media who were distorting Jewish history of the mass conversion of the Khazars (turkic-monogolian tribes) to Judaism in the middle ages. Beaty stated that todays modern Jews seeking land in Israel were descended from these Khazars rather than from Israel proper.

Shlomo Sand dedicates about 40 pages in his book to the Khazars but his book overall looks at all the many other mass conversions of Judaism in history. Ie. only a very small sliver of jews today can trace their lineage to what is Palestine today.

Indeed, despite the considerable loss of Jewish life during the revolts against Roman rule, over the next century Jewish numbers reached their high-water mark in the ancient world, perhaps 7-8% of the entire population of the Roman Empire, amounting to many millions. Sand plausibly argues that the rapid expansion of Judaism through conversion had probably begun with Alexander’s conquests and the creation of the large Hellenistic kingdoms that replaced the Persian Empire, and this process had then accelerated with the rise of Rome. All of this supports Sand’s central thesis that by the time of the late Roman Empire only a rather small fraction of its large Jewish population could actually trace their roots back to the Israelites of the Bible.

The tremendous historical irony that the current Palestinians—now suffering horrifying massacres in Gaza—are almost certainly the closest lineal descendants of the Biblical Israelites was highlighted by Sand and had been similarly emphasized by Beaty in his 1951 book.

Although this view might seem shocking to the vast majority of both Gentiles and Jews, certainly including most present-day Israelis, Sand and Beaty were hardly alone in reaching that conclusion. David Ben-Gurion was Israel’s founding father and first prime minister, while Yitzhak Ben-Zvi became the country’s second president after the death of Chaim Weizmann, and in 1918 as young Zionist leaders, they had co-authored Eretz Israel in the Past and the Present, the most important Zionist book of that era, very successfully released in both Hebrew and Yiddish. In that work, they summarized the strong historical evidence that the local Palestinians were obviously just long-converted Jews, expressing the hope that they would therefore be absorbed into the growing Zionist movement and become an integral part of their planned State of Israel; Ben-Zvi published a later 1929 booklet making the same points. It was only after the Palestinians became increasingly hostile to Zionist colonization and they began violently clashing with those European settlers that the Judean ancestry of the Palestinians was tossed down the memory-hole and forgotten.

Thus, despite a long series of military conquests and foreign overlords, the Israelites of the Old Testament had remained in place for well over two thousand years, annually plowing their fields until they were brutally uprooted and expelled from their ancient homeland by Zionist militants in 1948, a story I had told in a lengthy article last month.

Read and update with any notes you see.
Shlomo Sand - The Invention of the Jewish People (2010).pdf
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Post by Gemini »

H G Wells in his Outline Of History makes a similar point. That modern day jews are more likely to come from the Caananites. The Zionist-jews took Star of David which is mentioned nowhere in the old testatament.

But the Old Testament explicitly says not to worship the Star of Remphan. ... 5/mode/1up

The extreme irony is that modern day Zionist Jews are descendancts of the Caananites - the people God ordered the Jews to destroy. The modern Palestinians are almost certainly the direct descendants of the Israelites.

So you have the descendants of the Caananites destroying the Israelites in the name of the Jewish God.
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Post by TemperedSteel »

I am reading through this now. I'll post notes when done.
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